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题型:语法填空-短文语填 难度:0.65 引用次数:127 题号:22203663


Tight as a thread, seamless as a seal, and coupled like yin and yang, for centuries, sunmao(榫卯)structures have been providing strong and durable supports     1     Chinese wooden architecture.

Large components of traditional Chinese wooden architecture, including columns, beams, purlins and dougong, are often pieced together     2     (use) sunmao structures. The convex sun and the concave mao, when interlocked, both support and contain the adjoining parts. This increases stability, but also adds     3    (flexible) to the architecture, strong enough     4    (resist) earthquakes. Craftsmen can make and process the components in advance and     5    (quick) put them together on site,     6     is simple and efficient.

Since the Shang and Zhou dynasties, carpenters     7     (produce) more than a hundred types of sunmao structures. From such,     8     whole set of systematic methods was devised, from selecting locations and choosing materials, to structure, measurements, and manufacture.

For the craftsmen who have preserved this heritage, and for the     9     (generation) of people who have lived in and among the spaces defined by it across China, wood and wooden structures have always been an important constituent of Chinese architecture.

Their styles may differ, but they all share the same root. Chinese people’s love of nature and pursuit of harmonious coexistence     10     (integrate) within.

【知识点】 建筑 文化遗产


语法填空-短文语填 | 适中 (0.65)

What do the Summer Palace, Yuanmingyuan and the Chengde Mountain Resort all have in common? They were all built by members of the same family——the Lei family.

For seven generations, the Lei family     1    (peaceful)dominated imperial architecture. Their designs were admirable varying from grand buildings     2     public works, such as roads and dams. So incredible was their skill     3     many of their buildings survived earthquakes and remained     4    (stand)over hundreds of years.

The Lei family were also pioneering engineers,     5     used a grid system to plan their projects in minute detail. They took careful notes and made models of their projects, many of which     6    (survive)to this day and are registered     7     part of UNESCO’s Memory of the World Programme.

In addition to their     8    (architecture)achievements, the Lei family showed diligence and humility. Each generation conscientiously learnt their craft and undertook ambitious projects, many of which took years to complete. Yet they did not seek fame, and even today, their great works are associated more with the imperial court than with     9    (they).

With their remarkable skills, innovation, diligence and humility, the Lei family leave behind their buildings and the legacy that true craftwork is     10     treasure that can last beyond a lifetime.

2023-11-11更新 | 95次组卷
语法填空-短文语填 | 适中 (0.65)

Every year after the rainy season, around the     1     (nine) month of the Tibetan calendar, the Potala Palace carries out     2     (it) annual painting project. This year, the “makeover” started on Oct 18. Many people in Lhasa joined in the work of painting the outside walls of the UNESCO World Heritage site.

The Potala Palace is a landmark of Lhasa, capital of Tibet,     3     was built in the 7th century by the Tibetan king Songtsen Gampo (松赞干布). According to locals, in the past, painting the Potala Palace would take about a month. Now, thanks     4     the progress in technology, the painting can be finished within a week. Before painting, workers mix local lime (石灰) with things such as milk, honey and sugar. As they     5     (use), locals also call the Potala Palace the “sweet palace”.

Many locals queued up in long lines in the early morning to take part in the painting,     6     (consider) it to be an honor. “We queued for a long time yesterday     7     we failed to enter the palace,” said a young woman. “Today, we came to line up in the early morning. We were so lucky to get the chance     8     (participate) in the painting of the palace.”

“I have been taking part in the annual paintings of the palace for more than 20 years,” said Dawa, 57, another happy     9     (paint). “I consider the palace to be a very     10     (value) heritage, and I am proud to be part of the painting team.”

2024-01-15更新 | 57次组卷
语法填空-短文语填 | 适中 (0.65)

Beijing’s Forbidden City is a place full of wonders. From its thousands of rooms to its many beautiful artifacts, it’s no wonder it is one of China’s most popular scenic     1     (spot). But even more than 600 years after it     2     (build), it’s still managing to serve up surprises.

The Forbidden City draws visitors because of its rich history and     3     (culture) significance, but perhaps it should add one more thing to its list of attractions: earthquake shelter. While most structures aren’t made     4     (survive) natural disasters, the Forbidden City seems to withstand anything.

To show how strong the ancient Chinese architecture really is,     5     model of one of the Forbidden City’s palaces was put to the test. It survived a simulated (模拟的) earthquake of 9.5 on the Richter scale—equal to the     6     (large) ever-recorded quake. Instead of falling apart, the model was just moved gently during the test.

According to experts, the key     7     the Forbidden City’s strength, as well as other ancient Chinese structures,     8     (lie) in dougong (斗拱)—a centuries-old building method invented in China. Ancient Chinese craftsmen created structures     9     were both enduring (耐用) and elegant,     10     (show) their advanced understanding of mathematics, architecture, materials, and structural science.

2023-03-30更新 | 84次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般