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题型:阅读理解-七选五 难度:0.65 引用次数:28 题号:22228435

Someone with strong communication skills can build positive relationships and resolve conflicts(冲突). This guide can teach you the basics.


When you’re having a serious conversation, the last thing you want is to be interrupted(打扰)by a phone call. So turn your phone on Do Not Disturb. If you have a radio or television in your office, turn it off.

Be clear when speaking.

Be clear about your goal so your message can be understood in a way that every listener can understand.    2     Similarly, be sure to express clearly to avoid any kind of misunderstanding. Organizing your words in advance is helpful. You should speak at a volume(音量)level that is guaranteed to be heard as well.

Change your tone of voice to draw attention.

Dull and unchanged voices may not always be pleasing to the ear. So good communicators use vocal color to stress their message. Yale University recommend you some tips. Raise the volume of your voice when you transition from one topic or point to another.     3     Speak briefly but pause to emphasize key words when requesting action.

Keep eye contact.

    4     During a conversation or presentation, maintain eye contact for as long as it feels natural. Generally, you’ll want to aim for 2 to 4 seconds at a time. Remember to take in all of your audience. If you’re addressing at boardroom, look each member in the eye.     5    

A.Reduce interruption.
B.Keep your audience in mind.
C.Increase your volume whenever you are summing up.
D.Eye contact helps make others believe you’re trustworthy.
E.Ignoring any single person can easily be regarded as impolite.
F.This requires using simple words rather than more complex ones.
G.Before you attempt to communicate ideas, organize your thoughts using key points.
【知识点】 社会关系


阅读理解-七选五 | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】An apology can achieve great things for both the givers and the receivers although nobody likes to admit that they were wrong.

An apology is crucial to our physical health. When we acknowledge that we are wrongdoers and express our guilt to others, we will free ourselves from the uncomfortable state. This act feels like a weight on us has been lifted.     1     Research showed that heart rate, sweat levels and facial tension decreased in victims of wrongs even when they simply imagined receiving an apology.

Apologizing affects us not just physically, but also mentally.     2     When presented with an apology, the victims may view us as imperfect human beings and find it easier to give forgiveness. In a powerful piece in Psychology Today, writer Beverly Engel described how a simple “I’m sorry” from her mother, after being estranged from each other for three years, made her relieved emotionally. But let’s be real, apologizing can be difficult.

    3     We should recognize our action did hurt someone even if our intention may not have been so. Instead of making excuses for what we did, try to bear responsibility and offer a promise to take action so that we will not repeat the behavior in future.     4    

Of course, the most effective apologies often bring a cost to our dignity, since we have to admit that we are wrong in front of others or many people.     5     As is known, it is one of the most positive actions we can take when we do something wrong—for ourselves, the others, and the relationship. So, go ahead, apologize a little more often for the things worth apologizing for.

A.There are agreed-upon ways to express our apology to others.
B.It’s a way of showing the price we paid for the wronged action.
C.A good apology affects the health of those on the receiving end, too.
D.But this can often be minor compared to the benefits of a proper apology.
E.This means we should take the blame and not try to justify it or explain it away.
F.Apologize for what you did rather than what other people might have thought about it.
G.It has the ability to disarm others of their anger and to prevent further misunderstandings.
2023-01-05更新 | 241次组卷
阅读理解-七选五 | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】If you consider yourself to be shy by nature, you may worry that you’re not a good conversationalist.     1     There are plenty of easy, subtle ways to improve your social skills in your daily life. Here are a few tips and tricks to help you get started.

Start a conversation.     2     Many people feel more relaxed if they have time to prepare a conversation starter. You can write down a list of potential conversation starters. You could, for example, talk about an assignment, if you’re making a conversation in class.

    3     People want to feel that the other person is interested in them. You can share simple insights and asking questions to continue the conversation. Before you bring up your own insights, make a rule that you ask at least one question about what the other person is saying.

Remember to engage in only one thing at a time. When a person is talking, pay attention to what he or she is talking about. Keep your mind focused on the present moment instead of planning what you’ll say next. It’s inevitable that you will think of something that relates. That’s okay.     4     But don’t spend time thinking about how to word your responses.

Most conversations will run their own courses. It’s okay if you can’t think of anything else to say. Simply mention something else you have to do, and that you’ll have to step away. Thank the person for their time, and let them know that you’d like to talk again some other time.     5    

A.Don’t worry.
B.Choose a shared topic.
C.Keep a conversation going.
D.It is good to have responses ready.
E.A simple question can be enough to start the talk.
F.Practice ahead of time, if you’re easy to get anxious.
G.In this way, allow the conversation to come to a natural stop.
2023-07-11更新 | 39次组卷
阅读理解-七选五 | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】Going Solo to a wedding? Make Yourself Welcome.

Taylor was nervous when walking into the wedding of her friend Gabrielle. She’s not alone. Attending a wedding by yourself can bring anxiety, especially for people who are single and feeling lonely.     1     .Communicating with other people often makes us happier than we think it will. So, what do you do when you don’t know anybody at a wedding? Here are some suggestions.

Dress to Impress

Wearing something that will make you feel comfortable and confident is key.     2     .She said that it felt nice walking into that wedding knowing she felt really good within herself.

A Smooth Arrival

The first thing to do when you enter an event space is find the bathroom. Take a look in the mirror and get situated. Then, go to the bar and grab a glass of water or a drink.     3     After that, find a place to sit down. If there are no assigned seats, find an empty chair and ask the people who are there: “Are you expecting somebody? Do you mind if I sit here?” And if there are seating arrangements, it’s likely that the wedding couple seated you with people they felt you would get along with.


    4    . By introducing yourself straightaway, you can at least speak to the person next to you. Wedding-related topics, including how you know the couple, are natural conversation starters.

After dinner and some chitchat, there’s no harm in leaving if you don’t feel like you want to stay any longer on your own.     5     .

A.But the effort and the presence are what count.
B.People are more willing to talk to you if you do that.
C.If a conversation doesn’t go as expected, don’t get discouraged
D.You may want to make an excuse and stay home, but don’t do that.
E.Talking to people who are also waiting at the bar is a great way to start.
F.Introduce yourself to everyone at the table, whether there is arranged seating or not.
G.For her friend’s wedding, Taylor wore a floral dress and was feeling herself that day.
2023-11-18更新 | 48次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般