组卷网 > 高中英语综合库 > 主题 > 人与自然 > 自然 > 人与动植物
题型:阅读理解-七选五 难度:0.65 引用次数:89 题号:22246827

Coral reefs are the rainforests of the ocean. They exist on vast scales and are equally important havens(避风港)of biodiversity. Reefs occupy 0.1% of the oceans.     1    

    2     Without the protection which reefs afford from crashing waves, low-lying islands such as the Maldives would have flooded long ago, and a billion people would lose food or income. However, reefs are under threat from rising sea temperatures. Heat causes the algae(海藻)with which corals are living together to generate toxins(毒素)that force those coral to leave. This can cause a coral’s death.

Research groups around the world are coming up with plans of action to see if that will help, such as identifying naturally heat-resistant corals and cross-breeding such corals to create a new type.     3    Without carbon reduction and decline in local, coral-killing pollution, even resistant corals will not survive the century.

Doubters doubt humanity will get its act together in time to make much difference.

    4    Carbon targets are being set and ocean pollution is being dealt with. Countries that share responsibilities for reefs are starting to act together. Scientific workarounds can also be found. Natural currents can be applied to facilitate mass breeding. Sites of the greatest ecological and economical importance can be identified to maximize bang for buck.

This mix of natural activity and human intervention is important.     5    Hard-coregreens-those who think that all habitats should be kept unspoiled-may not approve. But when entire ecosystems are facing destruction, the cost of doing nothing is too great to bear.

A.Corals are useful to people.
B.But there are grounds for optimism.
C.And they host a quarter of marine species.
D.It could serve as a blueprint for other ecosystems.
E.Coral’s global ecosystem services are worth up to $10trn a year.
F.This research can also be brought to bear on trying to save entire ecosystems.
G.However, the assisted evolution of corals does not meet with universal enthusiasm.
【知识点】 人与动植物 环境保护


阅读理解-阅读单选 | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】Food forests, also known as forest gardens or edible forests, are appearing in urban settings across the US as a unique way to help food-insecure communities. They imitate the structure and functioning of natural forest ecosystems that produce various edible plants for the community, which reduces reliance on external food sources and promotes food self-sufficiency.

Food forests can maximize food production in a given area. In a regular garden, you’re probably only planting vegetables along the ground. While this can provide a great harvest, it leaves a lot of space unused. Now imagine you are planting a fruit tree. On the shady side, you add some shade-tolerant berries, and on the sunny side you add some sun-loving berries. At the base of the sun-loving berries, you plant some annual vegetables and herbs. This food forest would result in a truly splendid harvest that would dwarf what a regular garden the same size could provide.

The genius of a food forest lies in its designed cultivation of beneficial interactions between different plant species. For instance, some plants might enrich the soil by fixing nitrogen, a natural fertilizer for neighboring vegetation, while others naturally attract beneficial insects, providing a built-in pest control mechanism. These strategic connections lead to reduced dependency on labor inputs and create an environment that is hardy and sustainable.

Food forests require ongoing care and maintenance, which often involves the participation of community members. This cooperative effort develops a sense of shared responsibility and brings people together to work towards a common goal. Community members can come together to learn about planting techniques, sustainable gardening practices, and the benefits of native plants. This shared learning experience creates a platform for exchanging ideas and skills, promoting a sense of self-reliance within the community.

1. What are food forests intended for?
A.Improving food quality in America.
B.Protecting natural forest ecosystems.
C.Beautifying the urban living environment.
D.Providing food sources for the community.
2. What does the underlined word “dwarf” in paragraph 2 mean?
3. What does the example in paragraph 3 indicate?
A.Food forests can help increase the diversity of species.
B.Food forests require considerable labor inputs to maintain.
C.Plants in food forests can benefit one another in some ways.
D.The pest control mechanism in food forests is favorable to soil.
4. What can be inferred from the last paragraph?
A.Planting techniques determine the yield of food forests.
B.The maintenance of food forests is costly and complicated.
C.Food forests serve as a bond to bring community members closer.
D.Food forests have become a popular gathering spot in the communities.
2024-02-12更新 | 82次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选 | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】It has been nearly 11 days since the earthquake and its aftershocks struck the Turkey-Syria border, and rescues are still underway. As teams of doctors, firefighters, police officers, construction workers tried to search through the rubble (瓦砾) of fallen buildings, they were uncovering surviving people as well as animals. Ali Cakas saved a scared cat from the rubble, and the kitty has been glued to his side ever since.

A video shows the man, still in uniform and protective equipment, taking a picture with the cat on his shoulder. The black-spotted cat clearly has an appreciation for his hero, as he does not move from the firefighter’s side even for a moment. “We named it Enkaz which means rubble in Turkish, because we brought it out of the ruins,” the firefighter says. “It might sound a little off-putting, but we wanted it to be a memory this way.”

As heart-warming as this rescue has been, people online have also found a way to sympathize (同情) with the cat while showing respect for Cakas. “Uh...not for nothing but I would also not leave this guys side,” said Twitter user Paula Matiz. Another person admitted, “I don’t know who is cuter...the man or the kitty.” They all agree that Cakas has done something truly wonderful, saving the life of a sweet cat.

So far, no one has come forward to claim Enkaz, but the firefighter is keeping him safe, in the meantime, providing food and shelter. “I see sadness in this cat,” the firefighter said after rescuing him. “I keep it by my side in case the owner comes, but if the owner doesn’t come out, I’m thinking of taking him with me. It will be a memory.” Fortunately, Enkaz has found a safe shelter after everything he has been through, so we hope this is the start of a beautiful relationship between the cat and his rescuer.

1. What is Ali Cakas?
A.A doctor.B.A policeman.
C.A firefighter.D.A construction worker.
2. Why did Cakas name the cat Enkaz?
A.To memorize the event.B.To support the residents.
C.To celebrate the rescue activity.D.To entertain the firefighters.
3. How do people online react to Ali Cakas’ act?
A.They sympathize with him.B.They criticize him.
C.They admire him.D.They ignore him.
4. What does the firefighter plan to do about the cat?
A.Keep it with him.B.Give it to a shelter.
C.Send it back into the wild.D.Sell it to a pet store.
2023-12-08更新 | 36次组卷
阅读理解-七选五 | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】Whether they are furry, feathered or scaly (多鳞的), the non-human members of your family help you in more ways that you knōw.     1     .

They keep you active. If you have a dog, chances are that you’re walking it at least 30minutes a day, and likely more — an activity that goes a long way towards keeping you fit.

They boost your immune system. Growing up indoors in disinfected spaces later causes our bodies to over-react to harmless substances, making us more allergic. As is often the case, pets have muddy paws, abundant furs and affection for licking (舔) us.     2    .

They lower your risk of a fatal heart attack. Researchers found that cat owners had a 30per cent lower risk of dying of a heart attack.     3    . The researchers assumed — and most cat owners would agree — that cats’ unbothered nature has a calming effect. Spending time with any pet lowers stress, an important contributor to heart disease.

They help you manage a chronic disease.     4    , animals always keep their owners busy — and that can be a good thing for chronic disease sufferers of all types. When distracted from the pain. they will perceive less pain, and therefore they are in less pain.

    5    . Studies have shown that pet ownership is beneficial for people with depression, anxiety, PTSD. and other long-term mental health conditions. Pet owners themselves report that their animal pals benefit them mentally a lot, like providing emotional support and helping them form social bonds.

A.They also improve your mental health
B.They contribute a lot to our strong body
C.With the considerate care from the owners
D.Here are some ways that your pet pal benefits you
E.With their regular tasks of feeding, walks and play
F.They introduce more bacterial diversity that our body adapts to
G.But you may wonder how it comes about without taking a cat for walks
2022-11-14更新 | 186次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般