组卷网 > 高中英语综合库 > 主题 > 人与社会 > 故事 > 生活故事
题型:书面表达-读后续写 难度:0.4 引用次数:33 题号:22344941

Marcus sat by his window, gazing at the blinking lights on other buildings. He thought of Papa, who was visiting Marcus’ sick grandpa in Jamaica. “I’ll try to help Mama while you’re gone,” Marcus had promised his father. His little brother, Peter, sat beside him. “When are we getting our Christmas tree, Marcus?” Peter asked. “I can’t wait to decorate it with Mama’s straw birds (草编鸟).”

“We’re not getting a tree this year, Peter.” “Why not?” “Too many bills with Grandpa sick. Mama said we can’t afford one.”

Marcus walked slowly to his room and shook his piggy bank, seven dollars in quarters, dimes and nickels fell out, his tips from helping at the market. With school out, he thought, maybe I can earn enough in two days to buy a tree and surprise Mama and Peter.

The next day, he stayed busy pushing cars to help shoppers. By the time he left, six more dollars jingled in his pocket. My lucky day, he thought. Thirteen dollars should buy a small tree.

He whistled all the way to the Christmas tree lot. But even the smallest trees were $15 or more. Tomorrow will be busy with shoppers, he thought. I’ll earn those extra dollars.

“Can you save this tree for me, sir?” he asked the man in the lot. “I can’t,” the man said, “but come back tomorrow. It might still be here.” “I’ll be back.” Marcus waved and dashed off.

The telephone rang early the next morning. Mama came into his room. “The babysitter is sick, Marcus,” she said. “I’ll need you to take care of Peter for a day.” Marcus pleaded(恳求),   “It’s the busiest day at Mr. Smith’s market, Mama. He needs me there.” “I’m so sorry. There’s nothing else we can do.” Mama gave Marcus a hug. “I’ll try to come home early.”

I’ll never get a tree now, Marcus thought.

Later, Peter asked, “Can we go to the dollar store(一元店)? I have a dollar.” Marcus nodded. “OK. We can buy our Christmas presents.”

When they walked by the tree lot, Peter said, “Wish we were getting a tree.” Marcus didn’t answer. He saw that most of the trees were gone including the one he’d wanted. Then he saw a small tree in a can. “Is that one for sale, sir?”

1. 续写词数为150词左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。

Paragraph 1: “That’s my last growing tree,” the seller said. “It’s small now, but it will grow tall.”


Paragraph 2: They hurried home. Marcus set their tree and presents they’d bought on the table.

【知识点】 生活故事


书面表达-读后续写 | 较难 (0.4)

As I was packing up, I noticed my colleague had left his laptop bag in my office. Since he was already home, I decided to bring it to him. It was 4:30 p. m. The snow wasn’t supposed to start until later according to the previous warning, but just to be safe, I decided to use the country roads near his home instead of the highway, which could fast become a skating rink (滑冰场).

After I dropped off the laptop case and got right back on the road, the snow started. Within minutes I was in a whiteout. I rolled down my window, thinking I could follow the edge of the road and keep to a straight line. But really, I hadn’t a clue where I was or even which side of the road I was on. I had to stop because I was afraid of driving into a farmer’s field, or worse. I called 911, only to be told that nobody was coming to get me until morning at the earliest.

Those seconds after the call were the worst of my life. Getting out to walk in a whiteout and high winds when it was -10°C wasn’t an option. So I texted my colleague whose laptop bag I had just returned. I joked about my good deed ending in disaster. But he had an idea. “Pin your location on Google Maps and send it to me,” he said.

I did, and soon he texted me back a screenshot of the satellite view of where I was. We figured out that I was on a road in between two farms. I posted this new information to my Facebook community group, pleading (恳求) for anyone who knew someone living here to help me get rescued.

Soon enough, people started responding on my post. I got a message from someone who was going to put me in touch with the family living there. At 8 p. m., my mobile phone rang. It was the son of the farmer who owned the land beside the road I was stranded (使滞留) on. He told me that his dad was coming to get me!

Then, about 45 minutes later, I saw a tall figure walking toward me in the dark, carrying a flashlight.


As his wife treated me to hot drinks, André went into the storm again and brought back another two families stranded on the road.

2024-01-30更新 | 104次组卷
书面表达-读后续写 | 较难 (0.4)

Dark rain clouds were gathering in the sky. I was cycling as fast as I could to get home before the downpour. When I felt a few big drops on my head, I decided to head for a bus stop, about a hundred meters away. As I was nearing the bus stop, I saw a woman rushing towards it from the opposite direction, behind whom was a little boy.

Suddenly, a motorcycle sped past me, almost knocking me down. “Hey! Are you mad?” I shouted at the motorcyclist. He turned to look at me, saying, “Sorry.” However, for a split second, he just sped on. Then he was heading right for the woman and little boy! “Watch out! Watch out!” I shouted. I saw the lady turn her head to look at the motorcyclist, with a look of shock on her face.

In an instant, the motorcyclist reached the woman and accidentally hit her. The hit made the woman move backward. The woman and the boy fell on the road, landing right in the path of a truck. “Stop! Stop!” I screamed at the motorcyclist and the truck driver, waving my arms wildly in the air. Thankfully, the truck driver had seen what was happening. With a sudden brake, the truck stopped a few meters from the spot where the woman and the boy had fallen. Meanwhile, the motorcyclist stopped. He kept apologizing, explaining he was in a hurry to the hospital to see his sick mother.

I saw the woman climbing towards the crying child. Pulling over to the side of the road, I ran to help them. By the time I get there, the truck driver had reached them. He picked up the child in his arms and examined his legs.

“I think your little boy is all right,” said the truck driver. “How about you? Do you feel any pain?” The lady replied anxiously, “Please help me. I am pregnant(怀孕的).”

1. 续写词数应为150左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。

“Don't panic. You'll be all right. I'll take you and your son to the hospital,” said the driver.


The driver, the motorcyclist and I got them to the hospital just in time.

2021-09-13更新 | 139次组卷
书面表达-读后续写 | 较难 (0.4)

One day, I visited my friend Marge to help with her spring household cleanup. A black-and-white cat met me at the door and he attempted to slip out. Marge quickly scooped him up (一把抱起). “Meow! Meow! Meow!” the cat’s cry filled the air. “This is Mr. Naughty. I’m watching him for Susan, the new lady at church.” Marge then put him on the floor and gave him a pat. He curled himself into a furry little ball. We spent the afternoon Sorting items for donation. When we finished, a towering pile of boxes lined the hallway.

Mr. Naughty strolled (溜达) over. I lifted the fluffy sweetheart. His fur glistened under the sunlight and his green eyes sparkled with curiosity. He rubbed his face against my cheek.

“When’s Susan picking him up?”

“This afternoon, as soon as her plane arrives. I’ll be glad when he’s back home, he is safe and sound with his mama.” Marge said.

I laughed and set Susan’s pet on the hardwood floor. “Stop worrying. What could happen? Come on, I’ll help load these boxes in your car before I go.”

We lifted three boxes each. Piled up past eye level, they swayed (摇摆) in our shaking arms as we attempted to squeeze through the front door. Suddenly, I felt something furry brush my ankle and saw him slide past with elegance. I watched in horror as he paced down the front stairs.

“No!” a scream burst from Marge’s lips as the cat leaped towards the fence and entered the bushes (灌木丛). “He’s not allowed outside! He’ll run away!” Marge cried. She dropped the boxes. “What will Susan do when she learns I lost her baby?”

“Calm down. I’ll get him.” I dumped my boxes and hurried down the steps to the far side of the fence.

But he was nowhere in sight.


Suddenly a faint sound reached our ears from the water pipe on the house wall.

2023-07-02更新 | 84次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般