组卷网 > 高中英语综合库 > 主题 > 人与社会 > 故事 > 生活故事
题型:书面表达-读后续写 难度:0.4 引用次数:31 题号:22367435

Anyone going to an amusement park might have seen the likes of me. I held purses, cellphones and sunglasses while my loved ones threw themselves on roller coasters. I admired their bravery, but refused to challenge my own limitations. Looking at them, I began to remember what I did on that pleasant spring morning twelve years ago.

To celebrate my husband’s sixty-fifth birthday, we’d driven an hour south to Skydive Miami in Homestead, Florida. Joe had finished hundreds of jumps when he once served in the army and he wanted a closer look at the newer wing style of a plane.

We headed for the skydiving (跳伞) office. My mind was racing. Joe had struggled to describe the feeling of flying but I’d never fully understand it. I told myself that I didn’t want to hear about it and that I wanted to see and feel it by myself. When he came closer to the sign-up window for an application, I squeezed his arm.

“Why not make it two?”

“You’re kidding,” he laughed. “You’d do that.”

“It’s an once-in-a-lifetime offer. I want to share this with you.”

Smiling in disbelief, he held up two fingers. We filled out paperwork. Joe paid extra for a video of my first jump. After putting on jumpsuits, we filed into the training room. Using a mock-up (模型) of a plane door, we learned to roll out, maintain a stable free-fall position, and lift our feet at landing. In the tiny, windowless classroom, everything seemed easy. I repeated the steps with my instructor, Pete. Joe smiled with pride at his remarkably confident wife.

When our flight was called, we boarded the small plane where we sat cross-legged in pairs on the floor, with instructors directly behind their students. Pete fixed his harness (背带) to mine as the plane roared down the runway. Through the clear, roll-up door, I watched the treetops fall away. My stomach lurched (突然跳动) as two realities hit me: This was actually happening, and I’d made a terrible mistake. My mouth was dry as the Sahara. I thought I couldn’t do this. I saw Joe chatting with his instructor.

注意:1. 所续写短文的词数应为 150 词左右;
2. 续写部分分为两段,每段的开头语已为你写好。
Then, Joe and his instructor jumped out of the plane and my heart was in my throat.
But I told myself not to give up.
【知识点】 生活故事


书面表达-读后续写 | 较难 (0.4)

Mum was in a hurry as usual, but as she rushed them down the street, Magnus and Mina couldn’t resist peeking (偷看) through the window of the pet shop on the corner.

“Mum, are you SURE we can’t have a pet?” Mina asked. “NO! Daddy is allergic to cats and dogs!” said Mum.

Five minutes later, they were outside Magnus and Mina’s grandad’s place — an old repair garage on a road just off the high street. Grandad had retired, but he lived in the flat above and kept the workshop for his hobby: fixing up old cars!

Mum used her key to open the door and they went inside. An old car was in the middle of the floor. Then they heard a sound from somewhere under the car. “Who’s there? Is that you, M and M?” Grandad Eric’s head appeared from behind the car. He smiled when he saw them, and wiped his greasy (沾油污的) face with an old cloth. “Hello kids!”

Mum was moving towards the door of the garage. “Thank you for taking the kids for the weekend, Dad — something came up and I have to go away for work!” Grandad just smiled. “No problem at all, sweetie!”

Once Mum had left, Magnus and Mina had a good look around. Mina was excited. At school she had taken a technology and design course where they had learned how to design and build simple robots, and she wanted to make one of her own. She shouted over to Grandad, “Grandad, can we use some of these spare bits over here? I promise we won’t make a mess!” Grandad replied, “Of course, but be careful!”

“Do you have a plan, sister?” Magnus looked at his sister. “I sure do! Mum said we couldn’t get a pet, but she didn’t say that we couldn’t make one!” Magnus’s eyes widened. “A robot pet?” “Yeah, a dog-cat,” replied Mina. “Brilliant! You build it, and I can program it!” said Magnus.

注意:1. 续写词数应为150左右;
2. 请按如下格式在相应位置作答。

Before long, Mina finished and Magnus and Mina admired the work.


Grandad Eric came over to see the dog-cat and collected the turned-off robot.

2023-10-14更新 | 39次组卷
书面表达-读后续写 | 较难 (0.4)

The sky was dark. Rain fell in big drops and thunder and lightning flashed across the sky. I shivered with cold and fear as I walked through the streams of muddy water. Some people were rushing by, completely bathed in the heavy rain.

Along the way, I saw some schoolchildren carrying their heavy schoolbags and rushing home. I also saw that some road repair work had been abandoned by workers. Obviously, the workers had left in a hurry because of the storm. There were few signs and it was hard to see what was on the road. There were pieces of wood and slabs of metal and a hole seemed to have been dug and hurriedly covered with wooden boards.

I moved on but suddenly stopped as I heard someone crying. I quickly turned back to the place where the sounds came. I was horrified! To my shock, there seemed to be a small child stuck in the big hole on the road. The wooden boards had moved away with the force of the rushing water. Though I could barely identify how deep the hole was and whether there was any other victim as it was dark all around me, I was sure, at least, the child was not only stuck in the hole, but faced the risk of getting drowned. I told him that I was going to get help.


Actually, I was not sure of what to do or where to go but decided to go to the nearest house for help.


The parents of the child who just arrived from work were totally shocked to hear of what had happened.

2021-07-14更新 | 553次组卷
书面表达-读后续写 | 较难 (0.4)

On a sunny summer weekend, little Sam, accompanied by his parents, left the noisy city for the peaceful countryside. They drove through green meadows and clear streams. In the afternoon, their journey brought them to a charming lake where they encountered a weathered man who introduced himself as Ben, Ben sat calmly by the water with his fishing rod(鱼竿) leaning on a nearby rock.

Sam’s eyes had been fixed on the bobber(浮漂) floating on the water’s surface since their arrival. His fascination with nature had always driven him to ask questions and seek out new adventures.“Uncle Ben, are you fishing? Have you caught a fish?” he asked, his curiosity bubbling over.

A warm smile spread Ben’s face as he regarded the young boy’s eager expression. “ Indeed, I am, young man, “he replied, “but as for catching a fish, well, that’s a story yet to be told.”

Observing their son express his curiosity and effortlessly strike up a conversation with Ben, Sam’s parents exchanged warm, knowing smiles. They realized that this chance encounter with Ben could lead to some valuable lessons.

“Can you teach me how to fish?” asked Sam, his voice filled with enthusiasm. “Well, young man,” Ben replied, “fishing is more than just catching fish. It’s about patience and embracing the wait. If you’re willing to learn, I’d be happy to teach you.”

With that, Ben reached for another fishing rod and invited Sam to join him. He demonstrated how to cast the line into the lake, hold the fishing rod steady, and patiently await a curious fish to take the bait. He then showed Sam how to respond when the bobber moved. Charmed by the graceful art of fishing, Sam couldn’t wait to give it a try. As he sat down beside Uncle Ben, he appeared as calm and relaxed as the skilled fisherman. Sam’s parents watched with keen interest.

1.续写词数应为 150 左右;

Time went by, but Sam’s bobber stayed still.


Just then, Sam’s bobber suddenly dipped below the surface.

2024-01-13更新 | 54次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般