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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:29 题号:22441764

Traditionally, the number of meaningful social relationships one can maintain is around 150. This concept finds its roots in the natural development of the human brain. However, in the digital age, where our social connections extend far beyond the geographical boundaries (界限), we easily create more connections with the help of the rising online platforms. Then, a question arises: Does the digital age rewrite the rules of social connection?

A study published in Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking explored the effect of social media usage on the size of social circles and the closeness of relationships. The researchers found that more time spent on social media made for a larger number of online “friends,” but not a larger number of offline friends. Further, the findings were not linked to feelings of closeness towards online or offline friends.

Another study from the European Journal of Information Systems studied the link between social media usage and “social overload” — the feeling that too much of the energy for socializing is being used up by online relationships. The authors found that social media usage directly contributed to the experience of social overload, related to digital tiredness and dissatisfaction with social media.

With social media platforms rising, one’s ability to connect with people challenges the traditional concept. The brain, used to manage a limited number of relationships, now fights against the difficulties of dealing with a large number of digital connections, leading to a less attention and feeling investment (投入) in a relationship. And the online shallow connections can not develop meaningful, lasting relationships that stand the test of digital distance.

Therefore, in the digital age’s social whirlwind, instead of drowning (淹没) in a sea of weak interaction (互动), choose to engage in meaningful conversations and focus on the handful of relationships that truly fit your heart. Hug the beauty of face-to-face connections, allowing the richness of human interaction to flower beyond the digital world. By doing so, we create digital and physical spaces that truly improve our well-being.

1. Why did the author mention the traditional concept in the first paragraph?
A.To tell a story.B.To develop the topic.
C.To show his sincerity.D.To give an example.
2. What can we learn from the first study?
A.Online relationships were closer.
B.Spending more time online improved one’s health.
C.Social media usage had no effect on one’s social circles.
D.The large online social circles didn’t mean the large number of offline friends.
3. What was the disadvantage of engaging in too many relationships?
A.It resulted in one’s less attention to a relationship.
B.It caused the brain to break down and damaged the health.
C.It led to expression errors when one socialized with friends.
D.It developed shallow connections that stand the test of distance.
4. Which of the following statements is true according to the last two paragraphs?
A.It is a good choice to give up online connections completely.
B.Face-to-face connections are time-consuming and meaningless in digital age.
C.It is a must to merely concentrate on the few relationships truly fitting your heart.
D.It poses a challenge for the brain to deal with large numbers of digital connections.


阅读理解-阅读单选 | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】When I worked on the manufacturing shop(车间)floor, we rarely saw plant managers except for one. He often walked through the plant. He checked out product quality. He stopped for a brief word—usually no more than a "hello". He wasn't outgoing. He didn't display any of the qualities typically associated with a "leader". Yet we liked him,

In a 1992 University of Pittsburgh study, researchers had four women attend a number of different classes. Their attendance was different: one woman might attend every class; a different woman might attend only a few. What didn't differ was their behavior. None of the women spoke in class or spoke to other students.

At the end of the term, students were asked which woman they liked best. Who "won"? Women who attended the highest number of classes. According to the researchers, "Mere exposure(暴露)had weak effects on familiarity, but strong effects on attraction and similarity," Or in non-researcher-speak: If I see you frequently, I naturally like you more. That's the power of showing up.

Knowing someone will show up in the future also matters. In a 1967 University of Minnesota study, researchers gave study participants profiles(简况)of two people and told them that one would be a partner in future discussion groups. When asked, the participants said they liked their future partner more. Even though the profiles were almost the same.

Want your team or your customers to like you more? Show up. Drop in. Drop by, Send a brief note. Make a quick phone call. You don't have to say or do much, Then, be consistent(一致的)in your behavior. In time, people will expect you to drop in or drop by, whether in person or virtually(在线的). Expecting future contact will make them like you more.

1. What does the first paragraph serve as?
A.A background.B.A comment.
C.An introduction.D.An explanation.
2. Why did the students like one of the women best according to the 1992 study?
A.She behaved more like others.
B.She attended classes more often.
C.She often greeted others enthusiastically.
D.She answered questions frequently.
3. What did the University of Minnesota study find?
A.Familiarity leads to likability.
B.Virtual contacts benefit likability.
C.Identical behaviours improve likability.
D.Future partnership increases likability.
4. How can you make your team or customers like you more?
a. By pointing out their problems often.                    
b. By showing up often.
c. By making a phone call often.                           
d. By rarely complaining about them.
e. By being consistent in your behavior.                    
f. By sending them a brief note often.
A.a, b, c, eB.b, c, e, f
C.c, d, e, fD.a, c, d, e
2021-12-13更新 | 52次组卷
阅读理解-七选五 | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】According to Jaime Roberts, good consulting is often about loosening the body, opening the mind and, more often than not, keeping the mouth shut.

Your body language matters

Jaime Roberts has been one of my go to experts for advice for decades. When I once asked her why she was so good at consulting, she was quick to mention her body language. “    1    ,” she said, “Otherwise, they might not open up to me as much as I would want them to.”

You don’t have to fix the problem

That’s another thing Jaime Roberts has learned on the job, “People who ask ‘What should I do?’ often want to process a problem themselves.     2    ,” she said. “Part of the trick is remembering that listening is the best thing you have to do, in most cases.”

You don’t need to give advice right now

Texts and FaceTime might be immediate, but your advice doesn’t have to be.     3    . “Forcing yourself to give advice when you can’t will do more harm than good,” she said.


You’re bound to hear about problems you haven’t experienced firsthand. That’s why Jaime Roberts says you should let them know that you’re just human beings with limited experience.     5    .

A.Don’t say their choices are wrong
B.You cannot give advice as giving someone an order
C.I try to appear relaxed and avoid looks of shock or judgment
D.You don’t need to have the same problem to be a good consultant
E.But you should let them know you will do your best to understand them
F.You’re a good consultant if you can help them fix the problem on their own
G.You can politely explain to them that you will talk to them when you’re ready
2023-04-17更新 | 176次组卷
阅读理解-七选五 | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】It was the 2015 “super storm” in New South Wales that restored my faith in people.

During a break in the weather, I stupidly decided to drive into town to buy some groceries. However, as I left the supermarket and drove back, the weather took a turn for the worse.     1     Having nowhere to go, I spotted a young man in his front yard assessing the situation. He quickly waved to me to come and park in his driveway.    2    .

The man, who introduced himself as Trent, then invited me to wait inside his house with his wife, Kayti and their two daughters. I told him I was concerned about the damage to my car, as the continuing rain was starting to turn into hail (冰雹).Trent then grabbed a blanket from his garage and covered my car.     3     Fortunately, his efforts saved my car from being damaged by the hail.

By 11:00 a.m., the electricity and phone services had both gone.     4     Trent made me a cup of tea and Kayti gave me a towel to dry myself off. The three of us chatted while waiting for the weather to get better. I learned that Trent had lost his job and was struggling to feed the family.

When the hail stopped, I shook Trent’s hand and kissed Kayti goodbye.     5     I was very moved by their kindness and it renewed my faith in people.

As I went out the door, I asked Trent for two of his business cards. My father has since called to offer him a job as a clerk at his company.

A.It began pouring so heavily that I was forced to stop.
B.The couple were so modest as I thanked them for their help.
C.I was surprised that he didn’t ask for anything in return for his assistance.
D.I was grateful to escape the running water that was about to drown my car.
E.I tried driving faster to escape the heavy downpour that was sure to come.
F.As a result, I couldn’t contact my parents, despite knowing they’d be worried.
G.He was wet but he didn’t seem to mind being out in the wild weather on my behalf.
2019-03-25更新 | 342次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般