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Billed as one of the most scenic (风景优美的) and most demanding marathons in the world, the Great Wall Marathon is the oldest of its type, beginning in 1999, with     1     (option) for fun runs and half marathons as well as the full marathon. The fun run       2     (cover) just 8.5 kilometers, the half marathon 21.1 kilometers,     3     the full marathon 42.2 kilometers.

Since this event is so different from a regular city marathon,     4     is smart to follow a training program       5     focuses on both hill training and distance.

The Great Wall Marathon starts from the Huangyaguan fortress (要塞) and heads south, before       6     (turn) left onto the Changcheng Highway, putting runners on the road leading to the Great Wall entrance where a four-kilometer uphill battle awaits. After five kilometers, runners start on the       7     (challenge) part of the journey: the steps and hills of the Great Wall itself.

Marathon runners will come across Duanzhuang village and the township of Xiaying, and will continue onto the Yin and Yang Square and face the steps of the Great Wall once again. Those unable       8     (reach) that stage in six hours shall not       9     (permit) to continue.

The part on the Great Wall is surely the most scenic; however, finishers     10     (equal) enjoy the parts running in the small villages where they give“high fives”to the children living there.

【知识点】 竞技/比赛


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The Olympics are a series of international athletic competitions held in different countries. They’re     1     important multi-sport event that takes place every four years. For the Olympics, participants from all over the world train for years and try their best     2     (win).

Pierre Coubertin, a French man,     3     (found) the International Olympic Committee (IOC) in 1894. He was once a teacher and historian. In his honor, French had the official status (地位) and     4     (prior) over other languages al the Olympics. According to the Olympic Charter, English and French are the official languages of the Olympics. Therefore, every participant needs to have their documents     5     (translate) in both languages. Besides, real-time interpretations in Arabic, German, Russian, and Spanish must be available for all sessions.

The IOC has a complete guide for those     6     want to apply to these contests. French has the status of being the first official language for Olympic events and it was the language of diplomacy (外交) in the beginning. But later, more countries considered     7     (participate) in this contest. The IOC then made French and English the official languages of the Olympics.

    8     (actual), more than 100 countries in the world speak English now. Besides, almost every country has made     9     a must that children learn English in schools and colleges. This     10     (influence) status has caused the IOC to make English one of the official languages.

2023-06-05更新 | 457次组卷
语法填空-短文语填 | 适中 (0.65)
文章大意:本文是一篇说明文。文章介绍了 2022 年北京冬奥会的成功举办——运动员在奥运会各项比赛中突破极限,刷新纪录,充分体现了奥运会的精神。其次北京作为在疫情期间成功举办奥运会的典范,为其他国际赛事树立了榜样。

The Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics has left a deep     1     (impress)on people across the globe. At Beijing 2022, a total of 2,877 athletes from 91 countries and regions     2     (compete)for 109 gold medals. “Athletes competed     3     (brave)to exceed limits, setting a number of new world records and Olympic records. This is     4     vivid representation of the Olympic motto-Faster, Higher, Stronger , Together,” said Cai Qi, president of the Beijing organizing committee.

Beijing is the first city     5     (host)both the Summer and Winter Olympic Games. Besides the competitions, the unique charm of Beijing and the thoughtful services which the city offered to all participants     6     (value). As the first global multi-sport event held as scheduled during the COVID-19 pandemic, the Beijing Winter Games attached great importance     7     the health and safety of all participants. “Our COVID-19 policy has been     8     (effect), setting a successful example for other major international events held during the pandemic,” Cai said.

The Beijing Games     9     theme is Together for a shared future have also left the city with rich legacies(遗产),     10     (include)engaging 346 million people in ice and snow sports as well as hosting the Games in a more sustainable way.

2022-08-26更新 | 396次组卷
语法填空-短文语填 | 适中 (0.65)

Still consider the CBA China’s     1     (popular) basketball league? Think again!

With over 10,000 spectators (观众)     2     (roar) on their feet every night,     3     amateur inter-village basketball tournament held last week in Southwest China’s Guizhou province has become a massive hit online.

In 2018, the village-level tournament     4     (include) in the Chi Xin Festival, which celebrates harvest on the sixth of June on the lunar calendar. Since then, the annual competition has become a center for enthusiasts from nearby and many who drive up to 200 km from Guiyang and surrounding areas     5     (experience) the unique gathering.

“The number of spectators and the participating areas that the tournament covers     6     (increase) for four continuous years, and the key to its popularity is     7     this tournament truly belongs to local people and connects neighborhoods like no other event does. The proximity (邻近) to each and every player and spectator makes it special,” said Cen Jianglong, a co-organizer of the tournament,     8     has played basketball recreationally for 20 years.

During the four-day competition, over 50 million online     9     (view) had tuned in to watch live streaming of the games. Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Zhao Lijian also joined in the fun, sharing a video clip of the games on Twitter accompanied by the message: “The rural basketball match in Guizhou is on!     10     a great atmosphere!”

2023-02-11更新 | 124次组卷
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