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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:50 题号:22501925

Acorn woodpeckers (橡树啄木鸟), which live along the west coast and in the southwest of North America, are highly socialized birds, a study showed recently.

In the acorn woodpecker family, it’s a group effort to raise the young. Each of the acorn woodpecker family consists of as many as seven co-breeding (共育) males and four joint-nesting females, living with nest helpers who are typically their babies from previous years. The helpers don’t breed, but stick around for five to six years to help raise their half-siblings.

Every fall acorn woodpeckers store thousands of acorns in holes drilled into dead trees in preparation for winter. The entire group contributes to a central granary (粮仓), defending it against squirrels and other woodpeckers. But the cooperation may end and great noise and confusion may start when a family loses either all its breeding males or females to old age or enemies like hawks. That leads to a good opportunity for the helpers to grab newly vacant spots with acorns (橡树果) in main habitat.

The news travels fast. The nearby woodpecker groups rush to the site and fight against each other. Over 40 of the “warrior” birds, in coalitions (联盟) of three or four, spend over 10 hours a day over multiple days in battles until one collective wins. “You can see birds with eyes removed out, with blood on their feathers — they fall to the ground holding each other’s legs when they’re fighting,” said Sahas Barve, the lead author of the study. These battles also draw woodpecker audience, who leave their own territories unattended. The researchers recorded some audience travel over two miles and spend an hour a day just observing the fights. “The speed at which such information is communicated among populations has always struck me,” said Reed Bowman.

The scientists said the battles reveal a lot about animals’ social behavior. Sahas Barve said, “We often think of birds as not very intelligent animals, but we are discovering that we aren’t the only super-curious social animal out there. And birds are doing that all the time. Social complexity is something that’s evolved multiple times in the animal kingdom, and we are just one of them.”

1. What does the second paragraph mainly focus on?
A.The loose social networks of acorn woodpeckers.
B.The tough living conditions of acorn woodpeckers.
C.The great contribution of nest helpers to their family.
D.The cooperative breeding system of acorn woodpeckers.
2. Why do the nest helpers start a battle?
A.To survive the tough winter.B.To fight for their own territory.
C.To select the most powerful leader.D.To rid their granary of noise and confusion.
3. What can we know about the battles of the acorn woodpeckers?
A.They are long and fierce.B.Their fighters increase each day.
C.They will be settled by compromise.D.They will cause many deaths of the audience.
4. What can we infer from the last paragraph?
A.Human beings have great curiosity about the outside world.
B.Social complexity is unique to human beings.
C.Birds are much smarter than we thought.
D.The evolution of animals is quite slow.
【知识点】 动物 说明文


阅读理解-阅读单选(约410词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】A dog can be a person’s best friend, or so the theory goes. But that relationship can be tested when a dog begins barking at an empty comer of a room, at a door, or anywhere where there doesn’t appear to be any activity at all taking place. Is the dog hallucinating? Is it communicating with ET? Or does it simply want to drive its owner crazy?

According to the American Kennel Club, the most common explanation for dogs’ barking without reasons is that it’s not really unprompted at all. Dogs are, obviously, equipped with superior hearing, including the ability to detect sounds that are higher in pitch. It is said a dog could be reacting to a noise that a person wouldn’t be able to hear. If a dog barks seemingly for no apparent reason at night, it might be because the noise nearby is lessened and some barking of other dogs become more clearly. Because dogs are territorial, one dog barking can turn into many others to guard themselves.

Dogs are also able to see better in the dark than humans thanks to their ability to get more light into their retinas (视网膜). If a dog is reacting to what looks to you like an empty backyard at night, it’s possible that something has caught their attention, be it a wild animal, a leaf, or a stranger.

That’s not to say that dogs only bark because of their cute senses. Some dogs might bark out of boredom in which case more exercise or play time is probably needed. They might also be trying to get their owner’s attention.

The AKC recommends that owners avoid scolding their dogs for barking, since they’re simply trying to remain alert, instead, you can try calming the dog to let them know you’re aware of their concern. If they tend to bark while gazing out a window, you can also try to pull the curtains. If you suspect the source is an audio cue, some white noise, like a television or radio can help.

Less often, chronic barking might be a sign of cognitive issues. If barking is persistent and no fugitive is hiding out in your bushes, then you might consider a trip to the vet.

1. According to the passage, which factors won’t make dogs barking at nothing?
A.Its madness.B.Its visual sense.C.Its acute hearing.D.Its boredom.
2. What can we learn from Paragraph 2?
A.A dog barks in order to make friends with other dogs.
B.The surrounding noise being lessened will make a dog frightened.
C.A dog can react to a noise as acutely as a person.
D.A dog always has the awareness of its domain.
3. What should the owner do with the dog’s barking from the AKC’s recommendation?
A.Leaving it alone.B.Scolding it seriously.
C.Comforting it.D.Playing some soft music.
4. This passage is probably taken from?
A.an experiment reportB.a mental discovery
C.a school textbookD.a science fiction
2024-04-22更新 | 87次组卷
阅读理解-七选五(约210词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】Many animal populations seem to be decreasing sharply.     1     It is America’s native wood stork (木鹳).

The wood stork is the only stork that breeds in North America. In 1984, it was declared an endangered species after its population dropped to just 5,000 mating pairs. At the time, scientists predicted that the bird would be completely wiped out by 2000.     2     The Fish and Wildlife Service is proposing a delisting (移除) of the wood stork as an endangered species. So how did the population bounce back?

    3     The wood stork’s native home was in the Everglades in Florida, but it migrated north as the Everglades were being destroyed by development. In 1987, former Savannah Coastal Refuges biologist John Robinette noticed stork nests in Georgia, as stork populations moved to safer wetlands.

According to Stephanie Kurose, a senior policy specialist at the Centre for Biological Diversity, the Endangered Species Act is also to thank for this recovery. She said, “The act saved the wood stork.     4     It has improved water quality and benefited countless other species who call the area home.”

The Endangered Species Act has saved 99 per cent of the species that were on the list since 1973. A hundred types of plants and animals have been delisted as their populations become stable again. If the wood stork is delisted, it will remain protected by other laws.     5    

A.Today, it numbers 10, 000 mating pairs.
B.However, one species is moving in the opposite direction.
C.The success is in part down to the flexibility of the wood stork.
D.It helped preserve and rebuild vital habitats throughout the southeast.
E.The birds have adapted to new nesting areas and enlarged their colonies.
F.It serves as an indicator species for restoration of the Everglades ecosystem.
G.A monitoring plan will be put in place to ensure the population remains stable.
2024-07-09更新 | 30次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约360词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】The drone (无人机) is flying above the Amazon River in Brazil, but its battery is running low. Andre Coelho, the chief pilot, guides it back to safety with skills perfected by playing video games. Long hours’ practicing has become a surprising benefit in an effort to conserve dolphins that live in the river. Marcelo Oliveira, a conservation specialist, stands on the bow of a boat. He pulls the white drone from the air, changes the battery, and quickly sends it back in the sky.

Later, scientists will examine the video which has recorded for signs of the two species of dolphins that inhabit the river: the pink and bulbous boto (亚马孙河豚), and the smaller, prettier tucuxi (白海豚). Exactly how many live in the basin is a mystery. Some studies have suggested a decline of the pink dolphins in specific areas of the Amazon River, but the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) says there isn’t enough data available for either species of dolphins.

“We need to base everything on hard data,” says Miriam Marmontel, a scientist. “We need to focus on what’s really critical to help us get to a real situation that can influence policy. We need numbers. We need information on death and reproduction.”

Marmontel’s biggest concern is that dolphins are being caught in the nets of local fishermen. Scientists have also given a warning against fishermen’s killing botos. Pollution from gold mining is also a concern.

The scientists want to use the information they collect to persuade the IUCN to list the boto and the tucuxi as endangered species. Funding agencies and governments want evidence. Without the IUCN’s categorization, it’s difficult to raise the money for protection measures.

They hope their drone monitoring will do the trick. During three trips to the Amazon last year, the team has recorded about 70 samples (样本) that will contribute to a more accurate estimate of dolphin populations in the Amazon basin.

1. What are Coelho and Oliveira doing in the Amazon River?
A.Playing a video game.
B.Recording the video of the flowing river.
C.Testing the drone they designed for fun.
D.Collecting data on dolphins with a drone.
2. What can make Miriam Marmontel worry most according to the text?
A.The fishermen’s living conditions.B.The money for protection measures.
C.The pollution from the gold mining.D.The dolphins being caught by fishermen.
3. What is the purpose of the drone monitoring?
A.To raise money to protect the Amazon basin.
B.To find evidence for the need to take measures.
C.To urge governments to record Amazon species.
D.To get an exact number of species in the Amazon.
4. What is the author's attitude to the drone monitoring in the text?
2023-09-17更新 | 64次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般