组卷网 > 高中英语综合库 > 主题 > 人与社会 > 历史、社会与文化 > 故事 > 生活故事
题型:书面表达-读后续写 难度:0.85 引用次数:34 题号:22734518

When I was a little girl, I used to be afraid of the dark. A simple sound in the middle of the night could make me imagine the scariest scenes.

My uncle lived alone in his big old house in New Hampshire. The house was surrounded by a huge yard with lots of trees. The inside was very neat and tidy but reminded me of a museum with its ancient objects. Everything looked like it dated from the previous century, from the old-fashioned oil paintings to black-and-white pictures on the walls. Looking back at it now, it would have made the perfect setting for a frightening large house.

Once, my family visited my uncle in the fall. During the day, my sister and I made big piles of leaves to jump in with the help of Elaine, my big sister. Our room had a double bed facing a window, out of which stood a huge maple tree. The floor was made of wood that made funny sounds every time we took a step.

Although the day had been bright and cheerful, the night turned out to be extremely windy. Soon after Elaine and I were lying in bed and all was dark, I started to notice strange noises, as if someone was walking in the room. It seemed that someone was knocking against the windows, making strange noises. There were even howls (咆哮声) coming from somewhere outside!

At this point, I didn’t know what to think. All of a sudden, I thought I heard someone coming up the stairs, and my heart rose to my throat. I thought I saw something moving in the dark corners of my room, and my breath quickened. Elaine sat up in bed, but when she looked at me, she seemed confused, too. We couldn’t help but wonder if we were going crazy.


The noises continued for a while longer.


The next morning, though I knew it was a false alarm, I was still nervous and talked with my uncle.

【知识点】 生活故事


书面表达-读后续写 | 较易 (0.85)

Mary had always been a lover of tales. Her imagination was rich, and she often found herself making up stories in her head. Yet, she never dared to share them with anyone, confined (受限) by her shy nature and a fear of public speaking. Life passed her by in a routine that left little room for self-expression, and her stories remained locked within the walls of her mind.

One day, an old friend invited Mary to attend a local storytelling workshop. Hesitantly, she agreed, hoping to find a way to break free from her shell. As she entered the place, she felt a mix of expectation and fear. What if she stumbled(磕绊) over her words? What if people laughed at her? Despite her anxiety, Mary took her seat among the other participants, each there for their own reason—some seeking a new hobby, others looking for personal growth.

The workshop facilitator(主持人), a charming woman named Evelyn, greeted them warmly. She spoke of the power of stories and the beauty of sharing one’s voice. As the hours went by, Mary learned techniques to build suspense(悬念), create lifelike characters, and tell a fascinating story. The other participants listened carefully, offering ideas and encouragement. For the first time in a long while, Mary felt seen and heard.

As the day drew to a close, Evelyn announced an upcoming storytelling competition. It would be held in a few weeks at, a local bookstore. To Mary’s surprise, she found herself volunteering to participate. The thought of standing onstage frightened her, but something within her longed for the challenge.

Paragraph 1:

From that day on. Mary practiced day and night.

Paragraph 2:

The big day came.

2024-04-02更新 | 112次组卷
书面表达-读后续写 | 较易 (0.85)
【推荐2】Read the following paragraph, and then continue the story. No less than 70 words.(故事续写)

Once upon a time, there was a small town. There lived a man by himself who couldn’t see. He was blind. Yet, he carried a lighted lamp with him whenever he went out at night. One night as he was coming home after having dinner outside, he came across a group of young travelers.

2023-12-30更新 | 27次组卷
书面表达-读后续写 | 较易 (0.85)

My husband and I travel a lot. We had a horse, a wonderful horse called Dusty. We were out of town when a one-hundred-mile horse race went right past the road in front of my house. My horse wanted to compete in the race, so she jumped over the fence and left quickly.

The next day my husband and I came back home. We found a note on the front door from the police. It said that my horse had gone back to a bam(牲口棚)on the other side of town. She had been born there eighteen years before. So we drove there. It was a lovely old farm and it was owned then by people I didn't know.

The new owners were a man, his wife and their children, two little girls aged seven and five. We saw Dusty was in the bam. “When the little girls got up that morning, they started screaming(尖叫),” their father said. That was because at the top of the hill, with the sun rising, was this beautiful horse. They attracted her to the bam. They spent the day brushing her and treating her.

The seven-year-old girl turned to me. She said, “Can I ride her before you take her back?” I said, “Yes.” And then I went to a store and bought a bottle of apple juice. When I returned, they told me they had always wished for a horse. But their parents really didn't have the money for one, which made them give up the dream.

I told them I was going to give them Dusty. And I wanted them to make a promise. Someday when they grow up, they each may find a little girl — a little girl they don't know — and give her some very special gifts that she is always looking forward to. They agreed.


Paragraph 1:

How happy the two little girls were when they knew they could have the horse!

Paragraph 2:

The seven-year-old girl told us her dreams.

2021-09-13更新 | 91次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般