组卷网 > 高中英语综合库 > 主题 > 人与社会 > 历史、社会与文化 > 故事 > 生活故事
题型:书面表达-读后续写 难度:0.4 引用次数:331 题号:22749717

Have you ever been so depressed that you can’t sleep? You also can’t eat. You can’t read. You have no friends to call up and nothing is good on TV. So you sigh, press your face down harder into your pillow, and shed a few tears.

This was my life two years ago. I had just turned 14 but already found life a struggle. As I lay in my bed one Saturday, Mom peeked (瞄) into my room to make her regular “Is Emily still alive” check. I knew that if I spent more time like this, she would begin dusting me. After suggesting a few things for me to do that I immediately rejected, Mom made her move, “Emily! Get dressed! I’m taking the dog out for a walk, and you’re coming with me!” “Why?” I protested. “Because it’ll make you feel better.”     

The thought of moving was unbearable. I felt as if all of my body parts were weighed down by tons of bricks I couldn’t remember the last time I had gone outside. Somehow I found the strength to slip on a pair of jeans and a black sweatshirt. Mom was waiting at the door, leash (狗绳) in hand and dog at her side.

Then, we stepped outside. It was a warm March day and it had been a long time since the warmth of the sun had touched my cheeks. Mom led the dog and me down some dirt paths, through a big field and reached Halsey Pond. But the signs of spring had yet to appear and the scene was rather colorless throughout the entire journey.

“I’m tired! It’s boring, Mom! When can we go home?” “Not yet,” she’d say. Mom stopped to say hi to every jogger, dog walker, runner, and bicyclist who passed us. Sometimes she would get into a conversation. They would talk about weather, dogs, and all small talk topics. She seemed happy, and was literally glowing (容光焕发). After walking for what seemed an age, Mom finally said it was time to go back.


Paragraph 1: When I got home, a new feeling seemed to be awakened.


Paragraph 2: A new Saturday found me asking Mom if I could take the dog out.

【知识点】 生活故事


书面表达-读后续写 | 较难 (0.4)

Pinty Tailor was a little boy who enjoyed going to school and doing all sorts of things, except for art and writing. Using brushes and pencils did not come easy to Pinty, so his works of art did not end happily, and he would just give up in disgust. But one day Pinty found a pencil of such lovely colours that he could not resist, and he tried drawing a circle. As ever, it did not go well, and he was about to throw the pencil away when his drawing began to speak to him. “Psst! You aren’t going to leave me like this, are you? Come on, the least you can do is draw me a pair of eyes!” said the drawing. Pinty was understandably shocked, but he managed to draw two little spots inside the circle. “Much better, now I can see myself,” said the circle, looking around at itself… “Arghh! But what have you done to me?!” “I don’t draw very well,” said Pinty, trying to make excuses. “OK, no problem,” the drawing interrupted him, “I’m sure that if you try again you’ll do better. Go on, rub me out!” So Pinty erased the circle and drew another one. Like the first one, it was not very round. “Hey! You forgot the eyes again!” “Oh, yeah.” “Hmmm, I think I’m going to have to teach you how to draw until you can do me well,” said the circle with its quick, high-pitched little voice. To Pinty, who remained almost paralysed with shock, this did not seem like a bad idea, and he immediately found himself drawing and erasing circles. The circle would not stop saying “rub this out, but carefully; it hurts,” or “draw me some hair, quickly, I look like a lollipop (棒棒糖)!” and other funny remarks.

After spending nearly the whole afternoon together, Pinty could already draw the little figure much better than most of his classmates could have. He was enjoying it so much that he did not want to stop drawing with this crazy new teacher of his. Before going to bed that night, Pinty gave his new instructor a hearty “thank you” for having taught him how to draw so well.

Para 1 The next morning Pinty jumped out of bed and went running to find his pencil, but it was not there.
Para 2 He realised that the crazy little teacher had been right.
2022-11-05更新 | 132次组卷
书面表达-读后续写 | 较难 (0.4)

Ray was there to pick me up for the three-hour drive back home. That was how I came to know his story. As the father of two, he spent six days a week driving in a town far away from home. On his only day off, he drove five hours there and back to have time with his family in Preston.

“Leaving the kids is hard,” Ray smiled gently.

I smiled, too. I remembered my dad and I eagerly talked on the phone about daily things when he worked away for weeks.

After two hours into our drive when a tall sign saying Preston came into our sight, I asked if it was where his family lived. “Yes, about 5 kilometers down the road,” Ray looked out in the right direction.

My heart hurt. Then I decided to give the family a gift, even if it just would be my time.

“Why don’t we stop and say hello?” I suggested.

I met Ray’s inquiring (询问的) eyes like I was joking.I nodded to him and said “Yes”.Then, we drove off the main road.

1.续写词数应为 80左右;

Soon, we came to a small house in a village.

2024-03-08更新 | 40次组卷
书面表达-读后续写 | 较难 (0.4)

Madison stared through the window and watched a bird fly across the sky. She thought, “How I wish I were a bird, with total freedom and no math class to sit in.” She sighed and wondered how warm it was outside. She thought of her horse, Star. She planned to brush him before riding him after school. Somewhere, someone was saying her name, but it seemed so faraway. The bird continued to float through the air.

“Madison, Madison! Hand in the math homework! “

Madison jumped. She turned back toward the class to find everyone laughing. It turned out that she was daydreaming again.

Madison searched her schoolbag, but found no homework. Mr. Smith was about to criticize her when Doctor Landon came in. He was a veterinarian (兽医) and would deliver a speech as part of the Career Exploration program.

Madison looked at the clock. One more hour and it would be time to go home.

She tried to focus as Doctor Landon talked about how important math and science were and how he struggled with them when he was a kid. She glanced out the window and tried to remember where she left her riding boots. Doctor Landon was still talking but she lost track of what he was saying. Then a word caught her attention. Horse. Was he talking about horses? She paid attention as he spoke.

“I love being a veterinarian because I love animals, especially horses and I enjoy freedom. Specializing on horses gave me the chance to be outside all day, moving from place to place in our community. Do any of you have horses?”

Madison raised her hand, “I do! I have a big Quarter Horse.”

“Where do you live?” the doctor asked.

“On Anderson road.”

“Is your horse Star?”


“Yes,” Madison answered, surprised he knew that.


Having a dream planted in her heart, she changed her original plan after school.

2023-01-13更新 | 198次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般