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题型:语法填空-短文语填 难度:0.65 引用次数:79 题号:22785753

Pan Yuzhen,     1     inheritor of the intangible cultural heritage of Miao embroidery (刺绣) of the Miao ethnic group, comes     2     Taijiang county of Qiandongnan Miao and Dong autonomous prefecture in Southwest China’s Guizhou province.

In 2016, Pan and other embroiderers from Guizhou went to the United Kingdom to participate in     3    (variety) fashion show activities     4     foreigners interested in Miao embroidery flocked to take photos with the Chinese embroiderers. “Foreigners are fond of our embroidery,     5    (particular) at Christmas. They even queue up just to buy a notebook     6    (decorate) with embroidery or an embroidery pendant for their families. I never     7    (think) that the craftsmanship handed down by my ancestors would sell so well abroad,” Pan said.

“Miao embroidery is not only the     8    (proud) of our Miao people, but also the glory of our Chinese people,” Pan said, “Now, not only I, but families in Taijiang County     9    (be) engaged in the Miao costume business. I am 77 years old now, and I want to pass my embroidery skills down to the younger generation,     10    (hope) that they can continue to inherit our Miao ancestors’ unique skills.”

【知识点】 文化保护 文化遗产


语法填空-短文语填(约250词) | 适中 (0.65)
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Dunhuang Sand Painting — A Call to Cherish (珍惜) Art

Dunhuang, an ancient Chinese city on the Silk   Road, has     1     number of historical attractions and the   world’s most treasured grotto (石窟) art.

Recently, a sand painting was finished at Mount Mingsha,    2     (make) a sharp contrast to the surrounding desert. As the sun rose and set, the painting gradually faded away within a day after       3     (remove) canvas (帆布) over the painting.

This work was accomplished by a young team of    4     (artist) led by Liu Jie, an expert in solid colour sand painting. He    5     (hope) the unique piece would remind people that art can easily fade away without proper protection, and said that the great culture of Dunhuang should be protected carefully.

“It is very meaningful to be   part   of   this   campaign to   raise awareness. Hopefully, watching   the       6       (disappear) of   the painted sand can motivate a desire to   cherish what is   precious and   translate   it    7     action,” Liu said.

The good news is    8     scientists as well as visiting scholars from across the world are drawn to the caves. Thanks to international cooperation and advanced technology, Mogao’s relics have been    9     (successful)   preserved. All these show how Mogao has built bridges of common understanding and share its    10     (culture) heritage with the world.

2020-08-11更新 | 120次组卷
语法填空-短文语填(约230词) | 适中 (0.65)

Beijing hutongs are both the living place for the locals and pulse of the city,     1     although hutongs look the same, each one has     2    (it) unique characteristics.

Among thousands of hutongs in Beijing each one is worth having     3     general knowledge and some are well worth visiting. Lingjing Hutong is located in the Xicheng District of Beijing and     4    (lie) between Fuyou Street in the east and Xidan North Street in the west. The overall     5     (long) is 664 meters and the broadest part is 32. 18 meters. Qianshi Hutong is lo the west side of Beijing Zhubaoshi Street. It has long been the narrowest hutong in Beijing. It is 55 meters in the narrowest part. Two people     6    (face) each other have to go through the Hutong sideways. At the end of the Hutong is a courtyard, with an awning above it and bedrooms beside it. The courtyard is an early form of a money market,     7     official currencies were exchanged in the Qing Dynasty. Jiuwan Hutong is 390 meters long with more than 13 tortuous parts, which is why it     8     (call) the most tortuous hutong in Beijing. One Foot Street is regarded     9     the shortest hutong in Beijing. It is only about 10 meters long. Stretching from East Tian’anmen Square Road to Chongwenmen Inner Street, Dongjiaomin lane is about 1, 600 meters long and     10    (use) to be the location of many embassies. There are also sites of old churches, banks, official mansions and clubs.

2023-04-24更新 | 109次组卷
语法填空-短文语填(约180词) | 适中 (0.65)


Bringing the past to life by restoring (修复) old buildings from yesterday can show     1    (confident) in tomorrow. Jinan, the capital city of Shangdong province, which has a large number of cultural     2     (relic) and historic buildings, understands this.

One main example is in the ancient downtown area of Jinan. The Baroque-style building is    3     former site of the city’s first cinema ― Xiaoguanghan,     4     was built in 1904, when Jinan opened up to the outside world. By the late 1990s, the building was     5     danger of collapse (倒塌).        

Li, 45, a film lover     6     works in the catering industry (餐饮业), decided to help restore the historic building with the local government’s support in 2008. Restoration work started in 2009. During the process, Li began to learn about the history of the cinema and what the old building    7     (real) means to Jinan’s history and China’s wider film culture.

After nearly 26 months, Xiaoguanghan     8     (give) new life as a film museum and restaurant. The museum now     9     (have) more than 4,000 historic items, including cameras, projectors, posters and classic props (道具), making it a perfect place for visitors     10     (learn) about the history and culture of Chinese cinema.

2024-02-29更新 | 55次组卷
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