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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.4 引用次数:127 题号:22813370

Conflict in communities is usually about the task or the person. Of course, sometimes it’s hard to separate one from the other.

Task conflict happens when people have different ideas of what needs to be done. It points to potential differences in opinion about everything you can imagine that is essential for a group: mission, priorities of tasks, compensation mechanism (机制), decision-making mechanisms, etc. Task conflict is not a problem when people realize the source of the conflict is the task and not the people. Community members must resolve tension inclusively with everyone’s voice being heard and acknowledged. However, this does not mean that the solution must include everyone’s opinion. After the conversation, everyone should feel that they had a fair chance to express their opinion and that it was taken seriously by others and not brushed aside.

Conflict between people is tricky because it’s attacking a person’s essence and self-worth. Often this form of conflict, relationship conflict, happens when two conditions are met: First, people have different values or are holding different assumptions, and secondly, neither party can see beyond their own biases. With relationship conflict, the person is perceived to be the problem and is being attacked by others. Each party assumes that most people are on their side and that the other person is acting out of self-interest. This eventually leads to people disagreeing with each other, not for the task’s sake but to prove the other person is wrong.

Sometimes conflict originates in a task. People might prefer different tools or different approaches. If this initial controversy is ignored or not dealt with appropriately, the relatively easy task conflict turns into a more complex relationship conflict. When relationship conflict occurs, a lot of things are reactive rather than reflective. People stop thinking and act impulsively (冲动地).

All in all, remember that every culture has its own way of handling conflict. Some people consider it dishonest if an argument is not addressed openly, while in other cultures, such a discussion will not be acceptable. It comes down to “Don’t assume everyone thinks like you”.

1. What does the underlined phrase “brushed aside” in Paragraph 2 mean?
2. Which of the following is a relationship conflict?
A.Eric has a quarrel with his girlfriend in shopping mall.
B.Group members are debating which approaches to be used.
C.Tom is criticized by his best friend for being irresponsible.
D.Two neighbors have a big argument over community health issues.
3. What can be inferred from the fourth paragraph?
A.Relationship conflict originates from task conflict.
B.Task conflict is easier to resolve than relationship conflict.
C.Conflict in communities causes people to make impulsive decisions.
D.Task conflict can be sometimes transformed into relationship conflict.
4. What does the author intend to do in the last paragraph?
A.Give a warning.B.Offer a suggestion.
C.Make an assumption.D.List a misconception.


阅读理解-阅读单选(约410词) | 较难 (0.4)

【推荐1】In recent decades, social isolation has been recognized as a major risk to our health and long life. It’s twice as bad for you as being overweight and nearly as bad as smoking. The rising number of people who say they are affected, across a wide range of ages, is shocking. In reality, you can suffer the ill effects of loneliness even if you are not socially isolated.

Comedian Robin Williams made a striking observation in 2014: “I used to think the worst thing in life was to end up all alone. It’s not. The worst thing in life is to end up with people who make you feel all alone.” Tracking large groups over time indicates that perceived(感知的)social isolation carries its own risk for morbidity(发病率)and mortality.

The perception of isolation—from others of being in the social aspect-is not only a cause of unhappiness, it also signals danger. Fish have evolved to swim to the middle of their group when predators(捕食者)approach, mice housed in social isolation show sleep disruptions and reduced slow-wave sleep and prairie voles(田鼠)isolated from their partners then placed in an open field explore their surroundings less and concentrate on avoiding predators.

These behaviours reflect an increased emphasis on self-preservation in the social aspect. For instance, fish on the edge of a school are more likely to be attacked by predators because they are easier to isolate and prey upon. Such observations reflect a more general principle that perceived social isolation in social animals activates neural(神经系统的), neuroendocrine(神经内分泌的)and behavioural responses that promote short-term self-preservation. However, these responses bring a cost for long-term health and well-being.

The range of harmful neural and behavioural effects of perceived isolation documented in adults include increased anxiety, hostility and social withdrawal; fragmented sleep and daytime tiredness; increased vascular resistance and changed gene expression and immunity; decreased impulse control; increased negativity and depressive symptoms; and increased age-related cognitive decline.

Sadly, to date, attempts to reduce loneliness have met with limited success. A series of randomized controlled trials showed that they had only a small effect. Among the four types of interventions(介入)examined, talking therapy that focused on inappropriate thought processes had the largest impact. Social skills training, social support and increased opportunities for social contact were much less effective.

1. What can we learn about social isolation from the first paragraph?
A.It exists mainly among adults.
B.It’s the worst risk to our health and long life.
C.Its effect is more serious than smoking.
D.More and more people are suffering it.
2. During perceived social isolation, animals will suffer bad health for ________.
A.focusing more on their own safetyB.being separated from their partners
C.adapting to the new surroundingsD.worrying about their lack of food
3. The fifth paragraph is mainly about ________.
A.causes of perceived isolation.B.treatments for perceived isolation
C.bad effects of perceived isolationD.the definition of perceived isolation
4. What is the most effective in helping suffers of perceived social isolation?
A.Giving them strong social support.
B.Communicate more and better with them.
C.Get them to attend some training courses.
D.Enlarge their circles of social network.
2018-08-11更新 | 74次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约400词) | 较难 (0.4)

【推荐2】You might text your friend a white lie to get out of going to dinner, exaggerate your height on a CV online to appear more attractive or invent an excuse for your boss over email to save face.

Social psychologists have long wondered where people tend to lie the most — that is, in person or through some other communication medium. A 2004 study was among the first to investigate the connection between deception (欺骗) rates and technology. Jeff Hancock’s team had 28 students report the number of social interactions they had through face-to-face communication, the phone, instant messaging and email over seven days. Students also reported the number of times they lied in each social interaction.

The results suggested people told the most lies on the phone and the fewest through email, which is broadly in line with a “feature-based model”. According to the model, specific aspects of a technology — whether people can communicate back and forth smoothly, whether the messages are fleeting and whether communicators are distant — predict where people tend to lie the most.

When Hancock conducted his study, few students had a Facebook account. The iPhone was in its early stage. What would his results look like nearly 20 years later?

In a new study, I recruited (招募) 250 people and studied interactions from more forms of technology. The participants recorded their social interactions and number of interactions with a lie over seven days, across face-to-face communication, social media, the phone, texting, video chat and email. The results show people seem to lie according to the “feature-based model”.

There are several possible explanations for these results. Phone and video chat, for example, might make deception less costly to a social relationship if caught. Deception rates might also differ across technology because people use some forms of technology for certain social relationships. For example, people might only email their colleagues (同事), while video chat might be a better fit for more personal relationships.

People often believe just because we use technology to interact, honesty is harder to come by. Not only is this perception (看法) misguided, but it is also unsupported by enough evidence. The belief that lying is common in the digital age just doesn’t match the data.

1. What does the author intend to do in the first paragraph?
A.Reveal the tendency of people to tell lies on social media.
B.Introduce the topic of technology’s role in people’s telling lies.
C.Demonstrate the increasing popularity of social media.
D.Illustrate people’s ways of social interactions.
2. What do the studies by Hancock and the author have in common?
A.Their participants were all students.
B.They both aimed to reduce deception rates.
C.Their results were both consistent with a certain model.
D.They analyzed the same kind of social relationships.
3. What can be inferred from paragraph 6?
A.Social media users tend to lie more.
B.Close people are more likely to lie to each other.
C.Lying can greatly influence friendships.
D.Deception rates can be reduced by using technology.
4. What does the author think of people lying in social interactions?
A.It is unacceptable among friends.
B.It worsens interpersonal relationships.
C.It doesn’t happen as frequently as expected.
D.It is in line with advances in technology
2022-04-04更新 | 163次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约290词) | 较难 (0.4)

【推荐3】That children are the hopes of our tomorrow is statement that is repeated time and again. And it is an axiom(格言); they are our pillars of the coming time. But then do we train them into becoming healthy human beings?

Healthy human beings here are not meant the physical well being, but the good human being, that is, one with virtues and values keeps them in the state of working towards the benefit of humanity.

How can children absorb within themselves the virtues and values? Well, this is the primary responsibility of parents and other immediate family members, followed by school authorities. The values and virtues of an individual is sown in their childhood and as they grow up.

Depending on the way we bring up our children, we decide our own future. It is vital that in the formative years we give them quality time and attention. We teach them to discriminate between the good, bad and the ugly. We have to teach them use positive emotive like love and compassion and teach them actions of kindness and generosity. At the same time we have to help them do away with the negatives of hatred, anger, jealousy, selfishness, etc.

Your child is like a plant. You sow the seeds and also reap the benefits of its growth and development. First and foremost you as a parent have to realize your responsibility in nurturing a child to grow into a good human being. And it is just not up to anyone of the parents, but both together to inculcate(谆谆教诲)the values and virtues into your child.

1. What should a good human being have?
A.A good physical stateB.A good virtue or value
C.A good career in societyD.A powerful relationship net
2. What sense is the most important for kids to learn?
A.Safety senseB.Lifestyle sense
C.Transportation senseD.Responsibility sense
3. Whom is the passage most probably written for?
A.Family parentsB.Child experts
C.Health researchersD.Primary school teachers
4. What does the passage mainly want to tell us?
A.Children are parents’ hope
B.Educating children is a tough thing
C.Parents take responsibilities for educating children
D.Parents have trouble in educating children
2017-08-08更新 | 18次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般