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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:49 题号:22818446

Recently, after I gave a virtual presentation on my book Indistractable, a listener wrote something in the Zoom chat that drove me crazy, “This is great but wouldn’t work for me. I’m a Gemini (双子星座的人).”

Ironically, the Zoom listener is right. If she thinks she’s incapable, she’ll prove it correct — whether it has anything to do with the stars and moon or not. Her inflexible self-identification denies her the chance to improve her life. It’s incredibly self-limiting.

That’s why we should stop defining ourselves as fixed identities and nouns, and instead start describing ourselves using verbs.

Words are powerful. Linguistic research shows that language shapes people and culture; it can also give us insight into ourselves and our behavior. In a well-known study, researchers Robert Rosenthal and Lenore Jacobsen had all students in the same elementary school take a standard IQ test. Then they randomly selected a group of students, regardless of their test results, and told teachers the group would show “dramatic intellectual growth”. Eight months later, those students scored significantly higher on an IQ test. The study concluded that teachers’ positive perception of students correlated to those students’ high performance on intellectual and academic tests. The labels the children received became a sort of self-fulfilling prophecy (预言).

That’s because language shapes expectations, which shape our reality. If we have experiences that lead us to label ourselves with specific nouns during our life, then we are likely to stick with those labels and the behaviors that go with them.

Using verbs to identify ourselves is an effective method for releasing “trapped priors”—a term in psychology for a perception of reality that’s affected or trapped by past experiences. Verbs are action words well suited to describing short-lived behaviors that can and do change. They don’t lay claim to our entire identity, but they acknowledge that we are people first and foremost, not whatever a singular noun may say we are. So, instead of saying, “I am a procrastinator (拖拉者)”, you should say, “I am a person who often procrastinates.”

By focusing on our behaviors, not fixed characteristics, we can release harmful perceptions of ourselves that hold us back from trying methods that might improve our lives — like those that can help us achieve the critical skill of being indistractable.

1. What does the author want to show through the example of the Zoom listener?
A.The concept of flexible self-identification.
B.His confusion about the way to self-identify.
C.His understanding of proper self-identification.
D.The negative effects of using nouns to define oneself.
2. What does the well-known study imply?
A.Self-fulfilling prophecies change over time.
B.Encouragement promotes students’ improvement.
C.Language usage will have an impact on teaching.
D.IQ has little to do with students’ academic performance.
3. How are teachers expected to evaluate students?
A.By highlighting their behaviors.
B.By focusing on their advantages.
C.By analyzing their typical characteristics.
D.By assessing their academic performance.
4. Which can be the best title for the text?
A.Nouns are more powerful than verbs
B.Your words can determine your future
C.How we define ourselves really counts
D.Our option of words reflects our identity


阅读理解-阅读单选(约390词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】While employers are all highlighting the importance of crucial (决定性的) soft skills — such as emotional intelligence and learning ability — as determinants(决定因素)of performance, the most competitive roles require graduate credentials (研究生学历), to the point of going beyond current levels of supply. At the same time, the number of people going to university continues to rise, effectively devaluating the undergraduate degree (大学本科学位). So more and more of the workforce is considering going to graduate school.

What, then, are the pros and cons you should weigh up if you are trying to decide whether or not to go to graduate school?

In terms of advantages, a graduate education increases your salary potential — it’s no secret that people who have graduate school degrees are generally paid more money than those who don’t.

Moreover, as AI and automation are replacing many roles with others, a growing percentage of workers are being pushed to reskill and up skill to remain relevant(相关的), and there’s no doubt that most of us will have to reinvent ourselves at some point if we want to do the same. If you find yourself in this situation currently, grad school may not be a bad choice.

The challenge will be picking what to major in. If you set yourself to be a strong candidate for jobs that are in high demand, you risk being too late to the game by the time you graduate.

But what if you can learn for free? There is much online content — books, videos and more — now widely available, at no cost, to the general public. If you want a master’s degree simply to gain more knowledge or acquire a new skill, it’s important to recognize that it’s possible to recreate learning experiences without paying thousands of dollars for a class.

And you may be wasting your time. Historically, people have mostly learned by doing — there is a big difference between communicating the theoretical experience of something and actually going through that experience.

Most people would probably prefer the qualifications of a graduate degree without the underlying (根本的) experience and education, to the actual experience and education without the formal qualifications that follow. What is actually valued are the consequences of having a degree, rather than the degree itself.

1. In employers’ eyes, graduate credentials .
A.are far more important than soft skills
B.guarantee the possession of crucial soft skills
C.are becoming less and less valuable
D.are still necessary for the most wanted positions
2. What can we learn from Para. 4?
A.Everyone needs self-improvement to stay employed.
B.AI and automation are making self-improvement increasingly easy.
C.Technical development is driving people to improve themselves.
D.Technical development will lead to more serious unemployment.
3. What might the author think of learning with online content?
A.Convenient and affordable.
B.Not as reliable as graduate school classes.
C.Time-consuming with the large amount of content.
D.More interesting with the diverse forms of materials.
4. Which is the best title for this passage?
A.Should You Go To Graduate School?
B.How Much Value Does A Graduate Degree Have?
C.How Will A Graduate Degree Change Your Life?
D.Which Is More Important: A Degree or Ability?
2020-11-03更新 | 46次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约380词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】Researches on the effects of bad news on mood suggest exposure to negative COVID news is likely to be harmful to our emotional wellbeing. These findings leave a few key questions unanswered. Does doomscrolling (keep searching for negative information on social media) make people unhappy, or are unhappy people just more likely to doomscroll? And what would happen if, instead of doomscrolling, we were “kindness scrolling” — reading about humanity’s positive responses to a global crisis?

To find out, researchers conducted a study related to it. People who were shown general COVID-related news experienced lower moods than people who were shown nothing at all. Meanwhile, people who were shown COVID news stories involving acts of kindness didn’t experience the same decline in mood, but also didn’t gain the boost in mood they’d predicted. These findings suggest that spending as little as two to four minutes consuming negative news about COVID-19 can have a harmful impact on our mood.

Although researchers didn’t see an improvement in mood among participants who were shown positive news stories involving acts of kindness, this may be because the stories were still related to COVID. In other research, general positive news stories have been associated with improvements in mood.

So what can we do to look after ourselves, and make our time on social media more pleasurable? One option is to delete our social media accounts altogether. But how realistic is it to distance ourselves from platforms that connect nearly half of the world’s population, particularly when these platforms offer social interactions at a time when face-to-face interactions can be risky, or impossible? It is better for us to find some other ways to make the experience on social media more positive. For example, be mindful of what you consume on social media, seek out content that makes you happy to balance out your newsfeed and use social media to promote positivity and kindness.

As the pandemic (大流行病) continues to change our lives and newsfeeds, let’s find some other steps to make our social media a happier place.

1. Which of the following may researchers probably agree with?
A.Doomscrolling makes people unhappy.
B.Kindness scrolling does good to our mood.
C.Good news about COVID-19 boosts mood.
D.Unhappy people are more likely to doomscroll.
2. Who underwent the most decline in mood?
A.Those shown no news at all.
B.Those shown acts of kindness about COVID.
C.Those shown general positive news not related to crisis.
D.Those spending four minutes consuming negative news about COVID.
3. What is the practical solution to making our time on social media more positive?
A.Don’t respond to others online.
B.Advocate proper behavior online.
C.Interact with people face to face.
D.Leave social media platform altogether.
4. What’s the author’s purpose of writing the passage?
A.To find out the effect of bad news.
B.To figure out the impact of COVID.
C.To introduce a study about doomscrolling.
D.To improve our experience on social media.
2023-01-02更新 | 81次组卷
阅读理解-六选四(约320词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】From New York Times: super-achieving moms on Wall Street have househusbands! The report pointed to a tenfold increase (since 1980) in the number of women in finance with stay-at-home husbands, allowing them to achieve success without the distractions of housework and child raising.

    1     And I don’t doubt the increase in the number of households where husbands and wives are exchanging roles, but this arrangement isn’t really new. The real news is that until recently, noone wanted to admit it.

I’ve been covering the elite(精英) class of big law firms for over 10 years, and I can tell you that many of the women who make it to the top often have a man at home who’s taking care of the kids, planning the meals, and otherwise keeping the fireplace fired up. Indeed, you can go to any number of big firms in New York City where there’s a handful of female partners (the national average for female equity partners has barely surpassed 16%), and the gossip among the associates is that those women in power are either single or married to men who stay at home. “They seem to belong to some sort of househusband club,” said one associate about the female partners with kids.    2    

I sensed that reluctance when I did a story on female partners at big Wall Street firms with househusbands a few years ago. Though three couples were happy to speak to me on the record about their arrangement, many more held back from going public.

Often, successful women are reluctant to admit that their husband is really the one minding the home. “He has primary responsibility for the kids, but he also works on the side,” explained one partner about how her husband spends his time.     3     “He’s doing consulting” is a popular explanation.

All of this points to our rooted uncertainty about changing gender roles. Men in these situations often feel alienated (格格不入的),particularly if they are surrounded by stay-at-home moms.     4    

A.They just didn't like to talk about it.
B.That formula shouldn’t surprise anyone.
C.We live in a country that doesn’t have much of a safety net for anyone.
D.But when she was pressed about what type of work the husband does, the reply is often vague.
E.This typical arrangement may be more long-lasting if the wife makes an enormous amount of money.
F.But the power moms with the stay-at-home husbands are just as uneasy, often more embarrassed than proud that they’ve upset the traditional order.
2022-02-02更新 | 69次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般