组卷网 > 高中英语综合库 > 主题 > 人与社会 > 故事 > 生活故事
题型:书面表达-读后续写 难度:0.65 引用次数:48 题号:22818611

As a teaching student, I was sent on my first practicum(实习) at a local high school. During my practicum. I found that the awful aspects of high school haven’t changed since I was there. It can still be a place where judgements are made on different kids.

Jess was a Year 10 student who always respected her classmates, though she failed to be treated equally in return. Kids constantly made fun of her. As a teacher, I felt it natural to protect students like Jess, but I soon realized that there was so little I could actually do.

Tyson, a Year 12 student known for his music al talents, turned out to be opposite. He was always surrounded by admirers and was willing to help others. Obviously, he was a confident, helpful and popular young man.

When the school talent show came around, Jess asked to perform a solo act. I was hesitant to allow her to take the stage, fearing she might make herself the target of laughter. However, I knew that it would be unfair to say no on these grounds, so her name made it onto the list of performers.

When the day of the show arrived, the whole school gathered in the concert hall. The show began and I was pleasantly surprised that each performance was greeted with cheers and applause, creating an encouraging atmosphere. Then, on the stage stood Jess, smiling broadly. The music started and, to my horror, she missed the first line of the song. She became so nervous that she sang in the wrong key and forgot her lyrics(歌词). As Jess struggled on the stage, some kids in the audience whispered and giggled, but most remained silent.

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Jess looked embarrassed and was about to give up when something amazing happened.

【知识点】 生活故事


书面表达-读后续写 | 适中 (0.65)

Prissy Baker was in Oscar Miller's store on New Year's morning, buying matches when her uncle, Richard Baker, came in. He did not look at Prissy, nor did she wish him a happy New Year; she would not have dared.

Uncle Richard had not been speaking with Prissy or her father since the two brothers' quarrel over the division of a piece of property eight years ago. The fault had been mainly on Richard's side, but he was too stubborn (固执的) to admit it.

He was actually a big, strong-looking man-an uncle to be proud of, Prissy thought, if only he were like what he used to be himself. He was the only uncle Prissy had, and when she was a little girl they had been great friends; but that was before the quarrel.

Richard Baker informed Mr. Miller he was on his way to Navarre to deliver a load of pork. “New Year's Day would be pretty much the same as any other day to you,” said Mr. Miller, for Richard Baker was a bachelor (单身汉).

“Well, I always like a good dinner on New Year's Day,” said Richard Baker. “It's about the only way I can celebrate. I got everything ready last night but I have to send the pork now. I won't get back from Navarre before one o'clock, so I guess I'll have to put up with a cold bite.”

After her uncle had driven away, Prissy walked thoughtfully home. She did not mean to cook a dinner, for her father had to meet a friend and would be gone the whole day. There was nobody else to cook dinner for. Prissy's mother had died when Prissy was a baby.

But as she walked home, she could not help thinking about Uncle Richard. He would certainly have cold New Year, cold enough to freeze the whole coming year. She felt sorry for him, picturing him returning from Navarre, cold and hungry, to find a fireless house and an uncooked dinner.

Paragraph 1:

Suddenly an idea came into Prissy's head.

Paragraph 2:

Prissy had just set the table when an angry voice cut through the peace.

2022-01-17更新 | 132次组卷
书面表达-读后续写 | 适中 (0.65)

My husband and I have experienced a lot along our travels. Either of us can remember every detail of the trip. The most impressive moment that shortly stands out to me is when Doug and I took the public bus from Turtle Bay Resort to Kualoa Ranch in Oahu, Hawaii. We had plans of making some short videos throughout Ka'a'awa Valley where various scenes of Jurassic Park were filmed. I was so excited about this spectacular adventure. As we were catching our flight out of Honolulu later that evening, we didn't have much time to spare. We were on a quite strict schedule. Unfortunately, we ended up lost.

When we got off the bus at a small neighborhood along the single highway, we realized something was wrong. We checked our map and concluded that we exited the bus many stops too soon. Worse still, it began to rain. We wandered around looking for any residents outdoors to ask for directions. The bus wouldn't make its rounds back to our current stop for quite some time. We could either walk several miles to Ka'a'awa Valley and have no time to make some short videos or wait for the bus to return and still have no time to catch our flight to go on with our planned adventure. Our afternoon was looking awful.

As we angered and complained in front of a local's home, a black SUV pulled up. It turned into the driveway where we had been resting. Doug and I waved, smiled and apologized to the driver for intruding (闯入). I further explained how we were lost and told her of our plans to go to Kualoa Ranch. However, she didn't say anything as she led her dogs out of the car and into her house.


When she came back outside, she instructed us to get into her car.


We exchanged stories of our homes and life.

2022-03-11更新 | 144次组卷
书面表达-读后续写 | 适中 (0.65)

Only eight days until Thanksgiving and there wasn’t going to be enough money to grocery shop for the holiday. It was hard to put everyday food on the table for three growing teen boys with the little I earned from work. There was only a few small sweet potatoes, one can of green beans, and two chicken breasts.

The next day, I met my friend and neighbor, Aleta, at her home. Her four boys and my kids were good friends. Her husband had recently lost his job due to illness, and financial difficulties hovered (盘旋) over their household as well.

“Hey, I have an idea how we can put together a meal where everyone will have enough. ”I proposed.

“I have a few cans of green beans, about three pounds of chicken legs, and three apples. ”she said.

“Great. Let’s meet at my house at 2:00 in the afternoon. If you have some peanut butter, I have enough flour and ingredients to make cookies. ”

Four days before Thanksgiving, I had finished baking the cookies. My friend called with news about a family living in our community who needed help with food and bills. The father had been in an accident and unable to work for the last few months.

We didn’t know the family well, but my friend and I went to visit them with our holiday cookies, hoping to help in some way. While everyone chatted, I walked into their kitchen to see about the food situation. The cupboards were almost empty. No exaggeration. A single can of soup, and a box of cereal (麦片) sat alone in the cupboard. That’s it. I was shocked.

Aleta and I knew the life during hard times. We left the house, eagerly wanting to help. But what could we do? Our own finance sand food situation left nothing to spare.

Almost at the same time, our thoughts connected. Without a word, we looked at each other, asking ourselves the same question. Could we sacrifice a little more and give the family our holiday meal?

“How can we help them?” I asked the kids.
On Thanksgiving Day, we delivered two full bags of groceries to the family.
2022-12-22更新 | 106次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般