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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:51 题号:22819027

In a heartwarming rescue operation off the coast of Houston-Galveston, a U.S. CoastGuard team discovered an unexpected passenger during a routine inspection of shipping containers. The team, led by Petty Officer 2nd Class McMahon, were astonished when they heard barking and scratching coming from one of the containers.

As they cautiously opened the container, they were greeted by the sight of a small, furry face — a dog trapped inside the dark space. The dog seemed remarkably calm and happy to be liberated from her limited quarters.

“As soon as we opened it, we could see the little dog’s face poking out,” McMahon said. “She just seemed happy more than anything, to be out of that dark space and in the arms of people that were going to take care of her.”

Further investigation by Coast Guard officials revealed that Connie had been trapped in the container for at least eight days, deprived of food and water. The container, filled with deserted vehicles intended for overseas sales, had likely originated from a junkyard.

“So based on that, they think that the dog most likely was in a junkyard, in a car. And that how she accidentally got put in the container,” Chief Petty Officer Corinne Zilnicki said.

Grateful for being in the right place at the right time, McMahon expressed the urgency of the situation. “It would take at least another week to get to where she was going and two weeks without food or water. I don’t think she would have made it,” he said.

Forever Changed Animal Rescue has taken her in, diligently working to nurse her back to health and prepare her for adoption.

1. What does the underlined word “liberated” in paragraph 2 mean?
2. Where did Connie probably stay before being loaded on a ship?
A.At a deserted parking lot.B.Off the local coast.
C.In an unusable vehicle.D.In a limited container.
3. What might happen to Connie in the future?
A.Being sold overseas.B.Starving to death.
C.Living with a family.D.Being trapped in a junkyard.
4. What can be a suitable title for the text?
A.An Unexpected PassengerB.A Touching Rescue
C.An Abandoned DogD.A Remarkable Team


阅读理解-阅读单选(约300词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】Scientists have long known that a crow (乌鸦) native to New Caledonia is able to use tools. The birds use them to remove food from deep holes. Now, American researchers have discovered a second species of crow with the same ability. They reported on their experiments with Alala crows, which are from the Hawaiian Islands.

In the experiment, the researchers placed pieces of food in holes inside the wood. The holes were too deep for the crows to reach with their beaks (鸟喙). But, by using small pieces of wood held in their beaks, Alala crows quickly got the food. They used small objects as tools, sometimes changing them by shortening too-long sticks. They also made tools from plant materials.

“The crows use their beaks as people use fingers. Tool use is rare in the animal kingdom.” Said Chritian Rutz of University of St. Andrews. “Current evidence strongly suggests that tool use is part of the species’ natural behavioral pattern. These birds had no special training in the study, yet most of them were skilled at handling stick tools.”

Bird experts claim finding out that the crows use tools is important discovery. “It makes us rethink how to look at the whole tool-use idea now and encourages us to go out and look for things that we may have ignored before.”

All the Alala crows left in the world live in Hawaii. There were less than 20 Alalas left in the late 1990s when scientists decided to bring them into a protected area. Now, it is reported that there are over 100 birds living there. Scientists plan to release a small number of the birds back into the wild later.

1. What can Alala crows do according to the study?
A.Storing food in the wood.
B.Making holes in the wood.
C.Processing tools as needed.
D.Working together to get food.
2. What do Chritian Rutz’s words mean?
A.Alala crows’ beaks look like people’s hands.
B.Using stick tools is not easy for Alala crows.
C.Using tools comes naturally to Alala crows.
D.Alala crows won’t use tools without being trained.
3. What do scientists plan to do with Alala crows?
A.Set some of them free in nature.B.Increase the population of them.
C.Move all of them out of Hawaii.D.Build more protected areas for them.
4. Where does the text probably come from?
A.A novel.B.A business report.
C.A research plan.D.A science magazine.
2021-07-14更新 | 58次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约340词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】A team of scientists was surprised recently when they spotted an unusual creature near the bottom of the Pacific Ocean. They were wondering if it was a new species.

The scientists were aboard a ship used by the Ocean Exploration Trust to make new discoveries in the world’s seas.The team had released a remotely operated vehicle (ROV) named Hercules to explore the sea bed. Equipped with a camera, Hercules can be controlled from the ship and show the team what is happening deep below the surface.

Hercules led the scientists to an unusual sight—a mysterious creature about the same size as the ROV. It seemed like a sea pen, a creature that is related to jellyfish (水母) and coral (珊瑚) and named for its looking similar to an old-fashioned quill, but the team knew that sea pens had never been spotted in the Pacific before.The only previous sightings of this species had been in the Atlantic Ocean and the Indian Ocean. This led the scientists to believe that it could be a newly discovered species.

The new creature was observed nearly two miles below the surface in an area of the Pacific Ocean west of Hawaii, which had not previously been explored by scientists. Steve Auscavitch,a biologist at Boston University in Massachusetts, was the lead scientist of the team.“From time to time, we come across some things that we never expect to see, and those are often the most powerful observations,” Auscavitch said.

In February, another group of scientists in Spain officially recognized and named two new types of sea pens.The team led by Auscavitch will need to do further research to determine whether the unusual creature they spotted is the first known sea pen in the Pacific Ocean or an entirely new species. Either way, the discovery is exciting.“It really does expand our knowledge about where animals can live and exist,” Auscavitch said.

1. How did the scientists explore the deep ocean?
A.By applying a remote-controlled vehicle.
B.By tying machines to deep sea creatures.
C.By diving into the ocean themselves.
D.By setting a camera on the seabed.
2. What does the underlined word “quill” probably refer to?
A.A camera.B.A vehicle.C.A writing tool.D.A diving robot.
3. What is the next target of Auscavitch’s team?
A.To find out more new species.B.To identify the new discovery.
C.To confirm the types of sea pens.D.To know about sea animals’ living habits.
4. What might be the best title of the text?
A.A new ROV to explore the oceans
B.Sea pens in the Atlantic and Indian Oceans
C.An unknown species spotted in the Pacific Ocean
D.Undersea exploration conducted by Boston University
2023-10-25更新 | 43次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】Conservationists have long known that using pandas, tigers and other charismatic(有号召力的) species to front their campaigns is a good way to raise money. But some people argue that focusing on these “flagship” animals can ignore equally threatened but less cute ones.

Now Jennifer McGowan at Macquarie University in Sydney and her colleagues suggest that we can have it both ways, after finding that funding for flagship species also helps other threatened species in the surrounding areas. McGowan’s team first drew up a list of 534 flagship species in wildlife-rich hot spots around the world. The biodiversity areas were each split into grids (网格) of 100 by 100 kilometre squares. The researchers then compared two conservation approaches across eight simulated scenarios(模拟场景) which assumed different levels of human activity and protected areas.

The first focused on protecting flagship species, while the second aimed to protect the maximum number of species in an area, regardless of their fundraising potential. Their study has found that targeting grid squares with flagship species also protected 79 to 89 per cent of the non-flagship species in that area. The figure rose to 97 per cent in some scenarios. “The findings could help when choosing which species to promote. Flagship species are very effective at getting the public to care,” she says.

Morgan Trimble, the author of a paper that has found scientists also have a bias towards charismatic animals, says the results don’t surprise her. “While I think it’s important that we don’t lose sight of the bigger picture --- conserving species is about conserving all the component parts of ecosystems, even the not-so-cute species --- I think highlighting flagship species in fundraising and education is a practical idea and appeals to human nature,” she says. Trimble also asks what the alternative to using flagship species would be: randomly picking species? McGowan’s study found a random approach to choosing where to spend conservation funds only protected 39 to 55 per cent of the non-flagship species.

1. What kind of animals do conservationists usually use to raise funds?
A.Less attractive animals.
B.Endangered flagship animals
C.Threatened but not necessarily cute species.
D.Charismatic but not necessarily threatened species.
2. What has McGowan and her team’s study revealed?
A.It’s fair enough to focus on flagship species.
B.There are very few flagship species in grid squares.
C.Non-flagship species are poorly protected in general.
D.Flagship species are getting more than enough attention.
3. What does Trimble think of the study’s outcome?
A.It needs to be further confirmed.B.It is in line with her expectations.
C.It is beyond her comprehension.D.It goes right against human nature.
4. What would be the best title for the text?
A.How to choose a charismatic species
B.The effects of human activity on animals
C.How to best channel conservation efforts
D.The role of fundraising in saving animals
2021-01-02更新 | 253次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般