组卷网 > 高中英语综合库 > 主题 > 人与社会 > 体育 > 竞技/比赛
题型:书面表达-读后续写 难度:0.4 引用次数:15 题号:22833775

At Piedmont Middle School, a kid could run track or play tennis, but everyone wanted to be on the soccer team. Piedmont and the surrounding towns were pretty small, so instead of having separate girls and boys teams, each school had one team made up of both girls and boys. Laura had dreamed of earning glory for the team Los Halcones ever since the first grade when her older brother Toni won in the county middle school championship. Now he was away at college on a soccer scholarship. The day she joined the team as a sixth-grader, she felt like she could fly.

But, unfortunately, her joy didn’t last. She spent most of the season on the bench.

Walking to the car after the last game of the season, Laura tried to smile at her mother. Having spent yet another game sitting on the bench, Laura hadn’t even broken a sweat. “Well, at least you don’t have to wash my uniform,” she joked, but she could feel tears in her eyes. Her mother said, “You still have chances. Don’t lose heart. Toni once made the same mistake. And now you can watch soccer videos to learn more skills when sitting there.” Laura could only shake her head.

Lying in bed that night, Laura thought back to her first game, the day of her huge mistake.

“Pass, pass, pass!”

“Clear that ball!”

Voices yelled from every side. Laura ran nervously in front of the goal (球门) as both teams rushed down the field. She knew the children in green were her teammates. Those in blue were on the other team. At that time, a boy on the opposing team had the ball when a battle for that ball broke out a few feet from her. Green and blue uniforms swirled (打转) around her, and Laura could barely keep track of the ball. Then, suddenly, it came her way!

“Laura, I’m open!” one of her teammates called from near the sideline. Then Laura kicked the ball.

1. 续写词数应为150左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。

But the ball went in the completely wrong direction!


Sitting on the bench for game after game, Laura decided to tell Toni that she wanted to quit.

【知识点】 竞技/比赛


书面表达-读后续写 | 较难 (0.4)

Everyone has their own strengths and weaknesses! Turning our weaknesses into strengths makes us unbeatable. This is an inspiring story of a 12-year-old boy Kim who defeated his weakness, by unknowingly making it his strength.

Poor Kim lost his left hand in a terrible accident. His parents could not comfort him. To cheer him up, his father made him join a Judo(柔道) school. As the boy always wanted to learn Judo, his father thought that this would make him happy.

Everyone wondered how a single armed boy could learn Judo. However, the master happily accepted him. He trained in Judo for about 8 months. He practiced nothing but a single stroke(击) . He trained for all 8 months in mastering a single stroke. The boy was surprised and sometimes annoyed as his master taught him only one stroke.

Yet, he said nothing. The boy mastered the stroke and grew as nobody could excel(胜过) in doing that particular stroke. The boy was picked by the master to compete in the national level Judo championship tournament(比赛).

Everyone made fun of Kim and the master. How a one-handed boy could win a national championship? Even the boy was not sure about why his master chose him.

Surprisingly, Kim easily defeated his six contenders(竞争者) with his single stroke. He gradually moved to semi-finals. He struggled a bit in the semi-finals and won again.

Needless to say, it surprised everyone and the final match began.


Kim asked his master how he won the championship with just a single stroke.

2021-05-03更新 | 503次组卷
书面表达-读后续写 | 较难 (0.4)

Two-Man Ironman

On Sept. 17, 2022, Jeff and his son, Johnny, set out to begin the first of three legs of the Ironman competition in Cambridge, where competitors must complete a 140 miles of swimming, bicycling and running in under 17 hours. Johnny was born with cerebral palsy (脑瘫) and could barely walk a few steps with the help of a rolling walker. But his dream of being a runner never stopped.

Determined to show Johnny that he could pursue his dream of being an athlete, Jeff helped him engage in running. They began waking up at 4 am, so Jeff could run while pushing his son in a special wheelchair called a racing chair. Every morning, they drove themselves to run increasingly longer distances. Soon, they were entering 5K races, then on to Ironman competition. At first, Jeff would act as Johnny’s arms and legs, carrying the weight of his son. Gradually, Johnny could even run a few miles using a rolling walker.

The race began with a 2.4-mile swim in the Choptank River. Jeff helped Johnny into a kayak (独木舟). With one end of a rope tied to a harness around his back and the other end to the kayak, Jeff eased himself into the water. Swimming while dragging another person was tough enough—Jeff also had to struggle with jellyfish. “I occupied my mind by counting the number of times I got stung (蛰),” he said.

The pair completed the swim in 90 minutes, and it was on to the next leg: a 112-mile bicycle ride. Their custom-built bike has an extra-strong frame and an additional seat in the back for Johnny that faces backward, the better to cheer on other competitors.

After completing the tough bike section in roughly nine hours, they set their sights on the final leg of the race—a 26.2-mile marathon with Jeff pushing Johnny in the racing chair. They’d been competing for 10.5 hours, leaving another 6.5 hours to make their time.

注意:1. 续写词数应为150左右;

Paragraph 1: But at Mile 19, Jeff began to panic, convinced they were going too slow.


Paragraph 2: After 16 hours, 55 minutes and 35 seconds, father and son crossed the finish line together.

2024-05-14更新 | 49次组卷
书面表达-读后续写 | 较难 (0.4)

My 11-year-old daughter, Elizabeth, started to talk about quitting swimming, which broke my heart because she loves swimming. So when the swim season began, I cut a deal with her. She would practice three times a week and try really hard. I wouldn't make her compete in the swim meets. Elizabeth does not like swim meets. She gets horribly nervous but not because she wants to win. She doesn't care if she wins.

Recently, Elizabeth's team announced a special swim night: Members 11 and older would swim a timed 50 meters relay. It wasn't exactly a meet, because it would involve only team members. That was my view. Elizabeth argued that it absolutely was a meet because there would be races. I told Elizabeth I really wanted her to go. She fought back angrily but finally agreed.

When the day of the special swim night arrived Elizabeth was nervous. She was the youngest person and shorter by at least a foot than most of the other kids. She panicked when it was time for the T-shirt relay. The relay works like this: One person from each relay team puts on a T-shirt, a pair of socks» and a swim cap; swims 50 meters; and gets out of the pool. She takes off the clothes and puts them on the next person, who then swims 50 meters. This continues until everyone on the team has completed a lap.

Then it was Elizabeth's turn to swim. She seemed to swim faster in the T-shirt and socks than she did when she wasn't wearing them. Approaching the halfway mark, Elizabeth was in the lead. Suddenly, somebody noticed that one of Elizabeth's socks had fallen off and was floating (漂)in the pool. "She has to get that sock on before the end of the race," a swimming official told Elizabeth's team, or you will be disqualified.

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Everybody on her team started screaming Elizabeth! Get the sock!”


On the ride home, she shared her moment of winning again and again.

2021-01-27更新 | 843次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般