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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:13 题号:22837000

A new study has found the amount of antibiotics (抗生素) given to farm animals is expected to increase by two-thirds over the next 15 years. Researchers are linking the growing dependence on the drugs to the increasing need for meat, milk and eggs. However, the drugs could quicken the development of antibiotic-resistant infections (感染). Such infections are already a major public health concern in the United States.

The World Health Organization notes that when people stop living in poverty (贫困), the first thing they want to do is eat better, rather than earn more money. For most people, that means their diet should contain more meat. With the rapid development of Asia, people there are eating nearly four times as much meat, milk and other milk products as they did 50 years ago.

To meet the need, farmers have put many animals into smaller spaces. As the animals are crowded together, the easiest way to deal with some of the problems of crowding is to give them antibiotics. It’s clear that antibiotics help animals stay healthy in a crowded environment and grow faster. But bacteria can develop resistance to the drugs gradually.

Nowadays, doctors find antibiotics that once worked against the infections no longer work. The bacteria have learned ways to fight against the drugs. The heavy use of antibiotics in animals is responsible for the growth of antibiotic resistance worldwide. In the United States, at least two million people get drug-resistant infections each year and at least 23,000 die from an infection.

Europe has banned the use of antibiotics to increase animal growth. And the United States is hoping to persuade farmers to stop using antibiotics for that purpose.

1. What accounts for the increasing amount of antibiotics given to farm animals?
A.The desire for new drugs.B.The less effective antibiotics.
C.The outdated farm technology.D.The need for more various foods.
2. What do most people want to do first when they get rid of poverty according to WHO?
A.Make a lot of money.B.Focus more on health.
C.Have more meat in their diet.D.Live in a better environment.
3. What can be inferred from the passage?
A.Antibiotics do harm to animals.
B.Antibiotics make animals more nutritious.
C.Antibiotics are used heavily in Europe.
D.Antibiotic-resistant infections spread to people.
4. What’s the passage mainly about?
A.A new way of raising farm animals.
B.The advantages of using antibiotics.
C.The reason for banning the use of antibiotics.
D.The negative effects of the heavy use of antibiotics in farm animals.


阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】Plant-eating dinosaurs probably arrived in the northern half of the world millions of years after meat-eating dinosaurs, a recent study found. Their late arrival was likely a result of climate changes that took place hundreds of millions of years ago.

The study used a new way to ascertain the age of dinosaur remains found in Greenland. Researchers found that the plant-eating dinosaurs were about 215 million years old. The mineralized(石化的)remains of bones are called fossils. Earlier, those fossils were thought to be as old as 228 million years. The findings could change how scientists think about dinosaur movements, or migrations.

The earliest dinosaurs all seemed to first develop about 230 million years ago or longer. They appeared in what is now South America. Then, the creatures moved north and spread all over the world. The new study suggests not all dinosaurs moved at the same time.

So far, scientists have not found any evidence of plant-eating dinosaurs living in the Northern Hemisphere before 215 million years ago. One of the best examples of these is the Plateosaurus, a two-legged, 7-meter-long plant-eater that weighed around 4,000 kilograms. However, meat. eaters lived worldwide by at least 220 million years ago.

During the Triassic(三叠纪)period, 230 million years ago, CO2 levels were 10 times higher than now. The Earth was hotter with no ice sheets at the poles and two areas of extreme deserts north and south of the equator(赤道). It was so dry in those areas that there were not enough plants for the plant-eaters to survive. But there were enough insects so that meat-eaters could.

About 215 million years ago, CO2 levels dropped. The drop resulted in more plant life in the deserts. The plant-eaters were then able to make the trip. Triassic changes in CO2 levels were from volcanoes and other natural forces. The changes were different from those in our times, when the burning of coal, oil and natural gas are considered the main causes of climate change.

1. Which can best replace the underlined word "ascertain" in paragraph 2?
A.Stress.B.Choose.C.Make use of.D.Find out.
2. What do we know about the Plateosaurus?
A.It was the largest living thing at that time.B.It was a plant-eating dinosaur.
C.It lived at least 220 million years ago.D.It was the earliest dinosaur in the south.
3. Why were meat-eating dinosaurs able to survive in the deserts?
A.They had enough food.B.They had a strong body.
C.CO2 is harmless to them.D.They were not afraid of dry climates.
4. What made the deserts covered with more plants?
A.The spread of small plants.B.Migration of dinosaurs.
C.The change of the atmosphere.D.An increase in rainfall.
2021-07-22更新 | 49次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约340词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】Your cat is probably keeping track of where you are, even if your feline (猫科的) friend isn’t in the same room with you and can’t see you.

Scientists recently learned that house cats create “mental maps” that tell them where nearby humans are located, based on where sounds are coming from. The researchers tested cats by playing recordings of human voices calling the cats’ names; they then played those recordings again, only this time through a speaker in a different place, so that the same sounds came from farther away. The cats acted surprised when the familiar voice came from a location that they didn’t expect, based on what they had already heard. This suggests that cats spatially (空间上) locate their unseen human companions using audio cues—a cognitive (认知) ability that was previously unknown in felines.

Knowing that something continues to exist even if it’s out of sight is called object permanence, and it’s a test that researchers use to measure animal intelligence. Human babies typically begin to develop object permanence when they’re around 8 months old, and this ability becomes more advanced when babies reach 10 to 12 months old; at that stage, babies can find hidden objects, and they begin to realize that their parents and caregivers don’t disappear just because they can’t be seen, a ccording to the Mayo Clinic.

In other studies, cats have also shown that they can distinguish between familiar and unfamiliar human voices and that they can orientate hidden objects. So “it seems reasonable that cats should be able to mentally map others’ locations based on sounds,” the scientists said in the study.

Being able to form a mental picture of the outside world “is an important feature in complex thinking,” and these findings put the study in a new light, which could inform future studies of feline cognition, the study authors concluded.

1. How do house cats locate their human companions?
A.By tracking voices.B.By searching maps.
C.By observing behavior.D.By identifying recordings.
2. Why does the writer mention human babies?
A.To better clarify cats’ cognitive ability.
B.To indicate the mental level of children.
C.To tell how to test cats’ cognitive ability.
D.To show how to develop babies’ intelligence.
3. What does “orientate” underlined in paragraph 4 mean?
4. What do the study authors think of their findings?
A.Useful for pet animal training.B.Helpful for further studies on cats.
C.Necessary for raising cats as pets.D.Important for mental research on cats.
2023-03-15更新 | 44次组卷
阅读理解-五选五(约180词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】Every year, millions of birds are killed or hurt when they fly into buildings. Why does this happen?     1     Birds are flying into windows and tall buildings that are all covered by glass.

Many birds fly from one place to another. Most of the time, they live in the wild, such as forests and wetlands.     2     They might see small trees and flowers inside a window and want to rest on these plants. The birds do not know there is glass between them and the plants.     3    

Some birds fly at night. They use the moon and stars to help guide them in the right direction. Tall buildings with lights on at night can confuse the birds.     4     The birds see the light, but they cannot tell that the light is coming from inside a building. They fly toward the light and crash into a building. On many mornings, there might be several dead birds lying on the ground.

    5     Many office buildings now turn off their lights at night. This helps reduce the number of birds that fly into buildings and it also helps save energy.

A.This is a big problem, especially on foggy and rainy nights.
B.People are trying to solve the problem.
C.These birds have no idea what glass is.
D.As a result, they fly right into the glass.
E.The answer is glass.
2023-06-04更新 | 94次组卷
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