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题型:书面表达-读后续写 难度:0.65 引用次数:16 题号:22847358

My little sister, Meg, said that she wasn’t afraid of the dark anymore and she’d be OK staying with Aunt Lily in the country. “As long as you’re there, Mike,” she had said. Still, Mum was worried. Meg had never slept away from home, away from the city. So I told Mum I could handle everything.

Even though we were only staying overnight, Meg had brought six books-all about fairies (仙女). After we unpacked, Aunt Lily invited us to pick some flowers. As we followed her through the forest, Meg held my hand tightly. But once we reached the sunlit grassland, she let go. “Butterflies!” whispered Meg. She screamed with delight when one flew near her.

Maybe I had nothing to worry about, I thought. I still remembered when I was here last summer, I found some amazing insects, like fireflies (萤火虫) and walking sticks which I’d never seen in the city.

“Fairies are magical. See these beautiful flowers they grow!” she kept telling absolutely everything she knew about fairies. I was glad that if she kept it up until bedtime, then maybe she’d fall right to sleep.

Meg did keep chatting, right through supper. Then the sun began to set. “Does it get really dark out here at night?” she asked. Her eyes were fixed on the window.

“Sure, but we’ve got plenty of lights inside,” said Aunt Lily. She leaned over and gave Meg a warm smile. But I could tell she was still worried. “I could read to you.”

I hadn’t even finished a page when her bottom lip started shaking slightly. “Mike,” she said, her eyes starting to fill. “I want to go home.” I quickly searched through her book for something to keep her from crying.

The book fell open to a page that was dog-eared from use, a page that was obviously one of Meg’s favorites.

The text read: “Among the trees deep in the forest, the lights of fairies gleam(闪烁).” Aha! How could I forget those “tiny fairies” out there?


“Meg, there’s something outside I want to show you,” I whispered.


“Tiny fairies, Mike!” she said, pressing her forehead against the window, “Everywhere!” They weren’t fairies, of course. But the winking light s really existed and were, in my opinion, better than magic. I wanted to tell Meg about these incredible insects that flashed in the dark, signaling to each other. Then I looked down into Meg’s shining eyes, and I decided she could learn about fireflies some other time. Meg was so absorbed in the breathtaking scene that she completely forgot her homesickness and soon fell asleep against my shoulder. I guess it turned out that I could handle everything-with a little help from the magic al fairies.

【知识点】 生活故事


书面表达-读后续写 | 适中 (0.65)

My childhood was filled with fun and laughter, and I cherish those memories to this day. I still remember the excitement I felt when I got my first bicycle as a child.

My parents bought me a bicycle as my birthday gift when I was ten years old, hoping I can get more outdoor exercise and make more friends as I was then addicted to computer games and was getting more weight. It was a brand new model with all the latest features in it. I was the happiest person in the world that day. I had hugged my parents tight and was jumping with joy. It was the most useful thing I had with me at that moment.

My cycle was a limited edition arrival. It had all the latest features like enhanced brakes, improved gears, indicators, a bottle holder, a horn instead of a bell and enhanced better gripping types. It looked flashy and colourful. The rim of the cycle was painted in dark green and the other parts were in shades of yellow and blue in patterns. It was the centre of attraction when it was delivered at my house and all of my friends stared at it with wide eyes. Each one of them wanted a ride on the cycle. I said I would allow everyone to ride it but only after I rode it first.

I rode the cycle every day to school and back home. Since it had improved gears, it took me very less time to cover the distance between home and school and vice-versa. I also took the cycle to my tuition. Wherever I used to park the cycle, the students would start staring at it because of its attractive color. I rode the cycle for all the purposes. Even if I had to run errands (跑腿) from shops very near to our house, I would take the cycle for the unmixed fun of it. As a result, I successfully quitted computer games and lost much weight. forming a health living habit. My fondness for the cycle grew so much that I used to wash and clean it every day for thirty minutes in the morning. I never allowed anyone to ride the cycle.

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I had once competed with my friends on riding speed.


Just then something went wrong.

2023-12-16更新 | 101次组卷
书面表达-读后续写 | 适中 (0.65)

Our family had lived in our old house near a place called Two Rivers for long. After my husband found a new job in St. Bethlehem, we decided to move there. And my task was to have a house built for us there.

Every morning, I would drive to St. Bethlehem with my two kids to check the progress of our new house being built by workers. If we were lucky, we would be in our new house before Thanksgiving. And we would make new memories.

The days passed and the house rose. Shortly before Thanksgiving, we decided to move. We put our dog Barney into our car. Our large long-haired brown cat named Q didn’t want to leave our old house where he had stayed for long. Each time we put him into our car, he escaped into the house. Finally, we put him into a pet cage in our car. And we waved goodbye to our old house that had recorded our many wonderful memories.

After we reached our new house, Barney quickly fit in. But Q was restless and nervous. Fearing he’d escape, I put him in his cage in the basement of our new home. And I told everyone not to let the cat go out of the cage.

Well, it happened anyway. Somehow, Q disappeared. Thanksgiving seemed dull. There was no Q enjoying food with us. Q was my kids’ special friend, and losing him hurt them a lot.

The day after Thanksgiving, a neighbor telephoned me, saying someone had broken a window of our old house and that there was a big hole in it. And he added that blood and brown hair were all over the window. Then, I knew Q, our large cat, must have somehow found his way back and broken in. It was a seven-mile journey. I was excited and also worried. Would he still be there? Could he find his way back to our new home if he missed us? Was he wounded by the broken glass?


Hurriedly, I drove to our old house together with my kids.


We quickly took Q to the doctor.

2023-08-31更新 | 99次组卷
书面表达-读后续写 | 适中 (0.65)

One pleasant New-year morning, Edward rose, and washed and dressed himself in a hurry. He wanted to be first to wish a happy New Year to his family. He turned up at every door of the house, and shouted the words of “Happy New Year” in an excited voice. After a quick breakfast, he hopped along the street like a happy bird, greeted and repeated the words to those he met.

When he came back, his father gave him 50 dollars, saying he could buy whatever he had been wishing for. His face lighted up as he took them. He had wished for a long time to buy some interesting books that he had seen at the bookstore. He thanked his father and danced out of the house again with a light heart, wanting to buy those books.

As he ran down the street, he noticed a poor German family, the father, mother, and three children trembling with cold. “I wish you a happy New Year,” said Edward, as he was happily passing on. The man took a look at the happy boy and shook his head sadly.

Edward stopped and said, “It seems that you do not belong to this country” The man again shook his head, a confused expression appeared over his face, for he could not understand or speak English.

But the poor man pointed to his mouth, and to the children with hungry looks, as if to say, “These little ones have had nothing to eat for a long time.”

Edward quickly understood that these poor people were in difficult situation.

Paragraph 1:

He took out his dollars, and gave them all to the man.

Paragraph 2:

When Edward went home, his father asked what book he had bought.

2023-12-15更新 | 100次组卷
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