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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:25 题号:22851053

A 420-meter white steel tube running alongside a railway line in the northern Netherlands could be the start of a new kind of transportation for people and goods. The tube from Hyperloop Center is the heart of the new transport technology that opened recently in Veendam. Developers from Hyperloop Center will be testing the changing technology there over the coming years.

Hyperloop technology was once supported by business leader Elon Musk. Its supporters say it is far faster than short flights, high-speed rail, and trucks. When Musk first presented the idea, he said it could transport people the nearly 645 kilometers between Los Angeles and San Francisco in 30 minutes. But since then, progress has been slow to get from an idea to the real world.

Sascha Lamme is the center’s director. He expects to have the first Hyperloop route by 2030. He said, “There are already preparations being done for such routes in for example Italy or India.”

Robert Noland is a professor at the Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy at Rutgers University in New Jersey. He told The Associated Press that policy makers go after big ideas of the future but they should invest in simpler transportation structures. He added, “It costs too much to build.” But Lamme noted that they have not added all of the ways they can reduce costs over the next ten years.

The test center’s tube is made up of 34 separate sections mostly 2 and a half meters wide. A piece of equipment next to the tube removes air in the tube to reduce the pressure inside the tube. That reduces air resistance and permits capsules to travel at such high speeds. A capsule built by Dutch hyperloop company Hardt Hyperloop will be tested next month. It receives financial support from private investments, local and national governments, and the European Commission.

While testing continues in Veendam, hyperloop developers hope that routes for their technology will be coming. Lamme stated that getting government authorization (授权) for building routes is their main hardship they encountered. And he said finding new financial support to test and show the technology is what is needed to make this happen.

1. What does Hyperloop Center aim to do?
A.Build a 420-meter white steel tube.B.Develop a new transport technology.
C.Ask for donations from the local company.D.Meet the challenges of the new technology.
2. What is the benefit of Hyperloop technology compared to traditional vehicles?
A.It’s more eco-friendly.B.It’s cheaper.
C.It’s more efficient.D.It’s much safer.
3. What is Robert Noland’s attitude towards Hyperloop’s future?
4. What is the main difficulty about building routes according to Lamme?
A.Finding some new financial supports.B.Gaining the government’s approval.
C.Travelling at a very high speed.D.Running along a railway line.


阅读理解-阅读单选(约390词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】Every driver loves sailing through a series of green lights without having to stop and wait at a traffic light. Now, thanks to artificial intelligence, German researchers have found a way to reduce time spent at crossings.

Called the KI4LSA project and funded by the Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure, the innovation is being tested. Scientists first studied algorithms (算法) taken from a busy crossing to learn about traffic patterns and where improvements were most needed. There is a great necessity to speed up waiting times at crossings as traditional methods are inflexible, according to the Fraunhofer Institute.

The new AI method uses radar sensors and high-resolution cameras to interpret traffic patterns in real-time. They can determine the speed of traffic as well as waiting times and combine this with algorithms. Scientists are currently trying this out at a busy crossing in Lemgo, Germany, with encouraging results.

The intelligent lights are said to improve traffic flow by 10 to 15 percent, which results in money saved; the EU estimates that traffic jams create economic damage that adds up to 100 billion euros a year. Apart from reducing commuting time, these traffic lights will reduce noise and CO2 emissions from cars idling (空转) at crossings.

Another exciting development in this research is the K14PED project, which studies pedestrians passing crossings. Using AI, researchers can identify how many people are waiting at a pedestrian crossing and whether some of these people will need extra time to cross the street. Using a 3D points cloud, they can tell if someone has disabilities or is elderly without identifying the individual. Because pedestrian buttons that are presently at crossings cannot determine if some people have special needs or are elderly, this is a real win. Such a needs-based system could reduce pedestrian waiting time by 30 percent, which could then decrease jaywalking (乱穿马路) by 25 percent.

Testing will be done until the late summer of 2022 in the German towns of Lemgo and Bielefeld, with researchers optimistic that it will be adopted by many countries. This technology is exciting news for pedestrians and drivers alike. It encourages safety, protects the environment, and may even give you more time to enjoy your morning coffee before heading off to work!

1. What is the function of AI in the KI4LSA project?
A.To avoid noise pollution.B.To control the speed of traffic.
C.To remind people of traffic rules at crossings.D.To provide real-time information about traffic.
2. What is paragraph 4 mainly about?
A.Ways of improving traffic flow.B.The development of artificial intelligence.
C.The effect of traffic jams on the environment.D.Advantages caused by the intelligent lights.
3. What can we learn about the K14PED project?
A.It can be helpful to pedestrians with special needs.
B.It can identify the individual accurately.
C.It can avoid traffic accidents with a 3D points cloud.
D.It has been applied to streets in many countries.
4. Which could be the best title for the text?
A.The Bright Future of AI TechnologyB.The Intelligent Traffic Lights: A Blessing for Transportation
C.Digital Traffic System: A Sign of Smart CitesD.The New Traffic Service for Old Citizens
2022-07-06更新 | 31次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约310词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】Yangsigang Yangtze River Bridge, the double-deck suspension (悬浮) bridge with the longest span in the world, opened to traffic on Tuesday after five years’ construction, according to a statement from the constructor.

It is reported that the bridge is 4. 13 kilometers long, with 12 lanes in both directions on the main I bridge. It is a long-span suspension bridge with the largest volume in the world, China Railway Major Bridge Engineering Group said. The bridge connects the Hanyang and Wuchang and its opening will ameliorate the urban expressway system, relieve traffic pressure across the river, and drive development in the area, according to the company.

On both sides of the upper deck of the bridge, there is a two-meter-wide footpath, with eight rest and sightseeing areas, where people can enjoy the river scenery. The lower level is designed with two non-motorized lanes, each 2. 5 meters wide. A 1. 5-meter wide walkway is also a feature of each side of the floor so pedestrians (行人) can walk on the lower level without getting caught in the rain.

Chief designer of the bridge, Xu Gongyi, said, “Considering navigation and traffic volume, the main span of the bridge is 1, 700 meters, which is the second-largest in the world and also the largest in bridges of double-deck structure.”

According to Luo Ruihua, project manager of the bridge, the Yangsigang Yangtze River Bridge has set several records in the process of its construction. The designed tension of each of the two main cables (钢索) is 65, 000 tons.

From 2014 to 2019, builders have shown the world the speed of China. The bridge not only enhances Wuhan’s reputation as a “bridge museum”, but also represents a super project of a new era.

1. What does the underlined word “ameliorate” in paragraph 2 mean?
2. How does the text introduce the bridge’s basic information?
A.By giving examples.B.By making comparisons.
C.By describing its principles.D.By using data.
3. What can we know about the bridge?
A.It will attract many foreigners to Wuhan.
B.It is friendly to pedestrians.
C.The cost of its construction is low.
D.It is the longest bridge of the world.
4. What attitude does the author have to the bridge?
2021-02-03更新 | 221次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约360词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】The Insurance Institute for Highway Safety, a research group supported by companies that insure owners of motor vehicles, says U. S. crashes involving large trucks rose by nearly one-third since hitting a record low in 2009. A total of 4,136 people died in such crashes in 2018, with 119 deaths resulting from large trucks rear-ending other vehicles.

However, a new study has found that when the rear-end crashes happened, safety systems were able to slow down the vehicles by over 50 percent, resulting in fewer injuries and less damage. The institute's Eric Teob did the study. He examined crash records from 62 trucking companies that operate tractor-trailers or other large trucks. He found about 2,000 crashes. Those accidents involved vehicles that traveled more than 3. 2 billion kilometers from 2017 to 2019.

The safety systems use cameras, radar and other sensors to watch the roadway. Some are designed to warn drivers of dangers, while more complex systems will stop the truck. Trucks with crash warning systems reduced rear crashes by 44 percent, while automatic emergency braking systems cut rear crashes by 41 percent, the study found.

The institute called on the federal government to require such systems on new large trucks. It’s noted that many truck operators are already adding emergency braking on their own.

“Rear-end crashes with trucks and other vehicles happen a lot, often with horrible consequences," said Teob. “This is an important countermeasure to that."

The study found that trucks equipped with a crash warning system bad 22 percent fewer crashes than those without the technology. Trucks with emergency braking systems had 12 percent fewer crashes.

Teob said the findings could be valuable for trucking companies and drivers who are considering whether to get safety devices on their next vehicles.

In the United States, there are currently no requirements for either system. In Europe, automatic emergency braking with forward collision warning has been required by the European Union on most new large trucks since late 2013, the institute said.

1. What does the author want to tell us about U. S. traffic accidents in Paragraph 1?
A.The seriousness.B.The consequence.
C.The unpredictability.D.The causes.
2. How can safety systems help achieve fewer injuries and less damage while crashing?
A.By sending alerts.B.By cutting speed.
C.By making noises.D.By turning off the engine.
3. What is Teob's attitude towards the safety systems?
4. Which of the following can be the best title for the text?
A.Safety Devices Can be Hard to Ease Your Worries
B.Safety Devices Can Reduce Big Truck Rear Crashes
C.Making Yourself a Perfect Driver
D.Driving Well for Less Damage
2020-12-30更新 | 204次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般