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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:36 题号:22862428

Chinese food is well-known for its rich sorts and distinct flavors from different areas. This article highlights four classic dishes that represent the wide range of Chinese cooking.

Dongpo pork

Dongpo pork is a delicious dish from Zhejiang Province, China. It’s made by cooking streaky pork (五花肉) slowly with ingredients like soy sauce, ginger, and sugar. This makes the meat very soft and full of flavor. The tasty sauce is great for mixing with rice. The dish is named after a famous poet, Su Dongpo.

Hot candied milk tofu

Hot candied milk tofu is a sweet specialty from the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region. It is crisp (酥脆的) on the outside and soft on the inside. It tastes sweet and is suitable for people of all ages to eat. It’s also great for getting more calcium.

Steamed Chinese cabbage in supreme soup

Steamed Chinese cabbage in supreme soup is a famous Sichuan cuisine. It is made with the hearts of Chinese cabbage from the north. It’s cooked with chicken, duck, and pork bones to make a clear flavourful soup, which is seasoned with minced chicken or pork. Some chicken oil is drizzled on top. The Chinese cabbage, cooked in the soup, keeps its crisp freshness and soaks up (吸收) the soup, offering a tasty experience.

Steamed fish head with chopped hot chilli peppers

In Hunan Province, the love for spicy food is obvious in a famous traditional dish, steamed fish head with chopped hot chilli peppers. The fish head is marinated (腌) with a generous amount of red chilli peppers and then steamed to perfection. The combination of the fish’s natural freshness and the chilli peppers’ heat creates an unforgettable taste experience.

1. What is the first dish named after?
A.A famous chef.B.A historical figure.
C.A traditional festival.D.A specific cooking technique.
2. Which dish uses several kinds of meat as ingredients?
A.Dongpo pork.
B.Hot candied milk tofu.
C.Steamed Chinese cabbage in supreme soup.
D.Steamed fish head with chopped hot chilli peppers.
3. What are the key tastes of steamed fish head with chopped hot chilli peppers?
A.Sweet and sour.B.Sweet and fresh.
C.Salty and sweet.D.Spicy and fresh.


阅读理解-阅读单选(约330词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】If you’ve ever eaten a free doughnut (甜甜圈) on the first Friday in June, you’ve celebrated the Doughnut Lassies- whether you realized it or not, National Doughnut Day was established to honor the Salvation Army volunteers who fried sugary snacks for World War I soldiers on the front line.

When the US entered World War I in 1917, the Salvation Army, a charity organization, sent about 250 volunteers (who were mostly women) to France, where the American army was stationed. The plan was to bring treats and supplies as close to the front line as possible. But the closer the volunteers got to the action, the fewer resources they could access.

Margaret Sheldon and Helen Purviance were credited with bringing doughnuts to the Wester Front. They had a handful of ingredients, including flour, sugar, animal fats, baking powder and canned milk. Doughnuts were one of the few sweet foods they could make without an oven, and once they had a fire hot enough to heat the oil, they could fry them up fast. The women had the pan to cook them in, but for other parts, they had to get creative. For example, grape juice bottles became rolling pins (擀面杖) when necessary.

Sheldon and Purviance’s pan could fit seven doughnuts at a time, and on day one, they made just 150 doughnuts for the group of 800 men. The soldiers even fought over a doughnut. Then they made some changes to their operation, and eventually made 5,000 doughnuts a day. The snacks were so popular that the volunteers earned the nickname “ Doughnut Lassies”, while the soldiers they served were nicknamed “Doughboys”.

The Doughnut Lassies’ impact didn’t end with World War I. The American soldiers’ experiences overseas made doughnuts a commonly eaten food for them back home.

1. What is the purpose of the Salvation Army in sending the volunteers?
A.To learn about life on the front line.
B.To provide French soldiers with food.
C.To bring food and supplies to the front line.
D.To increase the number of soldiers on the front line.
2. Why did the volunteers decide to make doughnuts rather than other foods?
A.Soldiers preferred doughnuts.
B.They were best at making doughnuts.
C.Doughnuts were their best choice then.
D.Doughnuts allowed them to be creative.
3. How did Sheldon and Purviance probably react on day one?
A.They were hopeless.
B.They were confused.
C.They became a bit angry.
D.They were greatly encouraged.
4. What can be inferred from the last paragraph?
A.Doughnuts were more popular out of the US.
B.The American soldiers got tired of doughnuts.
C.The Doughnut Lassies’ impact didn’t last long.
D.Doughnuts became popular in the US after the war.
2023-05-26更新 | 114次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约370词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】Taste is such a subjective matter that we don’t usually conduct preference tests for food. The most you can say about anyone’s preference is that it’s one person’s opinion. But because the two big cola companies-Coca-Cola and Pepsi Cola-are marketed so aggressively, we’ve wondered how big a role taste preference actually plays in brand loyalty. We set up a taste test that challenged people who identified themselves as either Coca-cola or Pepsi fans: Find your brand in a blind tasting.

We invited staff volunteers who had a strong liking for either Coca-Cola Classic or Pepsi, Diet Coke, or Diet Pepsi. These were people who thought they’d have no trouble telling their brand from the other brand.

We eventually located 19 regular cola drinkers and 27 diet cola drinkers. Then we fed them with four unidentified samples of cola one at a time, regular colas for the one group, diet versions for the other. We asked them to tell us whether each sample was Coke or Pepsi; then we analyzed the records statistically to compare the participants’ choices with what mere guesswork could have accomplished.

Getting all four samples right was a tough test, but not too tough, we thought, for people who believed they could recognize their brand. In the end, only 7 out of 19 regular cola drinkers correctly identified their brand of choice in all four trials. The diet-cola drinkers did a little worse-only 7 out of 27 identified all four samples correctly.

Both groups did better than chance would predict, but nearly half the participants in each group made the wrong choice two or more times. Two people got all four samples wrong. Overall, half the participants did about as well on the last round of tasting as on the first, so tiredness, or taste burnout, was not a factor. Our preference test results suggest that only a few Pepsi participants and Coke fans may really be able to tell their favorite brand by taste and price.

1. According to the passage the preference test was conducted in order to ________.
A.show that a person’s opinion about taste is mere guesswork
B.compare the ability of the participants in choosing their drinks
C.find out the role taste preference plays in a person’s drinking
D.reveal which cola is more to the liking of the drinkers
2. The statistics recorded in the preference tests show that ________.
A.there is not much difference in taste between Coca-Cola and Pepsi
B.few people had trouble telling Coca-Cola from Pepsi
C.people’s tastes differ from one another
D.Coca-Cola and Pepsi are people’s two most favorite drinks
3. It is implied in the first paragraph that ________.
A.the competition between the two colas is very strong
B.blind tasting is necessary for identifying fans
C.the purpose of taste test is to promote the sale of colas
D.the improvement of quality is the chief concern of the two cola companies
4. The underlined word “burnout” here refers to the state of ________.
A.being seriously burnt in the skin
B.being badly damaged by fire
C.being unable to burn for lack of fuel
D.being unable to function because of too much use
5. The author’s purpose in writing this passage is to ________.
A.emphasize that taste and price are closely related to each other
B.recommend that blind tasting be introduced in the quality control of colas
C.show that taste preference is highly subjective
D.argue that taste testing is an important marketing strategy
2023-10-13更新 | 33次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约320词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】Tea drinking was common in China for nearly one thousand years before anyone in Europe had ever heard about it. People in Britain were much slower in finding out what tea was like, mainly because tea was very expensive. It could not be bought in shops and even those people who could afford to have it sent from Holland did so only because it was a fashionable curiosity. Some of them were not sure how to use it. They thought it was a vegetable and tried cooking the leaves. Then they served them mixed with butter and salt. They soon discovered their mistake.

Tea remained scarce(稀少的) and very expensive in England until the ships of the East India Company began to bring it directly from China early in the 17th century.During the next few years so much tea came into the country that the price fell and many people could afford to buy it.

Tea had been drunk without milk in it at first, but one day a famous French lady named Madame de Sevigne decided to see what tea tasted like when milk was added.She found it so pleasant that she would never drink it without milk again.She was such a great lady that her friends thought they must copy everything she did.Slowly this habit spread until it reached England and today only very few Britons drink tea without milk.

At first tea was usually drunk after dinner in the evening.No one ever thought of drinking tea in the afternoon until a duchess(公爵夫人) found that a cup of tea and a piece of cake at three or four o'clock stopped her getting“a sinking feeling”as she called it.She invited her friends to have this new meal with her and so,teatime was born.

1. What can we learn about the Britons from the text?
A.They got expensive tea from India.B.They bought tea out of curiosity at first.
C.They had tea until the early 17th century.D.They were the first to drink tea in Europe.
2. When did tea become a popular drink in Britain?
A.In the 17th century.B.In the early 18th century.
C.In the late 18th century.D.In the 19th century.
3. The underlined words“this habit”in Paragraph 3 refer to drinking tea________.
A.after dinnerB.in the afternoon
C.with milk in itD.without milk in it
4. What is the last paragraph mainly about?
A.The history of tea.B.The birth of teatime.
C.The ways of making tea.D.The habit of drinking tea.
2022-12-02更新 | 159次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般