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题型:书面表达-读后续写 难度:0.65 引用次数:43 题号:22866560

It was a warm Sunday. Stella just settled down with a book in the front yard, when her friend Bog came over with his 6-year-old sister.

“Stella, please! I need you to look after Hazel! I have a lecture to attend this morning.” Bog begged.

Stella was not happy to babysit a little girl. However, Bog didn’t give her any other choice. He dropped Hazel off and quickly ran away before she could say anything. Unwillingly, Stella turned to Hazel.

“Just stay there and don’t cause any trouble.” Stella said coldly.

To her surprise, the little girl smiled and started to draw beside her. For the next hour, Havel was absorbed in drawing without making a single noise. Gradually, Stella’s annoyance disappeared and got used to the company of the little girl. After a while, Hazel approached Stella and showed her a picture, in which two girls held hands and kept smiling at each other.

“Look, it’s you and me,” Hazel said in a sweet voice.

Stella’s heart softened as she looked at the drawing. She felt ashamed of treating Haze l so badly. Setting her book aside, Stella smiled and said, “I really love it. Thank you!”

Then Stella joined Hazel to color it together. Just as they were lost in the world of colors, a sudden phone ringing broke the silence. It was a phone call from one of Stella’s friends to remind her about the plan to go skating on the square. Stella’s heart sank because she had forgotten all about it. She was torn between the desire to go skating and her duty to look after Hazel. As Stella was wondering what she should do, Haze l looked up at her with hopeful eyes.

“Can I come with you?” she asked eagerly.

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“Of course,” Stella said with a forced smile.


Stella and her friends helped Hazel put on the rented skating shoes.

【知识点】 生活故事


书面表达-读后续写 | 适中 (0.65)

Jenny is a fifth - grader. She is one of the most popular girls in her class because she is among the brightest in her class . She can do the most cartwheels (侧手翻) in a row , but most of all , she has the talent to dance well .

Last year, she entered the school’s dance competition and won first place. Since that day, she has been the class attraction. This year, the school is holding another dance competition, but there has been a change. The competition has to be done in pairs.

Jenny’s class was expecting her to win again this year. But Jenny was unsure. She wanted to enter the competition, but she had never danced with a partner before. She decided to ask some of the boys in her class to enter with her. They all said no because they did not know how to dance .

She finally decided to turn to one of her closest friends, Carl. Carl was unwilling to join at first because he also didn’t know how to dance. But Jenny insisted and he finally agreed. However, she was still worried because she knew it was going to be more of a challenge because Carl was not a good dancer. The competition was in two months , and only time could tell whether they would win or not.

Jenny and Carl spent the first two weeks memorizing the steps of their dance with the help of their teacher. Carl was pretty clumsy at first . Jenny had to devote some time to helping Carl improve his skill. Fortunately, he finally got the hang of it. They spent the rest of the time perfecting their moves. The day of the competition was near . Jenny and Carl were beginning to get nervous.


The day of the competition arrived.


They came to a perfect start.   

2022-02-16更新 | 207次组卷
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Throughout our lives, we have encountered a lot of people that have influenced us in some sense. Their effect may be for one day or a lifetime. Often, you don’t realize how much influence someone has made on you until a particular moment. The man who made a big influence on me was my father.

Three months after turning fourteen, my life was great. I was getting settled into a high school; my grades were already getting better and I was making friends.

One day, when I got back from school, I went to the sitting room and saw my parents having a conversation. They came up to me and asked me to take a seat, because they wanted to say something very important. I soon found out that my dad’s liver(肝脏) was failing and he needed an immediate transplant(器官移植). I was surprised and bewildered(不知所措的) because my father looked all right. He worked, and he didn’t seem ill. My parents said I shouldn’t be afraid, because it was going to be all right. Four months had gone by, and my father had yet to get a new liver. It looked as if his body was steadily worsening, but he kept saying, “Dear, everything will be just fine.”

It was becoming difficult for me and my family. My father had to give up work, and my mother was the sole breadwinner(养家糊口的人). I had to bear the responsibilities of cleaning up the house making food, and looking after my father when my mother was at work. I had to limit my time with my friends, because my father started coming in and out of the hospital. My concentration on the subject was beginning to slip away. So were my grades. Two days before my school spring break, my mother got a phone call from the hospital, saying my father had an accident and was in hospital. What surprised me was that my father wasn’t injured at all. Then the next day, my mother got a phone call from the doctor saying that there was a liver that matched my dad’s body and that he needed to get to the hospital immediately.

1.续写词数应为 150左右;
My parents and I hurried to the hospital.
I had to take on so many responsibilities at home.
2024-01-10更新 | 183次组卷
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注意:1. 续写词数应为 150 左右;

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We were headed to the nationally famous Blue Owl Restaurant, in historic Kimmswick, Missouri, to celebrate my husband’s birthday. It is said that the restaurant is warm and romantic with smiling waitresses dressed in long blue dresses with white aprons. The food was delicious, and the service was extremely good. This week, the restaurant offers a sweetheart dinner that is well worth the price. So we decided to have a try.

There would be freezing rain today, but it might be around midnight. We would be safely home by then. But then, as we were near the restaurant, it suddenly started raining heavily. We were closer to the restaurant than home so it seemed wise to go to the restaurant.

By the time we arrived, the street in front of the restaurant was a sheet of ice. The parking lot was also a sheet of ice and in front of our car was a pool of water. I couldn’t pull in the parking lot and I knew, even if I parked on the street, we would never be able to get out and walk in the rain.

My husband couldn’t walk steadily (稳步地) and I was not strong enough to help him to cross the street. I was afraid we would fall, so we were planning to give up the meal in the fancy restaurant. But we really wanted to try the special chocolate- covered strawberries that were as large as baseballs. Also, we wanted to take pictures of the two of us.

At that moment, an unknown lady walked toward us.


To our surprise, the lady, who just helped us, was the owner of the restaurant.


2024-06-12更新 | 17次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般