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题型:书面表达-读后续写 难度:0.65 引用次数:86 题号:22869190

In Whitney High School, Cerritos, California, which was known for its academic excellence and competitive atmosphere, there were two friends, Sam and Emily, who were preparing for their final exams. Sam and Emily were best friends and had always studied together. Sam was naturally gifted in mathematics, while Emily excelled in history. As their final exams approached, they promised to help each other with their weaker subjects.

They spent weeks preparing, exchanging notes, and quizzing each other. Sam helped Emily understand complex mathematics problems, and Emily helped Sam remember historical dates and events. Their friendship grew stronger as they worked towards their common goal.

However, as the exam day neared, Sam started to feel huge pressure. His parents had high expectations, and he was afraid of letting them down. He began to doubt his abilities, especially in history, which was his weakest subject. Emily noticed Sam’s anxiety and tried to reassure him, but Sam’s stress only seemed to increase. The night before the history exam, Sam admitted to Emily that he was considering cheating because he was so afraid of failing.

Emily was shocked and disappointed. She reminded Sam of all the hard work they had put in and the serious consequences cheating could have. She told him that it was better to try and fail honestly than to succeed through dishonesty.

On the day of the history exam, Sam was extremely nervous. He remembered Emily’s words and knew she was right. He decided to face the exam honestly, using what he had learned from their study sessions.

During the exam, Sam struggled with some of the questions, but he did his best to answer them without turning to cheating. When the exam ended, he felt a mix of relief and uncertainty. He had stuck to his values, but he wasn’t sure if he had done enough to pass the subject.

1. 续写词数应为150个左右;
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A few weeks later, the exam results were announced.


The experience of preparing for and taking the exams strengthened the bond between Sam and Emily.

【知识点】 友谊 诚实守信


书面表达-读后续写 | 适中 (0.65)

One of my best friends is named Lisa. If you’d told us a month ago that there would come a point when we would need space from each other, we would have said “Not a chance!”

But then Lisa’s family won a five-day stay in a mountain cabin(小屋). Because Lisa’s sister, Alana, was spending the week with her grandparents, Lisa’s mom and dad said I could come along instead.

When I told my parents about the awesome invitation, my mom said, “That sounds fun, but keep in mind that five days is a long time to spend with a friend.” I shook my head. “Lisa and I are just like fish and water. We’re happy sticking together. Plus, the cabin is near paths where we can try snowshoeing and other outdoor stuff.”

A few weeks later, Lisa and her parents and I arrived at an adorable cabin surrounded by snow-covered pine trees. “What a great place!” Lisa’s dad said.

“It’s looking a little cloudy,” said Lisa’s mom, glancing at the sky. “Let’s hope it means snow and not rain.”

As you might have guessed, the clouds did mean rain. Lots of rain. And since our major plans involved snowshoeing and watching winter wildlife, we were stuck. “I guess we’ll have to find something else to do,” said Lisa.

We found a couple of board games and a pack of cards and sat down. At first, it was fun, but we ended up playing those games for about 100 hours, stopping only to eat and sleep!

“I can’t play anymore,” I said on the third day. “How about we just read by ourselves for a while?”

“I have a better idea,” said Lisa. “How about singing instead?”

“I think a little quiet time would be nice,” I said, opening a book I had brought.

“Oh, come on! Don’t be boring. I’ll pick the first song.” Lisa started singing “Somewhere over the Rainbow.”


“Could you please leave me alone?” I shouted.


The fourth day was fine, and we went out to play sometimes together and sometimes apart, just as her father had said.

2024-05-09更新 | 22次组卷
书面表达-读后续写 | 适中 (0.65)

Long ago, a man and a woman and their daughter, Oksana, lived in a tiny cottage on the edge of a village. The family was poor, but their home was rich with love and laughter. And Oksana was never lonely, for behind their cottage was a high hill where the village children played throughout the year.

But one winter, Oksana fell ill. Her parents were too poor to pay for the costly medicine she needed. Oksana would sit by the window all day, watching her friends outside. While Oksana watched the children, a little spider watched Oksana from her web in the rafters (椽子).

One day, the spider spun down next to her. “Hello there, little spider,” Oksana said. She watched as the spider began to spin a delicate design in the window.

When Mama came to set some tea by Oksana’s bed, she noticed the spider too. “What’s this?” she said. “Let’s get the creature out of here!” She reached for the broom.

“No, Mama, please let her stay,” said Oksana. “She is my friend. Look, she’s spinning a web for me.”

“Ah, Oksana, talking to spiders. You silly girl!” Mama patted Oksana’s cheek. “We need to get you back outside with your friends. You’re as pale as the snow.” As the spider scurried (小步疾跑) away, she turned her head toward Oksana as if to say thank you.

One day, Dad took home an evergreen tree. Mama hollowed (挖空) out some eggs so Oksana could paint them as decorations for the tree. But halfway through painting the first one, Oksana stopped. “Mama, I’m too tired.” She sighed and shut her eyes. Mama finished the egg and hung it on the tree.

As the spider watched Oksana’s family, an idea came to her. Once Oksana, Mama, and Dad were asleep, the little spider set to work. She carefully climbed every branch, leaving a trail of sticky webs behind her. As the night sky lightened, the spider reached the top of the tree. It was only a short way to her own web in the rafters, but it felt like miles.

注意:1. 续写词数应为150左右;
2. 请按如下格式在相应位置作答。

Suddenly, a gust (股) of air blew under the door and turned the gray webs to silver — real silver.


When villagers got word of the silver tree, they all came to see it.

2023-08-31更新 | 28次组卷
书面表达-读后续写 | 适中 (0.65)

A Friendship Coming Back

For my fourteenth birthday, my mom offered to take me and several friends to the city near our small town to visit a mall, eat pizza in the food court, and then catch a movie. Afterwards, we would all return to my house for a slumber party (睡衣晚会). It was just the kind of celebration a teenage girl longed for.

On the awaited day, all the friends I’d invited to join me on this birthday trip attended school—except Nora. When it was time to climb aboard the bus and ride together to my home, she still didn’t show up.

I felt confused. Then I felt mad. Why did she tell me she’d come to the party and then break her word without letting me know? By the time we returned to my house, I decided to call Nora.

When she answered, I demanded to know why she had forgotten my birthday celebration. “It’s my birthday!” I complained. “You’re not coming to my party and you didn’t let me know. What kind of friend are you?”

Nora explained that she had to stay at home because she was sick.

“OK, so you’re sick.... but how was I supposed to know if you didn’t tell me?” I yelled.

The conversation only grew more heated from there. By the end of it, Nora could only sob (抽泣) sadly and then I slammed (摔) down the phone madly.

At school on Monday, I avoided seeing her. For the rest of the school year, we hardly spoke to each other. We started high school the following year. Our friendship has been relegated (降级) to the past. It happens sometimes, I figured, so I just shrugged it off (不在乎).

Years later, I discovered that Facebook had suggested Nora as a friend. We’d attended the same school, came from the same town, and had many friends in common; it made sense. It was at that moment that I began to reflect on that ugly phone conversation I’d made with Nora all those years before. I felt a deep regret for what I had done for the first time.

Gathering all my courage, I sent the friend request and she accepted in no time.
But a few days later, she finally responded with a message.
2023-12-08更新 | 44次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般