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题型:书面表达-读后续写 难度:0.65 引用次数:88 题号:22870372

Eric raised his daughter Riley alone. One day, Eric noticed a young teenage boy standing in front of a drugstore. He approached him, and found out that the boy, Jack, wanted to buy medicine for his sick mother, but had no money. Jack cried out, “If I don’t bring home medicine, my mom will die. But I won’t be able to handle it.”

Upon hearing this, Eric didn’t hesitate to pay for the medicine. “I’ll pay for the medicine on his behalf,” he said, handing the pharmacist (药剂师) a couple of bills from his pocket. The boy looked at Eric with grateful eyes, and cried, “Thank you so much. You are heaven-sent.”

“There will always be people willing to help you, son,” Eric told him before handing him two portions of food. “Here, take this to your mom and have a hot meal with her,” he said before letting the boy go.

His daughter Riley saw the whole scene and said, “Dad, we have barely enough money. Why did you pay for the medicine?” Riley, the good you put out into the world will eventually find its way back to you. Just keep doing good,” Eric told his daughter.

When Riley turned thirty, she needed an operation urgently after being told there was something wrong with her heart. With difficulty breathing, Eric rushed Riley to the hospital in an ambulance. “You’ll be alright, Riley.” he cried. “Don’t worry, Daddy is here. We’ll get through this together,” he promised her.

Eric did try his best to find the money for his daughter’s operation. He asked all of his friends, but it was still not enough. Therefore, Eric decided to sell their house. It was enough to pay for her operation, but they would be left with nothing, “It’s okay,” he told himself. I will be able to earn money again, but if I lose my daughter, nothing will ever bring her back.”

By the time Eric made it back to the hospital, Riley was in her hospital room, weak and pale. He sat beside her bed and held her hand. “You’ll be okay, my sweet daughter. We’ll soon have the money for the operation,” he promised her.


Eric suddenly noticed an envelope on the bed.


In the nurse’s station, he was told doctor Jack had entered the hospital room just now.

23-24高一下·江西南昌·期中 查看更多[5]


书面表达-读后续写 | 适中 (0.65)

At one table by the window, a lady just finished up her lunch. It wasn’t anything fancy, just a sandwich and some salad, with a cup of tea to wash it all down. She seemed to be in her own little world, staring out the window every now and then, like she was waiting for something. After a bit, she got up, paid for her meal at the counter and left.

Her table was still a mess, with bits of her meal left behind. It wasn’t a big deal—this happens all the time. But today, something different was going to happen. A young boy, who looked like he’d had a pretty rough time, had been watching her from the table around the corner.

This boy was in rough shape. His clothes were too big and looked like they’d seen better days. His hair was all over the place, and his face had streaks (条痕) of dirt on it. He had that look of someone who hadn’t had a good meal too long. When the lady left, the boy saw his chance, He quickly sat down and started wolfing down the leftovers (吃剩的食物) like it was the best meal he’d ever had.

But then, the waiter walked over. He was an older guy who’d probably seen everything. He didn’t say anything at first, just watched the boy for a second. The boy got scared, stopped eating, and tears started to fill his eyes. He thought the waiter would kick him out for sure. Instead, the waiter took away the half-eaten plate, and the boy’s heart sank.

The boy got up to leave, but before he could get far, the waiter came back and asked the boy to wait for a moment. The waiter gave him a full and fresh meal.

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The whole cafe went quiet when they saw what was happening.


The boy, with a full stomach and a happy heart, looked as if he couldn’t thank the waiter enough.

2024-01-18更新 | 93次组卷
书面表达-读后续写 | 适中 (0.65)


I was driving home, northbound on a 6-lane highway. A pickup truck crashed into a car which was switching lanes. A huge accident, involving 5 other cars, unfolded in front of me.Immediately, I ran to a car which was upside down. I got someone to help by holding pressure on a big cut above the woman’s left ear, and then, with help, got her and a large,unconscious man, both upside down, out of the car. I then went to the four other cars to check if anyone else was hurt badly. Fortunately, no one else was in serious condition. It all took just a few minutes.

In the meantime, the southbound traffic had stopped. I looked over and saw a group of 12 people, out of their cars standing in a circle about 15 feet away from a young man, bloody and wounded, lying still on the pavement. I asked a couple of different people what had happened. The young man had gotten out of his car to cross the road and help, when a car drove along the inside lane, very fast, to get around the stopped traffic. The “Good Samaritan” was hit by the car, which launched him high in the air. He lay where he dropped. Everyone said he was dead; several had checked, But a feeling inside me said, “I didn’t check him. Can they be certain he is dead?”

He was covered in blood with arms and legs hurt and his head almost to his chest. I felt for pulses(脉搏) at different spots and felt nothing. Then I checked him once again. I realized at that moment, I was feeling for a normal pulse. When I felt again with this in mind. I thought I felt a very weak and rapid heart rate of about 160. I knew I was not supposed to move his head, but I saw no other way to hopefully open his airway. I pushed his chin(下巴) upwards. He then started taking rapid, shallow breaths.

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By then, the ambulances were driving up.


Due to the doctors and care of nurses, the “Good Samaritan” did survive.


2023-11-13更新 | 180次组卷
书面表达-读后续写 | 适中 (0.65)
注意:1. 续写词数应为 150 左右;

2. 请按如下格式在相应位置作答。

We were headed to the nationally famous Blue Owl Restaurant, in historic Kimmswick, Missouri, to celebrate my husband’s birthday. It is said that the restaurant is warm and romantic with smiling waitresses dressed in long blue dresses with white aprons. The food was delicious, and the service was extremely good. This week, the restaurant offers a sweetheart dinner that is well worth the price. So we decided to have a try.

There would be freezing rain today, but it might be around midnight. We would be safely home by then. But then, as we were near the restaurant, it suddenly started raining heavily. We were closer to the restaurant than home so it seemed wise to go to the restaurant.

By the time we arrived, the street in front of the restaurant was a sheet of ice. The parking lot was also a sheet of ice and in front of our car was a pool of water. I couldn’t pull in the parking lot and I knew, even if I parked on the street, we would never be able to get out and walk in the rain.

My husband couldn’t walk steadily (稳步地) and I was not strong enough to help him to cross the street. I was afraid we would fall, so we were planning to give up the meal in the fancy restaurant. But we really wanted to try the special chocolate- covered strawberries that were as large as baseballs. Also, we wanted to take pictures of the two of us.

At that moment, an unknown lady walked toward us.


To our surprise, the lady, who just helped us, was the owner of the restaurant.


2024-06-12更新 | 17次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般