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题型:阅读理解-七选五 难度:0.65 引用次数:54 题号:22875508

I moved from America to Italy 14 years ago and I have learned a lot along the way. Here are several money-saving tricks I have picked up from living in Italy — most of which can apply to wherever you live too!

Buy fewer groceries at a time.

Italians tend to buy more fresh food — and buy it in smaller quantities. We have just what we know we’ll consume in a few days, before anything has a chance to spoil and go to waste.     1    .

Eat seasonally.

I love strawberries, cantaloupe and watermelon, but in Italy, I can only get them in the summer, when they’re ripe. Out of season, these fruits would have to be imported.     2     Instead, enjoying them seasonally helps me appreciate them more.

    3     Neither my husband nor I have developed any gardening skills just yet, but fortunately, his mother, uncles and cousins have, and they frequently leave bags of just-picked produce on our doorstep.

Cook more meals at home.

I live in a small town where we have no fast-food restaurants other than a pizzaria that does carry-out. OK! Not only do we save money on expensive restaurant meals, but we get more quality family time by cooking, eating and cleaning up together.     4    

Yes, bigger cities have more options for fast food, delivery and carryout.     5     I’ve also found that Italians are more conscious of what’s in their food, so they tend to be less willing to make fast food more than an occasional meal.

A.Of course, it takes a little more meal planning.
B.We also end up having healthier meals.
C.Another way Italians save is by growing their own produce.
D.It takes a long time to transport goods from foreign countries.
E.McDonald’s plans to open 200 new restaurants and hire 12000 staff in Italy by 2025.
F.They’d be a lot more expensive, of lesser quality and quite possibly grow n in an industrial greenhouse.
G.But even where the community is less closely connected, cooking and sharing meals with family and friends is still a big part of the social structure in Italy.
【知识点】 方法/策略 日常生活


阅读理解-七选五(约250词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】How to Budget Your Money When You Study Oversea

Studying abroad can be a great opportunity to meet new people and to expose yourself to an unfamiliar and exciting culture. By challenging yourself to try a new culture, you can make a huge impact on the way you see the world,     1     Luckily, there are some tips for you, so that you can have the wonderful experience without the financial pressure.

Write out a travel budget.

    2     Think about the amount of money you will need to spend every week and month for housing, food, school supplies, travel, transportation and other living expenses to create a monthly budget that you can follow.

Find a job that you can perform remotely.

See if you can find a job before you go abroad to ensure a constant flow of income. Consider a job as a writer or travel blogger. See if you can find a job that lets you explore the country you're staying in, like by becoming a photographer.     3    

Cook meals at home.

If you are staying with a host family, try to eat as many meals as you can with them.

    4     If you can cook on your own, find a local grocery store where you can buy food material to make a simple meal.


If you are fluent in the language of the country you're staying in. think about teaching local students your native language. Not only does this let you engage with local students, but it allows you to gain an even deeper understanding the language you'll hear around you during your overseas experience

A.Look for a part-time job.
B.Get a job working as a language teacher.
C.Although it may be greats it is often a costly experience.
D.Make sure every day you stay healthy while living abroad
E.Create a budget for your time abroad to avoid overspending.
F.There are jobs specifically intended for employees working abroad.
G.It not only cuts down on costs but spends quality time with your hosts.
2021-05-19更新 | 261次组卷
阅读理解-七选五(约290词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】FOUR Things You Can Do To Improve Your Photography

Photography is an art form that just gets better and better as technology improves.    1    Here are a few you can try today to help you become a better artist tomorrow!

Start a daily practice and set up unique challenges

One of the best things I did was setting up a daily practice.    2    We feel that the lighting has to be perfect, the subject has to be perfect, and the station has to be perfect. But that is far from the truth. In order to improve your photography, all you have to do is practice. Practice regularly and consistently.

Shoot in Manual mode

When I first started my business, I photographed in Auto mode. But once gave myself the permission to fail, learn, and try Manual mode, I never looked back. Manual mode is more than just a button on your camera. It is a chance for you to really understand how exposure works by controlling the elements such as shutter speed, f-stop, and ISO.    3    


There are many different ways to add a little creativity to your photography. Using double or triple exposures, shooting through elements, or even plying with shutter speed can be a way to be different. All these techniques help you break up the dullness of your own work.

Learn about light in different situations

As a photographer, you need to not only see light but also need to learn the art of reading light: the type of light, the quality of light, and also how the light will affect your final image. For the first few years of my business. I had a very limited knowledge of light.    5    I learned very quickly that I needed to get out of my comfort zone and figure out how to photograph different lighting situations.

A.Take time to connect with your subject.
B.Try creative shooting in your photography.
C.I hope these simple tips help you get confident in your photography.
D.Oftentimes, we are our biggest critic and try to wait for the most prefect chance.
E.The more you play around with these elements, the more you will learn about your own style of photography.
F.But living in Chicago, our summers are quite short, and fall is usually a mix of rain, thunderstorms and more rain.
G.There are lots of simple and easy ways for you to improve your photography.
2021-02-03更新 | 124次组卷
阅读理解-七选五(约230词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】When you’re depressed (抑郁的), it often feels like nothing in the world can make you feel better.     1    . By treating it like any other physical disease and taking correct actions, you can conquest your depression. Here are simple steps to help.

★Be active

    2    . You may feel exhausted and unwilling to take part in activities, but it’s been proved that activities fight depression. Exercising releases some chemicals in your brain, which help lift your mood. Even the activity of just going out for a walk, or a trip to the gym is an effective method of improving the way you feel.


Feeling embarrassed or self-hating over your depression will only increase your symptoms. It also discourages you from seeking help. It’s important to have sympathy for yourself at those difficult times.     4    . That is a much more appropriate attitude. Remember, depression is a very common and highly treatable, disease. It is just a matter of recognizing you’re feeling bad and finding the treatment that works for you.

★Seek professional help

Talking is a powerful way of beating your depression. If you feel bad, don’t let anyone tell you it’s no big deal or that you’ll just get it over. There is nothing shameful about recognizing you have a problem that you alone cannot solve and seeking the help of an expert. Asking for help is a brave act.     5    .

A.Don’t punish yourself for feeling bad
B.Put yourself in a social atmosphere to lift your spirits
C.Be curious, open, accepting and loving toward yourself
D.Depression will drop your energy levels and make you passive
E.However, depression is a common and highly treatable disorder
F.Speaking to an expert is a healthy, productive and beneficial attempt
G.Anything that makes you laugh can help convince your brain you are happy
2017-10-17更新 | 162次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般