组卷网 > 高中英语综合库 > 主题 > 人与自我 > 方法/策略
题型:阅读理解-七选五 难度:0.65 引用次数:53 题号:22884683

As I was standing in a long line to get into the grocery store waiting to buy fruits and vegetables, I realized I could turn my backyard into a garden.     1     Here are several expert tips to help you break ground on your garden.

Before you start your work, think about the space you’re changing. Is your space a yard? A rooftop? How much sunlight does it get? Watch out for the temperature and find out which plants adapt well in your region.     2    

Set the stage with healthy soil. It’s full of billions of bacteria and helps plant roots grow. Then consider the structure of the soil. Different plants require different soil.     3     Tomatoes want more clay for keeping water.

    4     The decision depends on your preferences, space, what you’re growing and your budget. Stay away from containers that have been used for poisonous materials. They can bring chemicals into the soil as they break down from sunlight.

Should I plant seeds or transplants? In general, a seed is like a baby. It needs tons of care, but not everyone knows how to get it to survive. Transplants are for starters.     5     They still need your love but they’re not going to fall down and kill themselves.

With a little planning, I was able to watch three adorable baby trees take root in my yard. One of them recently had its first fruit — sweet little peaches. The yard has totally transformed too.

A.It used to be a junkyard.
B.Just create a vision based on your location.
C.You can start a garden in pots or containers.
D.You can buy your garden soil at a hardware (五金) store.
E.It enables me to grow my own food and save waiting time.
F.Carrots want sandier soil, so their roots can more easily grow.
G.They are plants that are a few inches high grown in small pots.
【知识点】 方法/策略 植物


阅读理解-七选五(约220词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】Homework is your teachers’ way of evaluating how much you understand of what’s going on in class. But it can seem overwhelming at times.    1    

Create a Homework Plan

    2     It’s much easier to take a minute to ask the teacher during or after class than to struggle to remember later that night. If you have a lot of homework or activities, ask how long the particular homework assignment should take. That way you can budget your time.

Watch Where You Work

When you settle down to do homework or to study, where do you do it? Parked in front of the TV? In the kitchen, with the sound of dishes being cleared and your brothers and sisters fighting?     3     Park your devices while you study. Just having your phone where you can see it can be a distraction. That makes homework take longer.

Get to Work

It’s tempting(吸引人的)to start with the easy stuff to get it out of the way. But you have the most energy and focus when you begin. Use this mental power on the subjects that are most challenging.     4    


When your homework is done, put it in your backpack. There’s nothing worse than having a completed assignment that you can’t find the next morning. Now you’re free to hang out-without the guilt of unfinished work hanging over you.

A.Get It Ready to Go
B.Get Help When You Need It
C.Write the plan down in your notebook or planner.
D.Luckily, you can do a few things to make homework less work.
E.Later, when you’re more tired, you can focus on the simpler things.
F.Sit at a desk or table that you can set your computer on and is comfortable to work at.
G.You’ll need to talk to an adult about this because it usually costs money to hire a tutor.
2021-03-28更新 | 48次组卷
阅读理解-七选五(约230词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】How To Improve Speed Reading

Look at groups of words, not single words.     1    , then this will slow your reading speed way down. However, if you can get into the habit of reading groups or chunks of words at one time, then you can read much faster.

Read with your hands. Use your finger to push yourself through the page. As you read, move your hand left to right under the text as if underlining it.     2    . You may start by moving at a slightly faster pace than your ordinary reading, and speed up on subsequent readings.

    3    . Scanning is a highly effective way of extracting answers from a text without really reading it. To scan, first visualize the word number, or phrase you would like to find.     4    . The information you are looking for should pop out at you.

Race the clock. You can train yourself to read faster by timing yourself as you go. Set a timer for fifteen minutes, and speed read as you normally do. Do not count the words, just the pages or paragraphs. Record your figures: for instance, you might write“15min/6.5 pages.” The next day, set the alarm for 15 minutes again and try to read faster.     5    . “15 min/7 pages,” for instance. Do this every day or 5 days a week to improve your skills.

Try to beat your last time every session. However, if you notice your comprehension is dropping, you may need to aim for a more moderate improvement in speed.

A.Scan for keywords
B.Record your times again
C.If you read a text one word at a time
D.Then, run your eyes rapidly over the text
E.You can also use a pen or other object to pace yourself
F.Move your hand at the speed which you would like to read
G.One of the reasons you read slowly is that you have to pause
2021-07-19更新 | 45次组卷
阅读理解-七选五(约250词) | 适中 (0.65)
【推荐3】Children art education is something that is much encouraged for the child’s creative growth. This is necessary because a child can have a sense of appreciation of the arts and along with all the other things that they learn in school.    1    
Children art education should be designed from a very early age so that they are allowed to express themselves freely in whatever way that they wish to.    2    
However, the task of children art education is not a very easy one, because you have to find the right way in which you can help them get interested in what you are trying to teach them.    3    The physical space where the art education is to be carried out should also be carefully decorated to make it attractive to the children. Use of colors should be made in abundance (丰富) as that is what attracts a child first to it.
Displaying examples of artwork that you think would be important enough to influence the children is also a good idea. Of course, a photograph of a painting of the Madonna (圣母马利亚) is something that children might not appreciate.    4    This will be a source of inspiration for the children to try them out as well.
The creative process is something that you must not interfere with (干涉) during a children art education class.    5    But after that, you must wait for the children themselves to come up with something meaningful to their ability. As long as the end result is connected with the topic, every child’s art work is worth praising.
A.You can just give them a topic for drawing.
B.A trip to an art museum can be an inspiration to many students.
C.They also have a place where they can express all their feelings.
D.The reason for this could be the lack of interest in the teacher.
E.This is the only way that art can be appreciated as children grow up.
F.So creating the right environment for children art education is very important.
G.Instead, put up paintings that children will be fond of.
2016-11-26更新 | 182次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般