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When it comes to animals in China, one iconic creature springs to mind: the black and white giant panda. This national animal is     1     (extreme) rare and protected by the Chinese government. In the Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding, also     2     (call) Chengdu Panda Base, you’ll be able to see these soft, clumsy (笨拙的) creatures carefully protected.

Chengdu Panda Base     3     (consider) as an important institution for panda research nowadays. Built in 1987 to care for rescued wild pandas, the open-air reserve is one of China’s most popular     4     (destination).It is remarkably successful at introducing new pandas into wild populations and mainly focuses     5     the conservation of pandas.

Try to visit in the morning     6     the pandas are most active. Feeding takes place around opening time at 8 am, although you’ll see them eating in the late afternoon, too. Pandas spend most of their afternoons     7     (sleep), particularly during the height of midsummer.

As well as living, breathing pandas, there are some     8     (amaze) panda information centers and museums explaining how    9    ( protect) pandas from dying out. A visit to the base is a perfect learning opportunity for adults and children alike to get closer to     10     lovely creature.

【知识点】 动物


语法填空-短文语填(约180词) | 适中 (0.65)

Builders found a moth (螉) at least as big as a rat while     1     (work) at a Queensland school. The primary school,     2    has just more than 600 students, posted photos of the moth on social media.

Principal Meagan Steward said it was     3     “amazing discovery”. But the teachers and students weren’t     4     (surprise) because the school was next to a rainforest and they had seen many other     5     (thing) like this one. “We weren’t at school when the builders found the moth, but they took some photos for us,” Ms Steward said.

One of the teachers showed the students a picture of the giant moth and they used it as an    6     (inspire) in their writing. The class gathered around     7     (discuss) what could happen. Almost all students     8     (expect) a giant moth invasion (侵犯). They wrote some very creative and imaginative pieces of writing, including Mrs Wilson (their teacher) getting eaten by the moth.

According     9     Queensland Museum’s Dr Christine Lambkin, the moth is one of the world’s heaviest moth species. It is commonly found between North Queensland and southern NSW and is grey-colored. “    10     (sad), they couldn’t fly very well,” Dr Lambkin said on radio.

2022-07-08更新 | 84次组卷
语法填空-短文语填(约220词) | 适中 (0.65)

In China, 2022 marks the Year of the Tiger. The animal     1     (regard) in Chinese culture as “the king of all beasts”.

Most children here, when     2     (ask) to draw a tiger, would write on its forehead the Chinese character wang, as the markings on tigers’ foreheads resemble the character for “king”, who conquers the kingdom of animal.

Since ancient times, tigers     3     (indicate) power, solemnity(庄严) and     4     (brave) in our ancestors’ mind, with objects bearing tiger-related image created to drive away the alarming evil spirits and invoke good fortune.

To celebrate this year’s Lunar New Year, it is therefore necessary to prepare     5     advance a few traditional tiger stuffed toys — the classic type is usually made of cloth and comes in colors such as red and yellow —     6     (decorate) one’s home or to give to children as a fascinate mascot(吉祥物).

The eve of Lunar New Year is a time to say goodbye to the past and ring in the new year, with the reunion dinner an indispensable feature of the night.

Although the     7     (food) prepared for the feast vary throughout the country, jiaozi (dumpling) is     8     must-have for most families in northern China. Dishes like fish and chicken, the words     9     sound like “surplus”(盈余) and “good luck” in Chinese, are usually the centerpieces on dining tables. These could make a     10    (wonder) feast and show the host’s generosity and hospitality.

2022-09-28更新 | 145次组卷
语法填空-短文语填(约160词) | 适中 (0.65)

With the rapid extinction of many wild species, more and more people come to realize the great importance of wildlife protection.

We have to understand the problem in     1     new light: we protect ourselves through protecting wildlife. On the one hand, any species of wildlife helps to keep the ecological balance(生态平衡).     2     one species becomes extinct, it will disappear forever. What is more, it will result     3     the extinction of a chain of wildlife, which may lead to unpredictable disasters. On the other hand, the modern science and technology makes     4    possible for us to learn more about wildlife. By now, scientists     5    (find) that wildlife has unknown genetic codes(遗传密码), which may turn out     6     (free) human beings from serious diseases and     7     (nature) disasters in the future.

It is necessary for us to protect wildlife     8    (immediate) before it is too late, although man has already polluted the environment and threatened the     9    (exist) of many wild species. Let’s take action to protect wildlife.     10    (learn) to live in harmony with all wildlife is part of modern civilization.

2021-03-24更新 | 156次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般