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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:36 题号:22919262

Mei Lum is the fifth-generation owner of Wing on Wo & Co. in Manhattan’s Chinatown.

For Lum, the oldest-running business in Manhattan’s Chinatown sees the neighbourhood growing larger and larger and is an informal living room where she came of age. In the store on Mott Street, she shared meals with her family, took Chinese lessons with her grandparents and helped clean the store as a young girl.

Wing on Wo was started in the 1890s. In the early days, Wing on Wo was a general store that mainly sold dried fish and canned (罐装的) goods. It was also an informal post office. When Lum’s grandmother, Nancy, took over in 1965, she decided to focus on porcelain (瓷器) specifically. Its heyday (全盛时期) was the late 70s to the late 80s. A lot of the goods came from Hong Kong, where Lum’s grandfather grew up.

In 2016, her grandmother planned to sell the porcelain specialty shop and its building. Lum, who was preparing to study international relations at Columbia University, decided to take over the store — not only to preserve (保护) its cultural value, but to create a community centre.

“I see the store as a place for conversation for Asian Americans. They want to learn about family history and tradition, and are curious about their cultural identity. I want them to learn about their identity through our porcelain,” Lum said.

Wing on Wo has remained a family business from its founding. Lum’s father, Gary, has been manning the counter (柜台) for the past 30 years. Her mother, Lorraine, processes orders and manages the website. Even her grandmother helps out with some work in the store.

The pandemic pushed Lum to start learning how to run an online store. She’s also added a lot of new activities, including youth programs, an artist residency and a ceramicist fair, to ensure that in addition to preserving tradition, the business is shaping the future of Chinatown.

1. What did the store mean to Lum according to paragraph 2?
A.It gave her a chance to help her neighbours.
B.It played an important role in her childhood.
C.It helped her to develop a money-saving lifestyle.
D.It had a great influence on her choice of university.
2. What did Nancy do in 1965?
A.She sold Wing on Wo.B.She opened a new general store.
C.She began selling only porcelain in the store.D.She changed the store into a porcelain factory.
3. Why did Lum decide to take over the store?
A.To collect money for her college education.
B.To learn business skills from her grandmother.
C.To encourage young people to start a family business.
D.To provide a historical connection for Asian Americans.
4. Which of the following best describes Lum?
A.Responsible and forward-looking.B.Humorous and hard-working.
C.Creative and honest.D.Kind and patient.
【知识点】 记叙文 生活故事


阅读理解-阅读单选(约410词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】I was 16 when one morning my father told me I could drive him into a village, about 18 miles away, on condition that I took the car into a nearby garage to be serviced. Having just learnt to drive and hardly ever having the chance to use the car, I happily accepted. I drove Dad into the village and promised to pick him up at 4 p.m., and then drove to a nearby garage. Because I had a few free hours, I decided to catch a couple of movies at a theatre near the garage. When the last movie had finished, it was six o’clock. I was two hours late!

I knew Dad would be angry if he found out I’d been watching movies. I decided to tell him that the car needed some repairs and that they had taken longer than expected. I drove up to the place where we had appointed to meet and saw Dad waiting patiently. I said sorry and told him that I’d come as quickly as I could, but the car had needed some repairs.

“I’m disappointed that you feel you have to lie to me, Jason.”

“What do you mean? I’m telling the truth.”

Dad looked at me. “When you did not show up, I called the garage. They told me that you had not yet picked up the car. So you see, I know there were no problems with the car.”

I had to confess (承认) to my trip to the movie theatre. Dad listened as a sadness passed through him.

“I’m angry, not with you but with myself. I have failed because I have brought up a son who cannot even tell the truth to his own father. I’m going to walk home now and consider where I have gone wrong all these years.”

“But Dad, it’s 18 miles to our home. It’s dark. You can’t walk home.” My words were useless. Dad began walking along the roads, silently, thoughtfully and painfully. For 18 miles I drove behind him.

This was the most painful experience that I had ever had. It was also the most successful lesson. I have never lied to my father since.

1. Why was the author delighted to drive his father into the village?
A.He longed to drive the car.
B.He intended to repair the car.
C.He looked forward to touring the village.
D.He had an opportunity to watch movies.
2. How did the author’s father know he lied?
A.He followed the author.B.He had repaired the car.
C.He rang up the garage.D.He went to the garage.
3. How did the author’s father feel when his son lied to him?
A.Doubtful and tired.B.Sorry and impatient.
C.Cold but disappointed.D.Sad and annoyed.
4. What would be the best title for the text?
A.A Bad Movie.B.A White Lie.
C.A Long Walk Home.D.A Drive to the Garage.
2024-01-14更新 | 34次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约480词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】On my first job as a sports editor for the Montpelier Leader Enterprise (MLE), I didn’t get a lot of fan mail, so my attention was caught by a letter on my desk one morning. The envelope bore the logo of the closest big-city paper, the Toledo Blade.

When I opened it, I read, “ Sweet piece of writing on the Tigers. Keep up the good work.”

It was signed by Don Wolfe, the sports editor. Because I was a teenager (being paid the grand total of 15 cents a column inch), his words could not have been more exciting. I kept the letter in my desk drawer until it got rag-eared. Whenever I doubted I had the right stuff to be a writer, I would reread Don’s note and walk on air again.

Later, when I got to know him, I learned that Don made a habit of writing a quick, encouraging word to people in all walks of life. “When I make others feel good about themselves,” he told me, “I feel good, too.”

Why are upbeat note writers in such short supply? My guess is that many who shy away from the practice are too self-conscious. They are afraid they will be misunderstood, sound old-fashioned or flattering. Also, writing takes time and it is far easier to pick up the phone. The drawback with phone calls, of course, is that they do not last. A note attaches more importance to our well-wishing. It is a matter of record, and our words can be read more than once, appreciated, and treasured.

What does it take to write notes that lift spirits and hearts? Perhaps just a desire and a willingness to express our appreciation. The most successful people write notes that are short on words and long on feeling, sincere, short, specific, and usually spontaneous (自发的) in nature.

It is difficult to be spontaneous, however, when you have to hunt for letter writing materials; so, keep paper, envelopes, and stamps close at hand, even when you travel. Fancy stationery (文具) is not necessary; it’s the thought that counts.

So, who around you deserves a note of thanks or approval? A neighbor, your librarian, a relative, your mate, a teacher, or your doctor? You do not need to be poetic. If you need a reason, look for a milestone, the anniversary of a special event you shared, a birthday, or holiday, and do not hold back your praise. Such words as “greatest” “smartest” “prettiest” make us all feel good. Even if your praises run a little ahead of reality, remember that expectations are often the parents of dreams fulfilled.

1. What kind of feeling did the author have after he read the letter from Don Wolfe?
2. According to the author, many people don’t write upbeat notes mainly because they are ______.
A.afraid of being out of dateB.too shy to flatter others
C.prepared to make phone callsD.too concerned about what others think
3. It can be learned from the last paragraph that ______.
A.praises often run ahead of realityB.praises help in pursuing a dream
C.parents often write upbeat notesD.parents expect children’s success
4. Which is the best title for the passage?
A.The Power of a Positive NoteB.Notes Help to Fulfill Dreams
C.The Necessity of Writing NotesD.Note or Phone, Your Own Choice
2021-04-22更新 | 41次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约320词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】On Sept. 2, 2012, the dog Hunter passed away over the Rainbow Bridge at about 15 years old. He was so sweet and gentle. I rescued him from HELP in 2001 when he was about three (after his second visit to HELP). I went to his foster (代养的) home in North Aurora. His foster mom said she just gave him a shower, so he would be presentable. I walked through the door and there were many dogs and toys. I never understood why he came to the shelter twice. He did get two pieces of bread from the table and put them on the floor, but that was my carelessness and I quickly learned that. No more problems.

On the way home that day, I promised him he was home for good and he would never have to worry again—I would love him till the end. That was the best move I had ever made. I just lost my dog Bo two months ago. Now Hunter brought sunshine into my life and saved me. Near the end of his life, I was able to repay him for all he had done for me.

I do not remember his foster mom’s name. I promised to send the latest information to her, but lost her email address. I wish I could tell her what a good dog Hunter turned out to be, but I’m sure she already knew that. If she is still a foster mom, perhaps she will read this.

I should have written this long ago. How time flies! Hunter was the finest dog I had ever raised. We shared thousands of miles on the trail (小径). Everyone who ever met him fell in love with him.

1. Why did the author get to the foster home?
A.To save a poor dog.B.To buy some bread.
C.To meet his friend.D.To treat a sick pet.
2. How did the author probably feel about Hunter?
3. What can we learn about Hunter after he lived with the author?
A.He missed his home.B.He was well-loved.
C.He often acted badly.D.He was lost on the road.
4. What is the author’s purpose in writing the text?
A.To present a hotline.B.To share his social skills.
C.To remember a dog.D.To show his love of wildlife.
2024-01-05更新 | 87次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般