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题型:语法填空-短文语填 难度:0.4 引用次数:162 题号:22923478
Directions: After reading the passage below, fill in the blanks to make the passage coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank.

Animal-rights activists often complain that cute beasts get more sympathy than ugly ones. If so, one would think a lovely creature like the mink (貂) would be easy to protect. Yet in the Netherlands, mink is the only animal     1     can still legally be farmed for their fur. That is about to change. On August 28th the government brought forward to this year a ban     2     mink-farming that had been scheduled to take effect in 2025. The timetable was sped up not because mink had become more adorable,     3     because they can contract COVID-19 and spread it to humans.

Dutch farmers normally raised about 2.5 million minks a year,     4     (make) the Netherlands the world’s fourth-largest producer after Denmark, China and Poland. In April, a couple of minks and the farm hands who tended them     5     (diagnose) with COVID-19. Genetic tracing showed that at least two workers had probably been infected by mink, rather than the other way around. The affected animals were destroyed and stricter hygiene rules were imposed, but by summer the virus had spread to a third of the country’s farms.

That was a win for the Netherland’s Party for the Animals, which has four seats in the 150-member parliament. In 2013,     6     helped pass the law that gave mink farmers until 2025 to get out of the business. Some members of parliament claim that the compensation     7     (pay) for destroying the infected minks was higher than the market price for their fur.

Fur farmers say modern standards allow minks to be raised humanely, and     8     they are not a big reason for the spread of the virus. But minks tend to live by themselves instead of living in groups; animal-rights advocates say they cannot be raised humanely in small cages. As for COVID-19, the worry is     9     mink could serve as a medium for it to attack human immunization (免疫) programs. The industry’s value is modest, and polls show the public overwhelmingly opposes it. “In a democratic country, that widespread belief     10     translate into a political decision to ban fur farming,” says Esther Ouwehand, leader of the Party for the Animals. The farmers accept they are shutting down. The remaining argument is over money.

【知识点】 动物 新型冠状病毒


语法填空-短文语填(约120词) | 较难 (0.4)

Rainforests are thick forests in the hot parts of the world. They have a great effect     1     the world environment. For example, they play     2     part in controlling the climate. Without     3     (they), climate would change a lot. What’s more, many plants are of     4     (important) in medical value.

However, in the past hundred years, humans     5     (begin) destroying rainforests to search for land and mine. The     6     (hard) we harvest from them, the more carbon dioxide is released into the air,     7     affects the climate, environment and ourselves as a whole. Meanwhile, we are losing the opportunity       8     (explore) the medical use of the plants. With the population growing     9     (rapid), we indeed have an increasing need for     10     (resource), but we will suffer more in the end if we keep on doing so.

2019-10-16更新 | 169次组卷
语法填空-短文语填(约190词) | 较难 (0.4)

Antarctic scientists were left     1    (astonish) when they discovered a unique creature at the bottom of the ocean, a documentary showed. The icy continent is     2     great interest to scientists as it is a totally unspoilt landscape     3     they can study the history of the earth and the effects of climate change. Thousands of scientists stay there, and they try to get a better idea of the icy continent’s past by     4    (dig) below the ice. 

The team of scientists started a journey through the surrounding waters of Antarctica     5    (discover) some of the most unusual oceanic life known to man. Thankfully, cameras were around to catch one of the strangest moments, when leading scientist Andrew Stewart made an interesting discovery about snailfish (狮子鱼). Snailfish are     6    (poor) understood and Andrew may have found a new species. The sea     7    (have) a wide variety of fish to thrill biologists. 

    8     surprises me is that there may be about 115 species of this snailfish there,” Andrew said, “this is why I came to Antarctica, seeing things like this. It’s just beyond words. We now have the whole     9    (family) of fish that are found nowhere else in the world except in the Southern Ocean. These are     10    (attract) animals.”

2021-11-02更新 | 294次组卷
语法填空-短文语填(约200词) | 较难 (0.4)

The size of fish in the oceans is shrinking. A new report from Canada states fish may shrink by as much as a quarter in the coming decades, which mainly     1     (result) from global warming. The research team conducted tests on the effect of     2     (rise) ocean temperatures on the size and number of over 600 species of fish. They concluded that most fish are likely to shrink by 14-24 percent by the year 2050. The biggest changes     3    (see) clearly in tropical regions. There is     4     (little) oxygen in warmer water so fish cannot grow normally and many will migrate to cooler waters.

Lead researcher Professor William said: “We were surprised to see such a large decrease in fish size. Marine fish are generally known to respond to climate change     5     changing distribution and seasonality. But the unexpectedly big effect     6     climate change could have on body size suggests that we may be missing a big piece of the puzzle of understanding climate change effects in the ocean.” He added that overfishing and pollution will     7     (worse) the problem. “Our work shows a very     8     (worry) future for the oceans,     9     it is very important to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and develop better fish management policies     10     (adapt) to these changes,” he said.

2021-02-03更新 | 243次组卷
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