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题型:书面表达-读后续写 难度:0.4 引用次数:92 题号:22928384

It had been a challenging but rewarding term, filled with hard work and a thirst for knowledge. As I handed in my final assignment and saw it was graded A, a sense of pride and satisfaction washed over me. Little did I know that my accomplishments had not gone unnoticed by my families, who had been closely observing my progress.

At the first day of summer vacation, my mother told me excitedly that we would pay a visit to Marco the next day to cheer for my progress in academic study. When I got the good news, I felt on top of the world and could not hold back my high spirits. As I lay in bed that night, a mix of anticipation and delight welled up in my heart, and I slid into a dream-filled sleep, eagerly awaiting the arrival of the coming adventure.

After we arrived in Marco, my parents said that we would first visit the Marco tower. Marco Tower, built in the late 19th century, is a historic landmark that showcases the rich architectural heritage of the city. It is also considered one of the top tourist attractions in the region. Upon hearing the inspiring news, I bounced up and down with joy. But then I felt a bit uneasy because of my fear of heights.

Inside the lift, my palms grew sweaty as the anxiety consumed me. I paced back and forth in the tower lift, unsure of whether I would have the courage. After the lift reached the specific floor, I gasped (倒吸一口气) in horror. The floor here was made of glass, so one could appreciate the height of the tower and take a real adventure. Seeing my family both take out their phones to shoot the grand views, I felt under pressure. Then my mother smiled at me and said delightedly, “Just take it easy and you can do it.”


I didn’t know whether to stay or not.


I was totally struck by the height of the tower.

【知识点】 生活故事


书面表达-读后续写 | 较难 (0.4)

Kindness Is Precious

The sound of glass breaking is instantly recognizable. I’d been telling my best friend Missi a silly story and had spun (急转身) around in the living room when I heard that sound and froze.

When I looked down at the floor, it was full of tiny red, pink and clear glass pieces. Missi said fearfully, “Oh, no, not the vase.”

“Why? What did I do?” My face reddened.

“Amy, that glass vase was one of the few items my grandparents had passed down to my mum through generations in my family,” Missi replied nervously. “If you’d broken anything else in the apartment, I would have gladly said I did it. But you’re going to have to tell my mom that it was your fault, and she’s going to be really mad.”

I was terrified. I’d destroyed a priceless vase. Why did I have to spin around like that?

We gathered up the broken pieces. I kept saying that maybe it could be fixed, but Missi said gently that it didn’t look possible. I insisted we keep the pieces. But the glass was so delicate that some of it broke even more as we tried to sweep it up carefully.

Missi said her mom would be home at any time. I had got a few butterflies in my stomach. Would her mom criticise or punish me? Would she tell me I couldn’t stay in their apartment for the weekend? I couldn’t stop recalling those fifteen seconds in my mind, me spinning fast and the sound of glass crashing. The only thing I could think of to say was “I’m sorry.”

A couple of minutes later we heard a key turn in the door. Her mom was home. Right from the start, we could see she was in a good mood. “Hello! It’s hot today. I want to treat you girls to that frozen yogurt. Let’s go!” her mom said, pointing at the open door.


“Before that, I need to tell you something really important,” I said.


Her mom looked at me, saying nothing for what felt like forever.

2023-10-13更新 | 111次组卷
书面表达-读后续写 | 较难 (0.4)

10-year-old Buddy was just an ordinary boy but with an extraordinary heart. He had a lot of friends but never really had a “best friend” until he met Simon — a new boy in class who used a wheelchair.

Nobody showed any interest in making friends with Simon except for Buddy. He quickly bonded with Simon because he believed true friends come in different sizes and shapes...

Buddy lived with his grandma, Doris, in their small home in the suburbs. He had lost his parents five years ago in a car crash. Doris raised him, and she was all he had. Buddy promised himself that he would do anything to make his grandma proud and happy, and his prayers (祈祷) were soon answered, but in a way he never imagined.

Buddy had always wanted to help Doris with her rent, so during his free time, he cut grass for neighbors, walked dogs, and even helped older people carry their groceries home in exchange for $1. So far, he had saved $70, but that wasn’t enough to meet their expenses. Not one to be discouraged, Buddy kept going and the only other person who comforted him was Simon.

The two boys often ventured (冒险) into the woods near their school to watch birds during their spare time. It was their favorite hobby. One afternoon before the summer vacation, they went to their favorite spot in the woods. Buddy pushed Simon’s wheelchair, discussing how exciting their adventure would be. They laughed their way into the dense forest, knowing little about what was coming.

Moments later, the boys had a problem moving forward. One of the wheels sank into a branch beneath the mud. The wheelchair broke down, making it difficult to move ahead. Worse still, it seemed the rain was around the corner. The boys could hear rolling thunder across the mountains, which scared them. They wanted to run but could not leave one another. “Wait! I’ve got a plan,” shouted Buddy, trying to lean (倾斜) over and lift his friend up from the wheelchair. His attempt failed because Simon was too heavy for him.

1. 续写词数应为150个左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
Paragraph 1: But he wouldn’t give up just yet.
Paragraph 2: A few days later, Doris got surprising news from their landlord (房东).
2024-02-12更新 | 44次组卷
书面表达-读后续写 | 较难 (0.4)

It was Saturday. My daughter was showing me something in the backyard when I heard my name called out. I turned around and saw a little boy. “William!” I cried in surprise. “What are you doing here?”

“I’m helping my daddy lay turf,” he answered proudly.

“I’m sure he appreciates that,” I said. “This is William,” I told my daughter. “One of my students. He’s a joy to have in class.”

It was true. Little William was a delight. And even though he struggled with his reading, he never once complained. There was a brightness he brought with him wherever he went.

I’d never forget the day in class when another student was having trouble understanding the lesson. “Don’t worry,” William had told her, “Sometimes, second grade is really hard.” He was a gentle soul, wise beyond his years.

Still, I couldn’t help but worry. Despite his firm determination, William’s grades were poor. Some days, I wondered if he’d be able to pass.

Back at school, William’s grades showed no sign of improvement until the last few weeks of the year. As a class project, each child planted a sunflower seed in one of those containers small plant beds came in. I did this every year, with varying results. Planting the seeds was exciting for many of the students, the growing part much less so. It took too long to see results from daily watering, and most kids had little patience for it. They lost interest and forgot to care for their sunflowers-to-be.

But not William. Every afternoon, William made sure all the containers were watered and nurtured (培育). By the last week of school, the shoots were about four inches tall. I was amazed. In years past, few seeds successfully sprouted (发芽). And those that did had never gotten so tall. But these were different. These were William’s sunflowers.

The head caretaker maintained the flower beds on the school grounds. Before summer, I asked if he’d mind planting our seedlings (幼苗). We picked out the perfect spot behind the library. It could clearly be seen from the street. We transferred (转移) all 20 seedlings and hoped for the best.


William managed to enter third grade.


But when I saw them, I had to stop the car.

2024-02-26更新 | 25次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般