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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:65 题号:22950199

My husband and I live near San Luis Obispo, California, close to the beach. In November 2023, during the humpback whale migration, we kayaked (划皮划艇) out to watch the wildlife. We were in awe watching these graceful whales breach and spray through their blowholes.

At the time, my friend Liz was staying with us. Initially, she refused to join us on the water, fearing the kayak would overturn among the whales. After some cajoling (劝说) she finally agreed to join me. The following morning, we set out early and had our first whale sighting just past the pier: two humpbacks swimming toward us. How amazing to be that close to a creature that size, I thought as the whales dipped under the waterline.

When whales go down after breaching, they leave what looks like an oil slick on the water. I figured if we paddled toward that spot, we’d be safe from the whales, since they’d just left. We followed them at a distance — or what I thought was a distance. I later found out that it’s recommended to keep 300 feet away. We were more like 60 feet away.

Suddenly, we were surrounded by jumping silverfish fleeing from the whales. Before we could react, our kayak was lifted out of the water about six feet, bracketed by massive jaws. Liz and I slipped out of the kayak into the whale’s mouth. As the whale’s mouth closed, I felt the creature begin to dive and had no idea how deep we’d be dragged. Still, I didn’t panic. I just kept thinking. I’ve got to fight this. I’ve got to breathe.

Whales have enormous mouths but tiny throats. Anything they can’t swallow they spit right out. That included us. As soon as the whale dipped underwater, it ejected us, and we popped back up onto the surface about a foot apart. The entire ordeal lasted only about 10 seconds.

Other kayakers rushed to our aid, shocked to see us alive. But I am much more aware of the power of nature and the ocean than I was before. Liz was shaken up, comparing the ordeal to a near-death experience, and she says her whale-watching days are over. But even she had to laugh when she got home that afternoon and realized she’d brought back a souvenir. When she pulled off her shirt, six silverfish flopped out.

1. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?
A.At first, Liz was hesitant to go on the kayaking trip because she was not interested in whale watching.
B.If Liz and I had maintained a distance of 300 feet from the whales, we might have avoided the subsequent danger.
C.Liz and I slipped into the whale’s mouth because jumping silverfish overturned our kayak.
D.Liz is likely to go on another whale-watching trip someday because she found a precious souvenir from this kayaking.
2. How did the narrator feel during the whale encounter?
A.Terrified and panicked.B.Disoriented underwater
C.Calm and focused.D.Regretful about going kayaking.
3. The underlined word “ordeal” in Paragraph 5 probably means____.
A.a challenging or difficult experienceB.a thrilling experience
C.a surprising encounterD.a joyful adventure
4. What would be the best title of this passage?
A.How to Survive a Whale AttackB.Respecting the Power of Nature
C.A Day at San Luis Obispo BeachD.I Survived Being Swallowed By a Whale


阅读理解-阅读单选(约340词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】Nowadays people are facing lots of threats(威胁)all over the world.

A serious threat to farmers in many parts of the world is erosion(侵蚀).Erosion happens if a large area of land is cleared of trees and is then badly treated by the farmers.The rain and winds may gradually wash away,or blow away much of the topsoil.When this happens,crops of wheat and corn become weaker and weaker until nothing grows well.If erosion continues,it will turn good land into a desert.

In the past,when erosion appeared,farmers sometimes moved to a new place to farm.Sometimes they could not move,but continued to try to grow food in the unhealthy soil.This caused them to sink into poverty.Soon some people realized that there was little rich,fertile soil in the world.The government began to try to stop erosion.

One of the first experiments to stop erosion began in the United States in 1933.The experiment was carried out in the area of the Tennessee River.Flood and bad farming in this area had ruined the land that had once been rich.As a result,most of the people living around the Tennessee River were very poor.

The government built big dams across the river and stored the water for use during the dry season,when there was no rain.The government workers also helped the farmers fertilize their soil and to learn new farming methods which could stop erosion.

In the beginning,the farmers were not interested.But soon,good healthy crops began to appear on the land where new methods were used.Ten years after that the crops were extremely good.The great success of this experiment led to similar projects in other parts of the world.

With the development of science and technology,people are trying to get rid of all the threats they are facing. However,it's not an easy job,because at the same time people are polluting their homeland.

1. Which of the following statements is NOT true about the Tennessee River area?
A.It was an area seriously affected by erosion.
B.It used to be a poor and infertile land.
C.It often suffered from floods.
D.It has become a model for other parts of the world to follow.
2. In the third paragraph “to sink into poverty” means_________.
A.to become very poor
B.to lose topsoil in erosion
C.to become weaker and weaker until nothing grows well
D.to return into a desert
3. The main purpose of this passage is to tell people________.
A.something can be done to prevent erosion
B.the importance of using new farming methods
C.the serious result of erosion
D.how erosion happens
2017-10-12更新 | 49次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约320词) | 适中 (0.65)
文章大意:本文是说明文。文章讲述了David James想要研究黑脉金斑蝶的迁徙,但是很难找到足够可以跟踪的蝴蝶,华盛顿州立监狱的囚犯帮助饲养蝴蝶,然后打上包括邮箱地址的标签放飞, James收到了来自发现蝴蝶的人们的信息,从而让研究工作顺利进行,这项工作帮助研究人员确定了理想的种植马利筋和其他植被的地方,这些植被对西海岸黑脉金斑蝶蝶的生命周期很重要,也激发了一些囚犯温和的一面。

【推荐2】For years, David James, who studies insects at Washington State University, had wanted to examine the migration (迁徙)patterns of West Coast monarch butterflies (黑脉金斑蝶). The route the butterflies travel has been hardly known because the populations are too small to follow. For every 200 monarchs tagged (打标签)by a researcher, only one is usually recovered at the end of its trip, James says, and finding even 200 in the wild to tag is unlikely. Knowing the route is vital to conservation efforts, but James had no way to figure it out- until he got a phone call from Washington State Penitentiary in Walla Walla.

The prison was looking for new activities to improve the mental health of those serving long-term sentences. So James began working with prisoners to raise monarchs through the whole process of their transformation. The adult insects were then tagged and released from the prison. Over five years, nearly 10, 000 monarchs flew from the facility. Elsewhere in Washington, Oregon and Idaho, researchers released another few thousand.

The tags included email addresses, and soon after the first butterflies took off, James started receiving messages from people who had spotted them. The butterflies, the reports confirmed, wintered in coastal California. Twelve of them landed at Lighthouse Field State Beach in Santa Cruz. Several more headed to Bolinas and Morro Bay.

The work helps researchers identify ideal places to plant milkweed and other vegetation that are important to the life cycle of West Coast monarch butterflies. It also brought out the gentler side of some of the prisoners. “They were very worried that they were going to harm the butterflies, ”James says. Watching the monarch change their form also touched the men. “This butterfly changed, ” James recalls prisoners telling him, “and maybe we can too. ”

1. What was hard for David to do in his study?
A.Gain financial support.B.Hire qualified workers.
C.Build a new laboratory.D.Find enough monarchs.
2. Why are the butterflies tagged before being released?
A.To guarantee their safety.
B.To enable them to fly longer distances.
C.To track their travel routes.
D.To distinguish them from other species.
3. What makes the prisoners feel that they can change?
A.The patience the butterflies showed.
B.The hardship the butterflies underwent.
C.The transformation of the butterflies.
D.The devotion of James to the butterflies.
4. What is the last paragraph mainly about?
A.The impact of the research.
B.The findings of James’ study.
C.The release of the prisoners.
D.The life cycle of the butterflies.
2023-02-24更新 | 1712次组卷
阅读理解-六选四(约250词) | 适中 (0.65)
【推荐3】Directions: Read the passage carefully. Fill in each blank with a proper sentence given in the box. Each sentence can be used only once. Note that there are two more sentences than you need.

Losing Touch with Nature May Make You Sick

For something that’s not actually a recognized medical condition, Nature-Deficit Disorder (NDD) has gotten a lot of attention since it was first coined in 2005. Writer Richard Louv came up with the term in his book, Last Child in the Woods: Saving Our Children from Nature-Deficit Disorder.     1     Louv explained that children who play outside often are less likely to become ill, stressed, or aggressive compared to those who watch a lot of television and spend most of their free time indoors. Indeed, studies appear to back up that claim by noting that children who spend a significant amount of time outdoors tend to have better mental and physical health.     2     Nevertheless, they may be worsened by staying inside watching TV, playing video games, or being glued to a smartphone. What’s more, research also suggests that getting a nature fix can help boost the immune system.

According to Louv, the effects of NDD can be lessened or even reversed by making sure parents encourage their kids to enjoy playing outdoors as much as they can.     3     Rather, they should lead by example, spending time with them in the park, at the beach, camping, and doing other activities, Louv said. He added that children learn many important and practical skills while interacting with nature, like risk-taking, independence, and decision-making.     4    

A.However, mothers and fathers shouldn’t force their kids to go outside or use it as a type of punishment.
B.In turn, this aids in the development of confidence and overall good health.
C.Recent studies focus not so much on what is lost when nature experience fades, but
on what is gained through more exposure to natural settings
D.He acknowledges that NDD is mostly a metaphor for a lifestyle lacking in contact with nature.
E.Schools that use outdoor classrooms and other forms of experiential education produce significant student gains in science, language and math.
F.Experts believe that problems such as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (注意力缺乏多动症) can be relieved through contact with nature.
2019-10-22更新 | 51次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般