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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:58 题号:22967525

Over a decade ago, the science fiction series Black Mirror showed a story about using artificial intelligence to bring back loved ones. Thanks to technological advancement, the latest AI technology brings hope of recreating loved ones through virtual form.

Recently, it was revealed that renowned musician Tino Bao had created a digital version of his daughter, who in 2021 passed away due to a rare disease at the age of 22. With the help of Xiaoice, Microsoft Asia’s AI branch based in China, Bao was able to recreate his daughter Bao Rong as an AI-powered virtual figure. Tino Bao, his family and the team went to great lengths to piece together pictures, audio-visual recordings, and narrated memories of Rong. After thousands of trials and errors, they presented the life-like digital human who speaks in both Mandarin and English. Bao has finally launched a company to bring the technological miracle to other families experiencing such loss.

However, this technological achievement has also been accompanied by many controversies. The idea of bringing back a loved one through AI may seem comforting. Still, researchers caution that constantly interacting with an AI version of a deceased loved one could potentially affect the natural grieving process, leaving individuals stuck in a state of denial. This could lead to prolonged grief and other mental health issues. Furthermore, there’s a risk that people may become overly dependent on the technology, prioritizing their interactions with the AI version over forming new, real-life relationships.

With the case of Bao Rong out in the open, AI resurrection (复活) has become a business. From simple “talking pictures” that sound nothing like the loved ones to deep fake videos of actors speaking with the faces of those who passed away, the lower end of the market is more “artificial” than “intelligent”. Therefore, it is crucial to establish proper regulations and ethical standards to ensure that the use of AI-resurrection technology is safe and responsible.

1. Why does the author mention Black Mirror?
A.To advertise Microsoft’s virtual products.
B.To lead to the discussion about AI resurrection.
C.To prove the predictive power of science fiction.
D.To highlight the advancement of artificial intelligence.
2. Which of the following aspects is the primary focus of paragraph 2?
A.The popularity of AI-resurrection technology.
B.Reasons for making a digital version of Bao Rong.
C.Challenges of developing a life-like digital human.
D.The process of creating an AI-powered virtual figure.
3. What can we learn about AI-resurrection technology from paragraph 3?
A.It still has some technical limitations.
B.It helps people build new real-life relationships.
C.It can be a person’s obstacle to recovering from sadness.
D.It enables individuals to preserve good memories of loved ones.
4. What does the author suggest people do?
A.Strengthen the management of the technology.
B.Apply the technology to making pictures and videos.
C.Put the technology into the market as soon as possible.
D.Educate the public about the potential risks of technology.
【知识点】 议论文 人工智能


阅读理解-阅读单选(约310词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】A popular saying goes, “Sticks and stone may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.” However, that’s not really true. Words have the power to build us up or tear us down. It doesn’t matter if the words come from someone else or ourselves – the positive and negative effects are just as lasting.

We all talk to ourselves sometimes. We’re usually too embarrassed to admit it, though. But we really shouldn’t be, because more and more experts believe talking to ourselves out loud is a healthy habit.

This “self-talk” helps us motivate ourselves, remember things, solves problems, and calm ourselves down. Beware, though, that as much as 77% of self-talk tends to be negative. So in order to stay positive, we should only speak words of encouragement to ourselves. We should also be quick to give ourselves a pat on the back. The next time you finish a project, do well in a test, or finally clean your room, join me in saying, “Good job!”

Words possess power because of their lasting effects. Many of us regret something we once said. And we remember unkind words said to us! Before speaking, we should always ask ourselves: Is it true? Is it loving? Is it needed? If what we want to say doesn’t pass this test, then it’s better left unsaid.

Words possess power: both positive and negative. Those around us receive encouragement when we speak positively. We can offer hope, build self-esteem (自尊) and motive others to do their best. Negative words destroy all those things. Will we use our words to hurt or to heal? The choice is ours.

1. The author argues in the first paragraph that ________.
A.words will never hurt us at all
B.words have lasting effects on us
C.positive effects last longer than negative effects
D.negative words last longer than positive effects
2. Why should we not feel embarrassed when talking to ourselves?
A.Almost everybody has the habit of talking to oneself.
B.It does harm to have “self-talk” when we are alone.
C.Talking to ourselves helps us to solve all the problems.
D.Talking to ourselves is believed to be good for our health.
3. The underlined phrase “give ourselves a pat on the back” in Paragraph 3 means _________.
A.blame ourselvesB.punish ourselves
C.praise ourselvesD.talk to ourselves
4. Which of the following statements would the author agree to?
A.It is better to think twice before talking to others.
B.It is impossible for unkind words to be forgotten.
C.Words always possess long positive effects.
D.Kind words are sometimes not needed at all.
2016-12-07更新 | 983次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约290词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】For years and years people have been saying that railways are dead. “We can do without railways,” people say--as if motorcars and planes have made those railways unnecessary. We all keep hearing that trains are slow, lose money and are dying. But this is far from the truth. In these days of expensive oil, railways have become highly competitive with motorcars and planes. If you want to carry people or goods from place to place, they’re cheaper than planes. And they have much in common with planes. A plane goes in a straight line and so does a railway. What’s more, a railway takes you from the city centre into another centre. It doesn’t hold you up as a car does in endless traffic jams. And a single train can carry goods which no plane or motorcar could ever do.

Far from being dead, railways are very much alive. Modern railway lines give you a smooth, untroubled journey. Where else can you eat well, sleep in comfort, feel safe and enjoy the scene while you are travelling at speed at the same time? And we are only at the beginning, for we have just entered the age of super-fast trains, which are travelling at 250 miles an hour or more. So we will be wondering why we spend so much on motorcars we can't use and planes we can't fly in. After all, we have not enough money to buy the oil.

1. People say railways are unnecessary because they think ______.
A.trains cause traffic jams
B.trains carry goods only
C.trains go in a straight line
D.trains are slow and lose money
2. The writer’s idea seems to be that ______.
A.motorcars and planes are better than trains
B.trains go as fast as motorcars and planes
C.we still need railways in modern times
D.trains have nothing in common with motorcars
3. Compared with planes, one of the advantages of trains is that they ______.
A.can take you from place to place
B.carry goods and people cheaply
C.don't hold you up on the way
D.can travel at 250 miles an hour
4. According to the passage, which of the following is TRUE?
A.It is more expensive to travel by train than by plane.
B.No railway station is at the city centre.
C.It is comfortable travelling on a train.
D.Planes and motorcars have replaced trains.
5. What would be the best title for the passage?
A.Railways, Still Alive.
B.Planes Are Dead.
C.Trains, Motorcars or Planes?
D.Super-fast Trains.
2021-06-20更新 | 81次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约450词) | 适中 (0.65)
真题 名校

【推荐3】Ralph Emerson once said that the purpose of life is not to be happy, but to be useful, to be loving, to make some difference in he world. While we appreciate such words of wisdom, we rarely try to follow them in our lives.

Most people prefer to live a good life themselves, ignoring their responsibilities for the world. This narrow perception of a good life may provide short-term benefits, but is sure to lead to long-term harm and suffering. A good life based on comfort and luxury may eventually lead to more pain be-cause we spoil our health and even our character, principles, ideals, and relationships.

What then, is the secret of a good life? A good life is a process, not a state of being : a direction, not a destination. We have to earn a good life by first serving others without any expectation in return because their happiness is the very source of our own happiness. More importantly, we must know ourselves inside out. Only when we examine ourselves deeply can we discover our abilities and recognize our limitations, and then work accordingly to create a better world.

The first requirement for a good life is having a loving heart. When we do certain right things merely as a duty, we find our job so tiresome that we’ll soon burn out. However, when we do that same job out of love, we not only enjoy what we do, but also do it with an effortless feeling.

However, love alone is insufficient to lead a good life. Love sometimes blinds us to the reality. Consequently, our good intentions may not lead to good results. To achieve desired outcome, those who want to do good to others also need to equip themselves with accurate world knowledge. False knowledge is more dangerous than ignorance. If love is the engine of a car knowledge is the steering wheel(方向盘). If the engine lacks power, the car can’t move; if the driver loses control of the steering, a road accident probably occurs. Only with love in heart and the right knowledge in mind can we lead a good life.

With love and knowledge, we go all out to create a better world by doing good to others. When we see the impact of our good work on the world we give meaning to our life and earn lasting joy and happiness.

1. What effect does the narrow perception of a good life have on us?
A.Making us simple-mindedB.Making us short-sighted.
C.Leading us onto a busy road.D.Keeping us from comfort and luxury.
2. According to the author, how can one gain true happiness?
A.Through maintaining good health.
B.By going through pain and suffering.
C.By recognizing one’s abilities and limitations.
D.Through offering help much needed by others.
3. According to Paragraph 4, doing certain right things with a loving heart makes one________.
A.less selfishB.less annoying
C.more motivatedD.more responsible
4. In what case may good intentions fail to lead to desired results?
A.When we have wrong knowledge of the world.
B.When our love for the world is insufficient.
C.When we are insensitive to dangers in life.
D.When we stay blind to the reality.
5. According to Paragraph 5, life can be made truly good when ________.
A.inspired by love and guided by knowledge
B.directed by love and pushed by knowledge
C.purified by love and enriched by knowledge
D.promoted by love and defined by knowledge
2023-01-03更新 | 2254次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般