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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.4 引用次数:133 题号:2753867
The other day at lunch I was part of a whole group of colleagues and we were talking behind our boss’s back. She’s the new principal (校长)of our middle school.
We talked about how kind she is to us. She writes notes to wish us happy holidays, or to thank us for jobs well done. She checks on us when she knows we’re facing difficulties outside of school with our health or with our families.
All too often, When we talk NICE behind someone’s back, they never know about it!I sent her a quick email to report the conversation. She replied saying how much she appreciated hearing about it!
I like to do the same for my students. Of course I give them my own compliments(恭维),but I love to let them know when others adults have noticed their good behavior and attitudes. Then it’s absolutely necessary to let THEM know it too! It matters when what they notice is good.
I’ve known from the other side how much this can mean. I often lack confidence in my own abilities as a teacher, so it gave me quite a lift when a friend who works with families in the community mentioned that he has heard several times from parents how glad they are to have their kids in my class. It just feels more important somehow to have the words said by people who don’t know I’ll ever hear them.
Sure, it’s pleasant when we can say nice things about other people. Watch for your next opportunity to be the reporter! Make sure to tell them about the nice things being said behind their backs!
1. Why did these colleagues talk behind their boss’s back?
A.They were afraid of her.
B.She treated them badly.
C.She was kind to them.
D.It was their daily practice.
2. Why did the author report their conversation to her principals?
A.They were good friends.
B.The principals hated them.
C.She guessed her principals might be glad to hear it.
D.She wanted to be praised.
3. What encouraged the author to be a good teacher?
A.Others’ nice talk behind her back.
B.Her good knowledge in teaching.
C.Her rich experience in teaching.
D.Her principal’s help.
【知识点】 记叙文 生活故事


阅读理解-阅读单选(约340词) | 较难 (0.4)
【推荐1】Early one morning the sub­inspector at a station at the other end of the town rang me. An elephant was damaging the town. Would I please come and do something about it?
I did not know what I could do, but I got onto a horse and started out.   I took my gun, maybe too small to kill an elephant, but I thought the noise might scare him. Various local people stopped me on the way and told me about the elephant's doings.
It was not, of course, a wild elephant, but a tame one. It had been chained up but last night it had broken its chain and escaped. Its owner, had set out to run after it, but had taken the wrong direction. He was now twelve hours' journey away, and in the morning the elephant had suddenly appeared in the town. It had already destroyed somebody's bamboo hut (棚屋), killed a cow and turned over fruit­stalls.
I came round the hut and saw a man's dead body sprawling in the mud. He was an Indian, and he could not have been dead many minutes. The people said that the elephant caught him with its trunk, put its foot on his back and grounded him into the earth. This was the rainy season and he was lying on his stomach in the soft mud, the_______ standing beside, looking innocent.
As I lifted my gun, I hesitated a few seconds. Then I fired. That was a shot that did for him.
You could see the pain of it knock the last strength from his legs. But in falling he seemed for a moment to rise, his trunk reaching skyward like a tree. He trumpeted, for the first and only time. And then down he came, with a crash that shook the ground.
1. Which of the following statements about the author is TRUE?
A.He was an Indian.
B.He knew elephants well.
C.He was not a local villager.
D.He was the owner of the elephant.
2. The elephant made so much trouble because ________.
A.its owner treated him cruelly
B.it got out of control
C.it hated the village people
D.it was a wild elephant
3. The underlined words “the peacebreaker” in Paragraph 4 refer to ________.
A.the elephantB.the dead man
C.the authorD.the sub­inspector
4. It can be inferred that the author felt ________ when he shot the elephant.
2016-11-26更新 | 936次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约410词) | 较难 (0.4)

【推荐2】Jonathan Cranwell sat on hard bench behind the long narrow desk and watched the flies fly lazily in the sun. The drone of the younger boys reading letters and older boys reciting Latin verbs made him sleepy. Jonathan had to force his eyes to stay open. He wanted to learn something new!

He looked up at the schoolmaster’s high desk in the front of the room. The new teacher was from Harvard College. Jonathan’s father had been impressed with him. The boys had already had several other teachers, but none of them seemed to inspire Jonathan. So far, there was nothing to show that this one was special, though he’d only been there two days.

“It’s too hot to sit and memorize lessons,” the schoolmaster said. “We’ll move outdoors for the next part of our lesson.” He led the group of boys into the schoolyard. “You younger boys, dig for grubs and beetles (幼虫和甲虫). Count their feet. See if you can describe their shells (壳).”

Jonathan watched the teacher surrounded by laughing young students. No one had ever used the schoolyard itself for a classroom. “What next?” he thought. Soon he didn’t have time to think about the younger boys, for he was running after butterflies and dragonflies himself.

Jonathan and his friends liked this new way of learning.

“It will be a clear night tonight. Go outside and look at the sky,” said the schoolmaster. “Look at the stars and notice their brightness and the patterns they make. These patterns have names from Greek mythology (神话), names like Orion, Aries, and others. Tomorrow we will learn about the ancient stories on them.”

“How is the new schoolmaster?” asked Jonathan’s father that evening, when Jonathan announced he was going out to look at the sky.

“He’s different from any schoolmaster we’ve had,” Jonathan admitted. “He seems interested in everything around him, and he wants us to be curious too. He even used the schoolyard as a classroom!”

“So Mr. John Adam and his new ways make school useful to you after all,” joked Jonathan’s father.

“I believe he has,” said Jonathan. “I know I won’t forget the lessons he has taught us!”

1. What does the underlined word “drone” in Paragraph 1 mean?
A.Boring sounds.B.Clear talks.C.Enthusiastic responses.D.Loud noises.
2. Which statement shows that the new schoolmaster understood the children?
A.“Go outside and look at the sky,…”B.“See if you can describe their shells.”
C.“It’s too hot to sit and memorize lessons,…”D.“Tomorrow we will learn about the ancient stories…”
3. The students’ laughter in Paragraph 4 suggests that they were ________.
4. According to Paragraph 9, we can learn that ________.
A.Mr. Cranwell had met the new schoolmasterB.Jonathan had previously complained about school
C.Mr. Cranwell was not satisfied with the new waysD.Jonathan had shown his father his homework
5. What is the main idea of this story?
A.Science is all around us.B.School provides us with the best education.
C.Homework is an important part of education.D.There is more than one way to learn.
2022-04-13更新 | 538次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约320词) | 较难 (0.4)
文章大意:这是一篇记叙文。主要讲述 Robin Hood餐馆为无家可归的人提供饮食,而且这里的食物非常美味。

【推荐3】A little before nine o'clock on Tuesday night, Antonio Gutierrez found himself facing a welcome dilemma. Might he, a waitress asked, have room for a second helping of pudding?

By day, the Robin Hood restaurant, which sits on a side street near the centre of Madrid, is a typical Spanish bar. But at night, it transforms itself into a pioneering place where homeless people, such as Antonio Gutiérrez, can dine, free of charge, at tables set with flowers and proper glasses.

The restaurant is the latest plan from the charity Mensajeros de la Paz, meaning messengers of peace, which was founded 54 years ago by Father Angel(安吉神父)García Rodriguez. “The inspiration came from Pope (教皇)Francis, who’s spoken again and again about the importance of giving people dignity, whether it’s through bread or through work,” said Father Angel. “So we thought, why not open a restaurant? People with nothing can come and eat here and get the same treatment as everyone else.”

Like many Spanish charities, Mensajeros de la Paz is still dealing with the human consequences of the country’s financial crisis, which has left the overall unemployment rate close to 20% and youth unemployment among Europe’s highest at 42%.

Each day, Father Angel’s nearby church provides 200 homeless people with breakfast and lunch. In the evening, the new restaurant feeds 100 homeless people. If the restaurant proves successful, the charity plans to extend the scheme and hopes it will attract famous chefs who will come to cook in the kitchen occasionally.

“The food here is tasty,” said Gutiérrez. “I’d give it lots of stars and I’ll be back tomorrow.” Gutiérrez had not eaten in such a restaurant for five years, except when Father Angel had taken him out.

1. Which of the following can best describe Father Angel?
A.Old and successful
B.Kind and respectable
C.Creative and gifted
D.Brave and determined
2. What can we know about the restaurant?
A.It was set up by Father Angel
B.It is in the center of Madrid
C.Its dishes are mainly cooked by famous chefs
D.It provides 100 homeless people with dinners every day
3. What does Gutiérrez think of the food in the restaurant?
4. What’s the best title for the text?
A.A homeless person’s special experience
B.A pioneering Robin Hood restaurant for the homeless
C.A plan to reduce unemployment rate
D.Father Angel and his charity
2017-05-15更新 | 130次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般