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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.85 引用次数:611 题号:291979

Just days after the January 4 premiere (首映) of Hollywood blockbuster Avatar in China, the box offices across the country had gone beyond 100 million yuan (around $14.7 million), thanks to the enthusiasm of huge number of Chinese movie fans. China Film Group Corp. Estimates are that the total box office may finally reach 500 million yuan.

Though almost every movie theater in big cities like Beijing and Shanghai gives Avatar top billing(最优先的档期), with as many as 20 show times a day, Chinese audience still find it tough to get a ticket. In Beijing, the Wanda Movie Theater in Shijingshan, the first IMAX theater in Asia, is the first choice for Avatar moviegoers. The theater shows the 3D IMAX version of Avatar five times a day, and tickets are generally sold out a day in advance.

In Shanghai, to get an IMAX ticket for Avatar can mean waiting in freezing weather all night for a show three days later. Shanghai local media reported that on Friday, around 500 people were queuing for tickets at 8 a.m. in front of the downtown Peace Cinema, including some who had waited for 12 hours. Movie fans came equipped with quilts, wooden stools and snacks, in a scene reminding of that at train ticket windows before the New Year, when huge numbers of Chinese travel to be with family.

For the 3D version of Avatar, ticket prices varied for different theaters and time slots(场次), ranging from 60 yuan to 120 yuan. Meanwhile, illegal tickets traders asked as much as 600 yuan for the IMAX version in Shanghai. The Peace Cinema is planning to raise the ticket price for the IMAX version to as much as 200 yuan from the current 150 yuan from Jan. 14 for some time slots.

A report by the People's Daily owes the difficulty in getting tickets partly to the lack of 3D screens in China. There are only 11 IMAX commercial theaters in nine cities across China. Because of this, people are traveling long distances to see the movie. In southern China, the IMAX-equipped Dongguan Wanda theater has seen a huge coming of people from Guangzhou and Shenzhen. Wednesday afternoon, due to a technical breakdown of the system, the movie was stopped for an hour, and the sound didn't come together with the picture. In the end, the general manager of the theater had to beg forgiveness on his knees twice to lessen the angry audience who drove a long way to see the movie. The theater had to pay back each audience member the full ticket price as well as 200 yuan for traffic expenses.

The world-wide gross(总收入) for "Avatar" is now at $1.335 billion, second only to the $1.843 billion pulled in by "Titanic," another film directed by Cameron. But how long will 'Avatar' manage to hold its death grip around the number one spot?

1. The behavior of movie fans in Shanghai shows that __________.
A.the time slots of the film are not enough
B.people are too enthusiastic about the film Avatar
C.Chinese seldom have chances to enjoy Hollywood blockbusters like Avatar
D.the tickets for the film are harder to get than train tickets before the New Year
2. Chinese audience still find it difficult to get a ticket for Avatar because __________.
A.the weather is freezing and the queue is too long
B.the cinemas have raised the ticket price for Avatar
C.not many 3D screens are available in China
D.there are many illegal tickets traders in different cities
3. From“how long will 'Avatar' manage to hold its death grip around the number one spot?”in the last Paragraph, we learn that the writer __________.
A.thinks the film is sure to hold the number one spot
B.questions the truth of the number one spot of the film
C.concludes that the film Avatar is not better than Titanic
D.doubts whether the film can keep its popularity with the people
4. The best title of the passage should be __________.
A.Hollywood Blockbuster Avatar Hitting China
B.Chinese People Kneeling Down for a Film
C.Lack of IMAX Theaters in China
D.Difficulty in Seeing Avatar in China
【知识点】 电影与戏剧 说明文


阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 较易 (0.85)

【推荐1】Jackie Chan was sick and tired of trying to cross over into American movies. The martial arts wonder and ex-Bruce Lee stuntman(特技替身演员) was a superstar in China, but his attempts at going Hollywood in films like Big Brawl (1980), The Cannonball Run (1981), and The Protector (1985) barely impressed American audiences. “Nobody knew who this little Chinese guy was that spoke no English,” Chan told Yahoo Entertainment during a recent Role Recall interview. “I was disappointed and thought, ‘No more American market.’”

In the late 1990s, his manager begged him to make one more go at it: There was this project called Rush Hour, in which Chan would play a Hong Kong police inspector who teams up with a wise-cracking LAPD detective (Chris Tucker) to rescue a Chinese politician’s kidnapped daughter. Chan agreed to do the 1998 action comedy directed by Brett Ratner in large part because it allowed him to speak in broken English.

After Chan wrapped Rush Hour, he told his manager he would never do another film like it again. “They don’t allow me to do my own style of action. The English, I’m not good. Chris Tucker’s English, I don’t understand.” Chan said.

He sat there dumbfounded(惊呆了的) as moviegoers laughed through the premiere(首映). “Why are they laughing? I just don’t understand,” he thought.

So Chan returned to Asia to work once again in his home region, when he got the call: Rush Hour was a massive hit. Released in Sept. 1998, it earned $141 million at the U.S. box office and $244 million worldwide.

It also leads to two sequels(续集)… and two more hits: 2001’s Rush Hour 2, Chan’s highest grossing(总收入) of all time ($226 million in the U.S., $347 million worldwide) and 2007’s Rush Hour 3 ($140 million in the U.S., $258 million worldwide).

“Slowly, slowly, they’ve brought me to Hollywood again,” Chan said. “Now slowly I’ve been understanding American culture. I’ll try to stay as long as possible.”

1. What can we learn from Paragraph 1?
A.Jackie Chan was very tired of speaking English.
B.Jackie Chan showed no interest in American movies.
C.Jackie Chan didn’t leave a deep impression on Americans.
D.Jackie Chan played an unimportant character in Hollywood films.
2. What part did Jackie Chan play in Rush Hour?
A.A policeman.B.A detective.C.A politician.D.A manager.
3. How did Jackie Chan feel when filming Rush Hour?
4. How did Jackie Chan know Rush Hour was a success?
A.Through a paper.B.On the Internet.C.On TV.D.Through a call.
2018-05-20更新 | 78次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约290词) | 较易 (0.85)

【推荐2】Feeling tired of your constant work? Here are some highly rated films you can enjoy to relax a while.

Never Give In

A look at the life and legend of Manchester United manager Alex Ferguson. Recovering from a life-threatening brain hemorrhage (脑出血), the greatest football manager becomes aware that his memory might desert him, so he begins to recall the most important stories of his life, both in and out of football, to his son Jason in Never Give In. The film, stories of growing-up and family, includes deeply moving insights from his wife and sons, as well as former players, along the way.


Adapted from the Tony Award-winning play of the same name, the film is based on a true story of negotiations between implacable (难以和解的) enemies. It narrates the secret talks, unlikely friendships and quiet heroics of a small but committed group of Israelis, Palestinians and one Norwegian couple.

Blue Miracle

The original film is based on a true story. To save the orphanage, a guardian and his kids cooperate with a washed-up boat captain for a chance to win a profitable fishing competition heroically. The colour blue features significantly in every scene, such as on clothes, interior and exterior of buildings, boats, etc.

The Box

The Box is centered on the true story of a young singer Ji Hoon living inside a“box”and a producer who used to be a big shot in the music industry. The two will cross their paths and sunbathe on a road trip filled with music and jamming sessions (即兴演奏会), chasing dreams and figuring out life as it goes.

1. Compared to the other films, what is special about Never Give In?
A.It is a film based on true stories.
B.It presents a trip filled with music.
C.It features growing-up and family stories.
D.It is adapted from an Award-winning play.
2. What do Oslo and Blue Miracle both convey?
A.Heroism.B.Unlikely friendship.C.Suffering.D.Profitable competition.
3. Which film would you recommend to a music lover?
A.Never Give InB.OsloC.Blue MiracleD.The Box
2023-02-10更新 | 109次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约220词) | 较易 (0.85)

【推荐3】Four Animation Studios(动画工作室)

1.Pixar Animation Studios

Location: California, USA

Pixar was bought by Steve Jobs in 1986. Later in 2006 it was bought by Disney. The studio has produced many successful animated films including:

Toy Story             Finding Nemo

2.Walt Disney Animation Studios

Location: California, USA

Walt and Roy founded the Disney Brothers Cartoon Studio in 1923. After years, Disney Animation has become the most famous animation studio in the world. Its best-known films include:     

The Lion King          Big Hero 6

3.DreamWorks Animation

Location: California, USA

In 1994, Steven, Jeffrey and David founded DreamWorks. It now belongs to Universal Pictures. It has made films like:

Shrek                 Kung Fu Panda

4.Studio Ghibli

Location: Tokyo, Japan

Ghibli is one top animation studio in Japan. Eight in 15 top animated films produced in Japan are created by Ghibli. These works make it famous all over the world. You must have heard of the following films:

Castle in the Sky     My Neighbor Totoro

1. Which is the best-known cartoon studio?
A.Studio Ghibli.B.DreamWorks Animation.
C.Walt Disney Animation Studios.D.Pixar Animation Studios.
2. Which movie is made by DreamWorks?
A.Toy Story.B.Kung Fu Panda.
C.Castle in the Sky.D.The Lion King.
3. Which statement about Ghibli is true?
A.It is a part of Universal Pictures.B.Its logo is a kid sitting on the moon.
C.It has made the most animated films.D.It is a very famous studio in Japan.
4. The purpose of the writer’s writing the passage is to _____.
A.tell us how cartoon movies are madeB.give us information about some films
C.introduce some famous cartoon studiosD.encourage more readers to watch movies
2022-08-25更新 | 76次组卷
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