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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:142 题号:314964

US first lady Michelle Obama is among the world’s 100 most powerful women on a list topped by German premier Angela Merkel for four years in a row, according to a Forbes ranking released recently.

Michelle Obama debuted (初次露面) at No.40, coming in ahead of talk show host Oprah Winfrey at 41 and Britain’s Queen Elizabeth at 42.

Sheila Bair, chair of the US Federal Deposit Insurance Corp, which insures bank deposits, remained NO.2 after debuting on the Forbes list last year. She has gained increased fame as the US recession (经济衰退) lasts.

The list is based on factors such as economic impact, media reach and career accomplishments. Former US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice fell off the list after leaving office in January. Rice’s successor (继任者), Hillary Clinton, came in at NO.36, dropping from No.28 last year when her presidential bid made her the woman with the highest public profile on the list.

“Women in power are rising to leadership positions in business, government and philanthropy (慈善) by making daring and unconventional moves,” Forbes said.“Gone are the days of women feeling they must stick with one employer and patiently wait for promotions.”

“Highly ambitious women...are moving across companies and industries, making big leaps with each change, and repositioning themselves for opportunities that allow them to gain a breadth of experience,” the business magazine said.

Merkel, 55, became the first female premier of Germany in 2005 and succeeded in retaining (保留) power in a federal election not long ago.

Michelle Obama, 45, has won fans for her down-to-earth personality, her support of causes including healthy eating and the arts.

1. Condoleezza Rice is not included on the list probably because_______________ .
A.she exercises less influence
B.she keeps her new job a secret
C.she has become an ordinary woman
D.she is silent after leaving office
2. Hillary Clinton was ranked No.28 last year because_____________.
A.she was the former first lady
B.she was running for president then
C.she frequently appeared in public
D.she got support from her husband
3. We learn from the passage that powerful women today_____________.
A.change their jobs more frequently
B.are better political leaders than men
C.are not content with being housewives
D.have changed their traditional concept
4. What would be the best title for the passage?
A.The most powerful women in the world
B.Women in power are rising to leadership postitions
C.Forbes: Germany’s Merkel again most powerful woman
D.Forbes: The rise and fall of the women in power
9-10高二下·江西吉安·期中 查看更多[1]


阅读理解-阅读单选(约380词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】A team of Israeli scientists “printed” a heart with a patient’s own cells (细胞) first in the world, researchers say.

Past researchers had been able to print simple tissues (生物组织) without blood vessels (血管), the team said. The new development is the first time “anyone anywhere has successfully engineered and printed an entire heart filled with cells, blood vessels and so on,” Tal Dvir of Tel Aviv University told The Jerusalem Post.

Dvir and his team reported the findings Monday in Advanced Science. The heart, about the size of a rabbit’s, is too small for a human, but the process used to create it shows the potential for one day being able to 3D-print pieces and maybe full transplants (移植), the team said. Because the heart is made from the patient’s own biological material, it reduces the chance that the transplant would fail, according to the research paper. The team used fatty tissues, then separated and “reprogrammed” the materials. The cells that become heart cells were then created.

The development is being praised as a “major breakthrough” in medicine and one that could help battle heart disease, the leading cause of death in the United States, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. “Patients will no longer have to wait for transplants or take medicines to prevent their side effects,” Tel Aviv University said in a statement. “Instead, the needed hearts, lungs etc. will be printed, fully personalized for every patient.” The research is still a long way off from clearing the way to transplant the 3D-printed hearts into humans, the team says.

Dvir told the news organization Bloomberg that the heart the team printed will need another month before cells develop full to beat. Tests on animals would need to be done before the technology could be tried in humans, he added. It would take a whole day and billions, rather than millions, of cells to print a human heart, Dvir told Bloomberg.

But Dvir remains hopeful. “Maybe, in 10 years, such printers will be seen and used in the finest hospitals around the world,” he told The Times of Israel.

1. Why is the heart transplant less likely to fail?
A.Because the number of heart donators has been increasing.
B.Because the transplant technology has been improved.
C.Because the heart is created with the receiver’s own cells.
D.Because every hospital has easy access to such printers.
2. What can we infer about the 3D-printed heart?
A.This heart can be transplanted into humans immediately.
B.This heart has been printed just for rabbits due to the size.
C.It made heart transplant much less difficult than before.
D.The new technology hasn’t gained much praise in medicine.
3. Dvir’s attitude towards the future of the technology is___________.
4. What is the text mainly concerned with?
A.The personalized heart transplant.
B.Heart 3D-printed using human cells.
C.A scientist discovering a new technology.
D.Heart disease, the leading cause of death.
2019-09-06更新 | 108次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约300词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】In various restaurants worldwide, there’s a new sight-child-sized robots. These robots can welcome guests, show them to their tables, deliver food and drinks, and even transport dirty dishes back to the kitchen. Some believe these robot waiters could be a solution to today’s worker shortages in the restaurant industry, with tens of thousands of them now in use.

But other people think that robots can’t replace human workers. Robot waiters can’t take orders, and they struggle with steps, limiting their abilities.

Despite these disadvantages, their use is growing. For example, in Madison Heights, Michigan, Li Zhai faced difficulty finding enough workers for his restaurant, Noodle Topia. To address this, he purchased robots from Pudu Robotics. These robots have been a success, with one leading diners to their seats, another delivering food, and a third transporting dirty dishes.

Zhai found that using these robots reduced his need for employees. Three robots now do the work of what used to require five or six people. In terms of cost, a robot costs around $15 000, while a human can cost $5,000 to $6,000 per month. These robots also have a surprising benefit-they free up human servers to spend more time with customers, resulting in increased tips, Additionally, diners often share videos of the robots on social media, attracting more visitors to the restaurant.

However, not all restaurants have had the same success. For instance, Chili’s (奇利斯餐厅)introduced robot servers in 2020, expanding the test to 61U.S. restaurants before suddenly stopping the program. The robots were criticized (批评) for their slow movement and getting in the way of human servers. A survey showed that 58% of guests believed the robots didn’t improve their overall dining experience.

1. What is the purpose of the first paragraph?
A.To introduce a survey about robot waiters.
B.To show the success of robot waiters in restaurants.
C.To describe the appearance of child-sized robots in restaurants.
D.To discuss the challenges of hiring human workers in restaurants.
2. What does the underlined word “address” in Paragraph 3 probably mean?
3. What does Paragraph 4 mainly talk about?
A.The history of robot waiters in the U.S.
B.The challenges of introducing robot servers.
C.The effect of social media on the restaurant industry.
D.The advantages of using robots in the restaurant industry.
4. What can be inferred from the passage?
A.All restaurants with robot servers are successful.
B.The use of robot waiters still has a long way to go.
C.Robot waiters are cheaper to employ than human workers.
D.The restaurant industry is not affected by worker shortages.
2024-01-08更新 | 146次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约470词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】In China, in order to ease the pressure on parents’ wallets, education is free until children reach the age of about 15. So why is it that more than half of a typical family’s spending goes on education? The answer is cramming classes: a financial burden so great that it is often said to discourage couples from having children at all. Now officials are doing their part. It appears to relieve the pressure on people’s wallets.

But parents are not sure whether it will work. As many of them see it, cramming is not optional. Exams for entry to senior high schools are fiercely competitive. Then comes the dreaded Gaokao: the university-entrance exam on which a child’s future depends. No wonder the industry’s growth has been rapid. One firm, Zuoyebang (“help with homework”) says it offers live-streaming classes to more than 170m active users each month.

But officials are worried about its social impact. The birth rate is the lowest in decades and China is ageing fast. They also say that school children are overstressed. Urban pupils attend cramming classes for more than 10 hours a week, according to Deloitte, an accountancy firm.

While as the People’s Daily, an official newspaper, reported this month, the market for such services is in “endless chaos”. It listed problems ranging from misleading advertising to high prices and the use of unqualified teachers.

Government’s new regulations of clamping down on cram schools sent shivers through the industry. New Oriental, one of China’s biggest cramming companies, saw its share price on the New York Stock Exchange drop below $8, from a high of more than $19 in February. On June 9th the education ministry said a new government department would be set up to oversee such businesses, including both online courses and lessons in the classroom. There is also a widespread speculation, including in state media, that the new rules will impose limits on when firms can offer classes. They may, for example, prohibit classes after a certain time in the evening, during the summer holidays or at weekends.

Some analysts think the government may have another motive. Many of the companies belong to China’s tech giants, including Alibaba and Tencent, which have already attracted government’s attention for dominating markets and expanding into finance and other areas. Targeting the cramming business could be another way of breaking their wings. Parents wonder whether they will benefit. Some are concerned that the new rules will leave them with no choice but to use private tutors, which could prove even more costly.

1. Why do cramming schools enjoy great popularity among Chinese students?
A.The exams are so demanding that they have no choice.
B.The live-streaming classes offered are really appealing.
C.Entering senior high schools makes them less competitive.
D.Government officials are worried about their performance.
2. What is NOT a problem put forward by the People’s Daily with the cram school market?
A.High fees.B.Experienced tutors.
C.Improper advertising.D.Chaotic management.
3. What can we infer about the parents’ attitude towards the new regulations?
4. What is the main idea of this passage?
A.China’s tech giants control the market.
B.China says no to the cramming business.
C.Gaokao imposes too much burden to students.
D.New Oriental is the biggest cramming company.
2022-11-13更新 | 158次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般