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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:85 题号:3365410
Dear Editor,
Recent reports have indicated an additional 1, 400 Marines(海军陆战队)are being sent to Afghanistan in the coming weeks. This means it costs over $1 million annually on the ground over there. I do place a higher level of blame on the policymakers who send soldiers off to kill and be killed in the field. I think the human race needs to think more about killing.
One needs to do the introspection: “Are these wars JUST?” I believe that all of our wars since 1945 have been illegal, under international law as well. I suggest that all your readers examine their conscience(良心)as it relates to the matter of making war. The fact that many soldiers are motivated by a strong sense of duty does not give them some unqualified moral right to support these wars or any other. It’s responsible for all the troops, and the entire population, to determine whether the Afghan or Iraq wars are in accordance with (符合)the development of the state.
I wish someone would give me one or more logical reasons why we are still fighting in Afghanistan and what our goals are. I certainly don’t understand it and neither do many who are more knowledgeable than I.
Outsiders have tried unsuccessfully for centuries to conquer Afghanistan, and we seem to be no more successful. We are trying to develop a stable central government, but the country is badly divided into ethnic and tribal groups, and the current government is corrupt(腐败的). Moreover, we are apparently regarded as undesirable occupiers by many of its people, most notably the Taliban.(塔利班)
If we are to continue spending billions every year in Afghanistan and killing hundreds of our people and many of theirs, our government must provide us with a reasonable explanation of why we are doing so and what we can expect to accomplish.
George Myers
1. What caused the author to write the letter?
A.His conscience of being a citizen.
B.Reports about sending soldiers to Afghanistan.
C.His relatives being killed in the war.
D.Getting no reasonable explanation.
2. The underlined word “introspection” in the passage means               .
3. The soldiers go to Afghanistan because               .
A.they can contribute to the development of America
B.they have the moral right to do so
C.they are performing their duty as a resident
D.they want to become heroes in the war
4. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?
A.Most people can’t understand why the States makes wars.
B.The U.S.A has developed a stable central government.
C.The Afghan considered Americans as undesirable occupiers
D.American government should make an explanation to the public.
【知识点】 政治政策 应用文


阅读理解-阅读单选(约310词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】China’s economic growth “hard to predict”

The worsening global economic situation makes it difficult for China to predict its growth for next year, a senior official said on Friday.
“How fast China’s economy will grow next year is uncertain,” Liu He, deputy director of the Office of the Central Leading Group on Finance and Economy Work, told China Daily.
“To a large extent, the rate will be decided by the external (外部) situation,” Liu said during a discussion with Swedish Prime Minister Fredrik Reinfeldt and other economists in Beijing.
“This year, GDP is estimated to grow at 9.4 or 9.5 percent, down from 10.6 percent last year,” he said. “However, the impact of the current financial turbulence on our economy is much less than on the rest of the world.”
Nicholas Stern, a former UK government advisor, also told China Daily it will take at least one or two years for the world to recover from the recession, which is now spreading from the US and the UK to the rest of the world.
“We don’t know how long the recession will last, but it is unlikely to be short,” he said.
Liu said China can use the downturn (衰退) as an opportunity to restructure its economy, which has relied heavily on government investment, foreign trade and low-cost technology over the past years.
“When the economy is experiencing fast growth, companies are unwilling to upgrade their technologies,” Liu said.
“The slowdown gives such firms the opportunity to enhance(提高) their competitive edge through better technologies.”
(From China Daily 2009-01-11)
1. How many people are mentioned in this passage?
A.Only 2.B.No more than 3.C.Not more than 4.D.At least 5.
2. It can be inferred from Liu’s words that the impact of the current financial turbulence on China’s economy is ______.
A.moreB.lessC.the mostD.the least
3. The underlines word “extent” probably means ______.
4. According to the passage, the reason why Liu said this downturn is an opportunity for China to restructure its economy is that ______.
A.China’s economy will not depend on government investment in the future
B.Foreign trade will grow in the future
C.The downturn will force China’s companies to upgrade their technologies
D.Low-cost technologies will not exist in China
2016-12-07更新 | 871次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】American President Trump revealed early Friday morning that he and the first lady, Melania Trump, had tested positive for the coronavirus, throwing the nation’s leadership into uncertainty and worsening the crisis caused by a pandemic that has already killed more than 207,000 Americans and harmed the economy.

Mr. Trump, who for months has played down the seriousness of the virus and hours earlier on Thursday night told an audience that “the end of the pandemic is in sight,” will quarantine(隔离) in the White House for an unspecified period of time.

For months, Mr. Trump has refused to wear a mask in public on all but a few occasions and has repeatedly questioned their effectiveness. And as recently as Tuesday, at their opening debate, he laughed at Mr. Biden for wearing one. It was not immediately clear whether Mr. Trump had already been infected by the virus at the time of the debate with Mr. Biden, 77, although the two stood far across stage and never got within six feet of each other.

The symbolism of an infected American president could frighten governors, as well as business owners trying to assess when and how to reopen or keep open shops, schools, parks, beaches, restaurants, factories and other workplaces. Eager to restore social order before the election, Mr. Trump has dismissed health concerns to demand that schools reopen, college football resume play and businesses return to full operation.

Under the 25th Amendmen(t     宪法修正案), a medically incapable president has the option of temporarily transferring power to the vice president and can regain his authority whenever he considers himself fit for duty.

In American history, since the amendment was passed in 1967, presidents have done so only three times. In 1985, President Ronald Reagan had a surgery and briefly turned over power to Vice President George Bush. President George W. Bush did invoke(援引)the amendment twice in temporarily turning over power to Vice President Dick Cheney during medical checks in 2002 and 2007.

1. What can be inferred from the first two paragraphs?
A.The Trumps feel positive about the coronavirus.
B.The end of the pandemic is in sight in America.
C.Mr. Trump will continue to perform his duty.
D.The pandemic is a blow to America.
2. What can we know about Mr. Trump?
A.He has never worn a mask in public.
B.He repeated the effectiveness of questions.
C.He took part in a debate recently.
D.He spread the virus to Mr. Biden.
3. Which of the following statements is not true?
A.Business owners are cautious about reopening their business.
B.To restore order, Mr. Trump has considered health concerns as unimportant.
C.Mr. Trump is the third president to turn his power to the vice president.
D.Both President Reagan and President George W. Bush invoked the 25th Amendment.
4. Where can the text most probably appear?
A.In a history textbook.
B.In a newspaper.
C.In a medical science journal.
D.In a biography.
2021-12-01更新 | 36次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约240词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】Texas——US President George W.Bush and Russian President Vladimir Putin failed to bridge their differences over a key arms control treaty last week, but that didn’t stop them from backslapping(喧闹的狂欢) as they ended a summit.

The two leaders also offered differing interpretations of the fate of nuclear warheads to be removed from missiles under arms reductions they each announced last week.Bush said he intended to destroy the warheads, but Putin said their fate should be negotiated.

The two men untied on the need for Northern Alliance forces——to allow for a broad based government that respects all parties there.

Bush and Putin had spent the night at Bush’s ranch.Despite the rain, the rural environment and friendly company appeared to have worked its magic.They slapped on the back and joked, at one point teasing each other about whether it is better to visit Texas in the heat of August or Siberia in winter.

Analysts say the dramatic warming in US-Russian relation could herald(预示) an era of pragmatism(务实的想法或做法) in global affairs as the two old rivals finally end decades of hostility and become friends.

“Washington and Moscow are no longer playing the ‘big game’ against each other, but with each other,” said Karl Heniz Kamp, an analyst at the Konrad Adenanaer Foundation,a German think tank.

1. It can be concluded that President Bush and President Putin__________.
A.didn’t agree on key arms control treaty
B.offered different explanations of the future of nuclear warheads under arms reductions
C.neither A or B
D.both A and B
2. The reason why the two men joined together is that.
A.they were needed by the Northern Alliance forces
B.they had taken the advice given by Karl Heniz Kamp, an analyst of German think tank.
C.they had already been partners
D.they had no different opinions on everything
3. The warming of US-Russian relations indicates that_______.
A.the two persons end hostility and become friends
B.US can benefit a lot from global affairs
C.there will be an end to all the armies of the world
D.it is a turning point to words being practical in global affairs
4. What the two men teased about shows that___________.
A.they appeared friendly but in fact they didn’t
B.they just made fun of each other
C.they are friendly and humorous
D.they invited each other to their countries in the bad weather
2010-04-17更新 | 790次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般