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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:92 题号:3447385

After having worked in the University of Maryland for three years, I got a job offer from another university — Lynn University. I left my letter of offer on my present boss’s desk, turned around, and closed the door quietly. I was expecting a call from my boss saying congratulations, which would show her approval of my leaving.

In the afternoon, my boss called me, saying, “Can we meet tomorrow?” That was a good signal. The next day, I met with my boss. She said, “Nicholas, we want you. What do you want?” I said, “Boss, I deserve a significant pay raise this year due to my outstanding performance. I think I need a 10% pay raise next year as a condition for me to stay here.” My boss said, “No problem.”

When I left her office, I called Lynn University and told them that I was going to get a 10% pay raise. They had to give me 10% more than their original pay offer in order for me to accept the job. The new boss told me that he was willing to give me more, but I would feel very bad working at this university with such a high pay. I would win a battle, but I would lose a war. He said, “The problem is that your colleague will earn less than you, so you will feel guilty (内疚) and uncomfortable. But, I can still give you 5% more than the original offer.”

I delivered this massage to my present boss, and she told me that she would give me another 5% pay raise if I promised to refuse this new job offer. On top of that, she would strongly support my early promotion (晋升) from assistant professor to associate professor. According to the university policy, you must take at least 6 years to get promoted. That was my third year of employment at this university. After refusing the new job offer, I finally enjoyed both a pay raise and early promotion.

1. In paragraph 2, what does Nicholas mean by “That was a good signal.”?
A.His boss would approve his leaving the University of Maryland.
B.He would leave his present job and work for Lynn University.
C.His boss would talk with him about a possible pay offer.
D.His friends would congratulate him on getting a new job offer.
2. Why did the new boss agree to another 5% raise when Nicholas asked for 10% the next day?
A.He did not have the right to make such a big pay offer.
B.He did not want Nicholas to earn more than he did.
C.Nicholas was not experienced enough to get such a raise.
D.Nicholas would not feel good for earning too much more than others.
3. How much pay raise did the author finally get as a result of refusing the new job offer?
4. In the text, the author mainly tells his experience of________.
A.earning a pay raise
B.refusing a job offer
C.applying for a new position
D.making decisions in the workplace


阅读理解-阅读单选(约310词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】The other day, I decided to teach my son about the power of small acts of kindness. He had won some lollies in a prize machine in the local supermarket, so I asked him if he would like to share his prizes with another child. He hesitated (犹豫) for a while because he is a shy little boy, but said yes after I encouraged him a bit.

A father and his child passed by us. I went to the father and asked if my son could give his daughter some candies that he had won. The father looked at me in a strange way and was unsure what to say. I explained that I was teaching my son about the power of kindness. At last, he said it was okay.

We went to his daughter, but to my surprise, the little girl wouldn’t accept the candies! My son was rather embarrassed by the fact that she wouldn’t accept his candies, and then he said to me, “We go to the same school, Mum.” And I suddenly remembered I had seen the little girl before in my son’s school.

When we left the supermarket, I explained to my son that people in the world today are not so open to kindness because their thoughts and opinions have been shaped by the past, and I told him not to be embarrassed. “They may have been unfriendly, but I’m sure we left them moved in some way. And the young girl will remember you as the boy with a kind heart when she meets you at school!” I said and he nodded.

1. When the mother asked the boy to share his candies with others, the boy ________.
A.didn’t want to do that at first
B.was sure that the little girl wouldn’t take them
C.went to the little girl happily
D.wanted to keep all the candies
2. What did the boy feel when the little girl refused his candies?
3. After reading the passage, we learn that ________.
A.the little girl is very shy
B.the little girl’s father is very rude
C.the little boy and the little girl are schoolmates
D.the little girl felt sad because she didn’t win any candies
4. By saying the words in the last paragraph, the writer mainly wants to ________.
A.tell us that it’s not good to live in the past
B.make her son understand that his kindness will be remembered
C.tell her son not to be afraid to meet the little girl again
D.tell us that people are not friendly today
2021-09-29更新 | 73次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约370词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】Two years ago, something happened that changed the way I look at the world. On my birthday, my grandfather, walking home with his hands full of groceries, fell and hit his head on the sidewalk. Just as we were leaving to meet him for dinner, we got the call that he was in the hospital. At first, I thought nothing of it, but when I heard the whole story, I couldn’t believe it. He hit his head so hard that he had a blood clot in his brain and it had to be operated on immediately, Everyone thought he would die.

Although my grandfather survived emergency brain surgery, he had complications (后遗症). He could hardly talk and he couldn’t walk. Shortly after, he was admitted to a nursing home. Today, he lives at home with my grandmother and is doing much better, but this isn’t about him. It’s about what I saw at that nursing home.

I saw something that many people haven’t seen, and some do often choose to ignore it, I saw more sadness in those days visiting the nursing home than I thought. In that one place were hundreds of old people who were alone and forgotten.

So what as to be done with the situation of the old? This is not an easy question, but something must be done. Perhaps groups in the community could assign each member to one nursing home patient with whom they could keep in regular contact. Maybe a school could focus on a nursing home and send cards, pictures and letters to residents. If periodic visits were arranged, I’m sure that for some, if not many, those students would be the only visitors they had all month. These are just a few ideas; we all need to work together.

I hope everyone to tour a local nursing home I further expect you to do something about it. You’ll brighten someone’s day, or maybe even his or her life.

1. Why was the author’s grandfather sent to a nursing home?
A.Because of the nursing home’s good atmosphere.
B.Because of the grandfather’s bad physical condition.
C.Because family members wanted him to live outside.
D.Because there were many old people at the nursing home.
2. What did the author think of the old people at the nursing home?
A.They deserved sympathy.
B.They were poor but kind.
C.They always forgot something
D.They needed to care for students.
3. What’s the fourth paragraph mainly about?
A.The author’s ways to look after old people in the community.
B.The author’s ideas of helping old people at the nursing home.
C.The author’s opinions about how to visit old people regularly.
D.The author’s reasons for sending old people to the nursing home.
4. What’s the author’s wish according to the text?
A.Old people can live longer and have a happy family.
B.People can help old people when they fall down on the street.
C.People can pay attention to the old people at nursing homes.
D.Government should ask students to visit old people at the nursing home.
2019-02-23更新 | 24次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】During this holiday, my family took a trip to Tanzania. Getting there was really an adventure! We took fifteen different planes. The ride was difficult, but the scenery was amazing. When we arrived, the time difference was difficult to deal with, but after a few nights I got used to it. We stayed in a safari resort (游猎度假村). There were all kinds of noises. But they weren’t ones I was used to hearing; the noises came from animals and insects.

On our first day, we saw a herd of giraffes and two rhinos (犀牛). Our guide Mishi told us that the two black rhinos had been caught and brought here because they were in danger of dying out due to poachers (偷猎者), who wanted them for their horns (角). The two rhinos are not in a zoo but in guarded pens (牲畜栏) of about 100 acres.

The next day, Mishi took us to a river. In it, there are big crocodiles (鳄鱼) and even bigger hippos. After we took pictures, Mishi brought us to a suspension (悬挂) bridge. My family was very nervous about crossing it after seeing what was in the river and there was a sign saying “No more than one person on the bridge each time”. Mishi finally promised us that it was not dangerous, and she was right! We all made it to the other side in one piece.

After we explored a little in the area, we found a long line of ants. I noticed that a few were bigger than the others and these bigger ants were walking next to the line, as if keeping the others in order. Mishi told us that they were called Army Ants and were used by old Tanzanian tribes (部落) for medical treatment. They could live with nature harmoniously.

After many days of fun and great adventure, our trip was over. I am looking forward to going back someday.

1. What did the author have to adapt to at the beginning of his trip?
A.The difficult ride.B.The time difference.
C.The surrounding noises.D.The remote (遥远的) resort.
2. Why are the two black rhinos caught and kept in pens?
A.To attract tourists.B.To get their horns.
C.To protect them from poachers.D.To prevent them attacking the local people.
3. What can we learn about the bridge mentioned in paragraph 3?
A.It is safe to cross.B.It has a long history.
C.It can bear great weight.D.It crosses a lifeless river.
4. What is the best title for the text?
A.The Lovely Wild AnimalsB.An Unforgettable Experience
C.Living with Nature HarmoniouslyD.An Adventurous but Amazing Trip
2022-03-22更新 | 217次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般