组卷网 > 高中英语综合库 > 主题 > 人与自我 > 日常活动 > 家庭生活
题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:69 题号:3545840

“Bad luck always comes in three” and last Saturday seemed to prove it. After trouble with the car, the television, we spent the evening waiting for the next trouble.

Shortly after dinner we both smelled smoke.

My wife, who was often careless when cooking, ran to the kitchen but returned looking puzzled. I rushed up the stairs to see smoke coming from under our bedroom door. I went to the bathroom and tied a wet cloth over my face.

Then I returned to the bedroom, opened the door andcrawled (爬) in—there would be less smoke at floor level. With one hand reaching out in front of me I advanced carefully feeling for the switch to turn off the electric blanket.

At that moment I heard the bell of a coming fire engine. Thank goodness my wife had not been wasting her time.

1. The wife rushed into the kitchen because ______.
A.the smoke came out of the kitchen
B.she left something in the kitchen
C.she was afraid the smoke was caused by her carelessness
D.things in the kitchen were easy to cause fire
2. The cause of the fire might be______.
A.the fireB.the kitchenC.electricityD.bad luck
3. When the husband was upstairs trying to stop the smoke______.
A.the wife telephoned the firemenB.the firemen saw the smoke and came
C.thewife was downstairs doing nothingD.they were in great danger
4. The passage wants to express that______.
A.an unlucky person will have trouble one after another
B.an unlucky person will only have trouble three times
C.“THREE” is an unlucky number
D.“THREE” always comes with a bad luck.


阅读理解-阅读单选(约340词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】Children should do housework. That’s a controversial idea, though not everyone will admit it. A few parents will declare that their children are too busy for housework. Many more of us assign housework, or say we believe in them, but the housework just doesn’t get done.

That' s a problem. For starters, housework is good for kids. Being a part of the routine work of running a household helps children develop an awareness of the needs of others, while at the same time contributing to their emotional well-being.

One small study, done over a period of 25 years, found that the best predictor for young adults success in their mid-20s was whether they participated in household tasks at age 3 or 4. Those early shared responsibilities extended to a sense of responsibility in other areas of their lives.

But for all that their help matters, few kids are doing much around the house at all. In a survey of 1, 000 American adults, 75 percent said they believed regular housework made kids "more responsible”. Yet while 82 percent reported having had regular housework growing up, only 56 percent of those with children said they required them to do housework.

Sports and homework are not get-out-of-housework-free cards. The goal, after all, is to raise adults who can balance a caring role in their families and communities with whatever lifetime achievement goals they choose. Housework teaches that balance.

What should you do when getting children to do housework? Accept no excuses. Don’t worry if you must repeat yourself again and again. If you’re spending more time getting the child to do this job than it would take to do it yourself, then you’re doing it right. Can an allowance help? Maybe. But if you’re trying to teach kids to share the responsibility of a home, paying them for routine housework is not the right message.

1. What is most parents’ problem with children doing housework?
A.They are against the idea.B.They fail to put it into practice.
C.They doubt the possibility of it.D.They are finding excuses for their children.
2. Why does the author mention the small study?
A.To state the reasons for early success.
B.To give examples of some successful people.
C.To prove doing housework is beneficial.
D.To suggest kids take responsibility for their behavior.
3. According to the survey of American adults, how many of them used to do housework as children?
4. Why does the author write the last paragraph?
A.To criticize some irresponsible parents.
B.To discuss the impact of a good family atmosphere.
C.To advise parents to spend more time with their kids.
D.To offer parents some advice on assigning children housework.
2019-12-17更新 | 123次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约440词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】Every summer the heat was miserable. This summer was no exception.

Jamal lay on the porch(门廊), holding a glass of sweet tea to his forehead, trying to absorb some of the cool. It was early afternoon, and his grandmother had lain down for her daily nap.

“Jamal! Jamal!” said Lisa, trying to get his attention.

“What?” he asked.

“I’m going to sort out the attic(阁楼). Want to come?” she asked calmly. Lisa was two years younger than Jamal and was used to being blown off.

“You’re crazy,” Jamal said. “It’s got to be 100 degrees up there, not to mention that it’s dusty and full of spiders and who knows what else.”

“Grandma said that if we see anything we want up there, we can keep it,” said Lisa.

“What makes you think I want any of that old junk?” asked Jamal.

Suit yourself,” said Lisa. She went to the bedroom to change into old clothes that could get covered in sweat, dust, and possibly dead spiders.

Up in the attic, Lisa began to see Jamal’s point. The heat in the house rose upwards, only to be trapped in the small attic. Everything was covered in a fine layer of dust

As Lisa began going through the boxes, she realized that no one had touched them for years. After a couple of hours, Lisa’s back ached, and her shirt was wet through.

“Lisa, honey!” she heard her grandmother call. “Come take a break and have some tea.”

Lisa went downstairs and took a picture with her. “Grandma, is this really you?”

Her grandmother laughed. “What, you can’t believe it? Yes, that’s me; that was taken at my home coming almost sixty years ago.”

“You were beautiful, Grandma,” said Lisa admiringly.

“You’d be surprised, Lisa,” her grandmother responded. “Adults, all of us, were once young and irresponsible like you.”

“I don’t think Mom was ever like that …” said Lisa.

“Your mother…” her grandmother’s voice became low as she carefully chose her words. “When your father died in the service, your mother was still just a girl herself. You were a baby, and Jamal was only two. She had to grow up real fast.”

Lisa nodded. She finished her tea, thanked her grandmother, and turned to go back upstairs.

1. What was Jamal’s attitude towards Lisa’s suggestion of exploring the attic?
2. The underlined expression “Suit yourself” means “        ”.
A.Enjoy yourselfB.Please yourself
C.Take care of yourselfD.Help yourself
3. What does Lisa’s grandmother probably mean when she says that Lisa’s mother “had to grow up real fast”?
A.Lisa’s mother had to drop out of college and start working.
B.Lisa’s mother had to become carefree and irresponsible very quickly.
C.Lisa’s mother had to become responsible and mature very quickly.
D.Lisa’s mother had to take on more responsibility than she was able to handle.
4. Which of the following is the probable ending of the story?
A.Lisa found her mother’s love letters.
B.Lisa found nothing important but junk.
C.Lisa found a box of spiders and was scared to death.
D.Lisa found something about her mother’s miserable childhood.
2018-01-09更新 | 112次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约410词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】I always pictured myself graduating from college, getting a cool job and even having a cute little place of my own. So far, I have a master's degree and the coolest job ever as a physician assistant. But instead of waking up in a pretty apartment, I hear the early­morning sound of my parents making coffee downstairs.

At 27, I still live with my parents, and I love it.

My decision to live at home was not one of absolute necessity. As a physician assistant, I make a good salary and would be able to live on my own comfortably if I needed to do so. By the time I finished graduate school, I had had a D|S150,000 debt from both undergraduate and graduate education. With several of these loans earning a 7.9% interest rate, my father calculated that my loans were increasing by D|S15 a day in interest alone. At this rate, it would take me 30 years to pay off my student loans, with much of the payment going straight to interest. At last, I decided to live with my parents.

Beyond the endless supply of home­cooked meals, the best thing about moving back home is that I am not alone. Several of my physician assistant friends are in the same boat as I am — we are all highly educated, white­collar employees who live at home. Our co­workers in the medical field think it is a great idea because many of them are facing the same piles of debt. They often say if they could do it all again, they would do the same thing.

There's a stigma (耻辱) that comes along with this arrangement. Some people might assume that we are too lazy to find a job. I don't think my neighbors understand it, as they continually ask me when I am going to graduate and if I am old enough to look after their children. My mom just tells them that I'm successful, well­educated and that I save lives.

I love living at home. Now I've paid off D|S68,000 of my student loans. Our new relationship is symbiotic (共生的). My parents benefit from having an extra set of hands around the house to help with housework and a constant source to explain all pop­culture references.

1. The author once imagined ________.
A.having her own beautiful houseB.having her parents pay off her loans
C.living with her parents after graduationD.always being taken care of by her parents
2. Why did the author decide to live with her parents?
A.Because she missed them very much.
B.Because she couldn't cook by herself.
C.Because she needed to repay a huge debt.
D.Because she was not able to support herself.
3. What is the author's co­workers' attitude towards her living with her parents?
4. The author's neighbors ask her to look after their kids mainly because ________.
A.they know she is a helpful ladyB.they know she is well­educated
C.they think she doesn't have a jobD.they think she is popular with kids
2021-05-22更新 | 38次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般