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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:930 题号:362319
St James’s Palace has announced that while Miss Middleton will wear a wedding ring.Prince William has chosen not to.
Rings are typically exchanged by couples during their wedding to represent commitment (承诺)to each other.Does it matter if husbands don’t wear a wedding ring?
Prince William’s father wears one, his grandfather doesn’t and their decisions weren’t seen as strange.But reactions to Prince William’s decision show that wedding rings for husbands are now the norm.One young man, who spoke to the BBC, thinks William is setting a bad example, saying: "I think it’s disgraceful (不光彩的).It’s a tradition.You have to wear a ring really.And for someone of the royal family to do that, it’s not right."
Broadly speaking, modern husbands tend to wear their wedding rings as a symbol of loyalty and faithfulness.So not wearing one can seem unusual or even dishonest to some, although men haven’t always worn them.
The wearing of wedding rings has been the done thing for centuries among wives but only became common practice among husbands during World War II.Men fighting overseas usually wore them as a reminder of wives and families back home.
Wearing rings is a safety issue(问题) for men in certain manual jobs.But how does William explain his decision? A royal officer has said he "isn’t one for jewelry".
1. According to the passage, which of the following statements is TRUE?
A.There is going to be a royal exhibition of jewelry.
B.Wearing rings among husbands and wives is tradition at all times.
C.All the male members of British royalty don’t wear wedding rings.
D.Wearing rings is a safety guarantee for some manual jobs.
2. What is the author’s attitude towards Prince William’s decision?
3. By saying "he isn’t one for jewelry", the royal officers meant that _____.
A.Prince William is a person who doesn’t like wearing jewelry.
B.Prince William isn’t a person who is crazy about collecting jewelry.
C.Prince William considers jewelry penniless.
D.Prince William doesn’t wear a wedding ring for safety.
4. What would be the best title for this passage?
A.To Wear Wedding Rings or Not
B.Complaint about British Royal Disgraceful Behavior]
C.The History of Wearing Wedding Rings
D.No Ring for Wills
2011·辽宁大连·三模 查看更多[2]


阅读理解-阅读单选(约380词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】In May 2020, the Beijing Organizing Committee for the 2022 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games(BOCOG) solicited(征集) medal designs worldwide. Hang Hai and his team set about preparing designs to submit to the BOCOG. Medals reflect the culture and creativity of the host country, and the team set two basic principles for their design:

First, it should continue to adopt the jade(玉) culture incorporated into the design of the Beijing 2008 medals to highlight Beijing’s status as the world’s first city to host both the Summer and Winter Games; second, it should be innovative.

“The medals of both the Beijing 2008 and 2022 Games are to honor the athletes and the Olympic spirit with traditional jade culture, ”said Hang. Jade was chosen because it has been treasured in China and symbolizes good virtue. “The difference is that the 2008 medals used the jade as a material, while the 2022 medals represent the spirit of China’s jade culture,” he added.

In the process of designing the medals, one team member, Lin Fan, conducted extensive research into China’s ancient bi. Lin finally chose a five-ring one associated with Fu Hao — a Shang Dynasty queen — as the prototype(原型) for the medals. In the final design, the opposite side of the medals has the Olympic rings engraved in the center, surrounded by five big concentric(同心的) rings. Auspicious(吉祥的) cloud patterns, as well as snowfakes and ice patterns are engraved between the circles. The cloud patterns are intended to maintain a cultural connection with the 2008 Games, while the snowflakes and ice patterns speak to the characteristics of the Winter Olympics.

The cases holding the medals are made of bamboo. “The International Olympic Committee inquired about the growth and processing of the bamboo to ensure it meets the requirements of a green Olympics and follows the concept of sustainable(可持续的) development,” Hang said.

The medals passed the quality test and were accepted by the Games’ organizing committee on January 7, 2022. The medals are officially named Tongxin and they are the result of many people’s efforts. However, the smile on the athletes’ faces as they wear them makes it all worthwhile.

1. What does paragraph 2 focus on?
A.The history of the Olympic medals.
B.The purpose of the 2022 Winter Olympics.
C.The basic requirements of the 2022 medal designs.
D.The significance of the 2008 medal patterns.
2. What is the difference between the 2022 medals and the 2008 medals?
A.2022 medals use the jade as a material.
B.2022 medals strengthen the idea of environmental protection.
C.2022 medals make no difference in the medal designs.
D.2022 medals reflect the spirit of China’s jade culture.
3. Why did the designers add cloud patterns to the 2022 medals?
A.To present harmony between human and nature.
B.To stress the bond with the 2008 Games.
C.To combine with the features of the Winter Olympics.
D.To highlight the charm of Chinese traditional culture.
4. What do we know about the cases holding the medals?
A.Their production shows the concept of green Olympics.
B.They were solicited by BOCOG.
C.They symbolize good virtue.
D.They spent a lot of time processing.
2023-02-12更新 | 53次组卷
阅读理解-七选五(约300词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】The traditional Chinese solar calendar divides the year into 24 solar terms. Minor Snow, (小雪), the 20th solar term of the year, begins this year on Nov 22 and ends on Dec 6. Minor Snow refers to the time when it starts to snow, mostly in China’s northern areas, and the temperature continues to drop.    1    .

Light snow

An ancient Chinese book about plants explains that “in Minor Snow, the weather is cold and it is going to snow, while the earth is not frozen enough and the snow is light.”    2    . Meanwhile, in the lower and middle reaches of the Yellow River, the average time of the first snow falls during the Minor Snow solar term. The snow is light and frozen at night, but melts quickly during the day.

Wearing hats and scarves

In China, starting in Minor Snow, the wind blows from the northeast a lot. Because it’s still not bitterly cold, many people do not wear hats or scarves yet. In fact, according to an old Chinese saying, “the head is the place where all passages of the body gather”.    3    .

Drinking soup

During Minor Snow, indoor heating begins to work, which means the air indoors is dry and most people might find their nose and mouth feels a bit dry. According to practices in traditional Chinese medicine, this accumulation of “inner heat” in one’s body can cause problems.    4    , such as cabbage and bean curd soup, spinach(菠菜)and bean curd soup, and mutton and radish (小萝卜) soup.


After Minor Snow, the temperature declines sharply and the air becomes dry. It is the best time to start making preserved pork, which by the Chinese Spring Festival would be ready to enjoy. In the past, when storage conditions were poor, people developed many ways to store food and preserved pork is one such example. So even in the bitter winter, the whole family could enjoy meat.

A.Making preserved pork
B.It’s sensible to keep one’s head warm
C.The solution is to drink more hot soup
D.People can enjoy different types of soups in winter
E.Here are several things you should know about Minor Snow
F.It’s of equally great importance to wear scarves over this period
G.The temperature in most areas in the north drops to zero degrees and below
2023-11-10更新 | 60次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约380词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】Nobody laughed when the UK comedy show Little Britain toured the US. Americans didn’t find the “British stereotypes(刻板印象)”funny. One character was a woman who was sick whenever she saw a foreigner.Another was a loud and rude 15-year-old girl cursing(骂)at her teachers.But back home,British people were laughing,thinking,“Yes!That’s exactly what we’re like!”

A laugh is a laugh in any language,but the reasons for it can be very different.Britons and Americans speak the same language,but humor does not always translate.

Take The Office as an example.This was originally a UK TV series but it was changed for the US.Both the US and UK series are set in a boring workplace in a boring town.But David Brent,the boss of the UK office,is not a nice guy like Michael Scott in the US version. “We had to make Michael Scott a slightly nicer guy,”wrote series creator Ricky Gervais.“He couldn’t be too mean.”

Gervais said British people are different from Americans because“Britons cruelly make fun of people we like or dislike…and of ourselves”. He believes the differences between the American and British senses of humor are because of“our upbringing”.

“Americans are brought up to believe they can be the next president of the United States,”he wrote.“Britons are told,‘It won’t happen for you’.”

Things usually turn out fine at the end of every US Office episode(集). Even if they’re not perfect, the characters “learn a lesson” for the future.

But in David Brent’s office—and in lots of UK comedies—the last scene is often sad. You are often left with the feeling that things just couldn’t get worse. For British people, this seems truer to life and so much funnier.

It’s not just Britain and the US that have comic differences. Few foreigners would understand a Chinese cross-talk show,for example.

Cultural differences are no laughing matter. But comic differences can be a window into a culture.

1. What is the purpose of the first paragraph?
A.To show that British humor is not funny at all.
B.To show that American people don't understand British people.
C.To show that Britain and America have different stereotypes.
D.To show how humor may mean different things in different cultures.
2. What's the meaning of the underlined word“mean”in Paragraph 3?
3. Which of the following statements about The Office is TRUE according to the article?
A.David Brent is quite a nice guy.
B.Michael Scott is a rather mean guy.
C.Episodes in the UK version often end on a hopeless note.
D.Episodes in the US version often end in a boring way.
4. What can we infer from the article?
A.Britons do not like to make fun of others.
B.British comedy often has a moral message.
C.American people are brought up to be more positive.
D.Jokes are difficult to translate from one language into another.
5. What is the author’s opinion of comic differences?
A.They are slight differences that can be ignored.B.They can partly show cultural differences.
C.They show stereotypes of different cultures.D.They help people communicate with each other.
2020-09-25更新 | 496次组卷
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