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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:140 题号:5151224

Tears ran down from my eyes as I saw the essay my high school English teacher had just handed back. A big F was written on top. I was hopeless. I was stupid ! My face burned with shame when my classmates called me stupid.

“I’m the only one who doesn’t know my ABCs!” I sobbed to Mom.

“I’ll help,” she promised.

Every day I sat with her, but to me, cat looked like cta and red was reb. Frustrated, I would return to my bedroom and draw, filling the paper with houses, restaurants and offices.

“When I grow up, I want my own store,”  I told Mom , pointing to my drawings.

“ That’s great !” she said, “ but first you have to learn to read.”

Later, I was diagnosed with dyslexia (失读症). So Mom took me to a learning centre, where I was given reading exercises. But I still had a hard time. Finally, I graduated, but I was afraid of my reading skills.

“I’ll never get a job !”  I cried to Mom later again.

“ Don’t focus on what you can’t do,” she comforted, “ Concentrate on what you really can.”

But what can I do? I wondered. Suddenly, I thought of the drawings I’d made as a child and my dream of having my own store. I enjoyed sales so much that over the next few years, I tried my hand at other businesses. Today, I watch over seven branches. We have 187 employees and $15 million in sales.

While I’ll never be what my teachers might have wanted, I am a success--on my own terms. The other day a student sent me a card, reading: You gave me so much confidence. I hope to be like you when I am big. Tears of joy filled my eyes. This was my A, and I smiled.

1. Why did the author feel so ashamed at school?
A.His teacher ignored him in class.
B.His teacher didn’t grade his essay.
C.He failed to finish his essay in time.
D.His classmates looked down upon him.
2. Which of the following best describes the author’s feeling to his mother?
3. Which of the following can match the text?
A.No pains, no gains.
B.Never too old to learn.
C.Every man has his value.
D.Two heads are better than one.


阅读理解-阅读单选(约370词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】A painter has just completed his course. He took 3 days and painted beautiful scenery. He wanted to know people's opinion about his talent and painting skills.

He put his creation at a busy street and just down below a board which read—“I have painted this piece. Since I'm new to this profession I might have committed some mistakes. Please put a cross wherever you see a mistake.”

While he came back in the evening to collect his painting he was completely shattered to see that whole canvass(画板)was filled with crosses, they criticized the painter ruthlessly.

Disheartened and broken completely he ran to his master's and burst into tears.

This young artist complained, "I’m useless and if this is what I have learnt to paint I'm not worth becoming a painter. People have rejected me completely."

Master smiled and suggested, “My son, I will prove that you are a great artist and have learnt flawless painting. Do as I say without questioning it. It will work.”

Young artist agreed and two days later early morning he presented a replica(复制品) of his earlier painting to his master. Master took that gracefully and smiled.

“Come with me.”master said.

They reached the same street early morning and displayed the same painting exactly at the same place. Now master took out another board which read—“Gentlemen, I have painted this piece. Since I ’m new to this profession I might have committed some mistakes in my strokes etc. I have put a box with colors and brushes just below. Please do a favor. If you see a mistake, kindly pick up the brush and correct it. ”

Then they walked back home.

They both visited the place the same evening. The young painter was surprised to see that actually there was not a single correction done so far. Next day again they visited and found painting remained untouched. They say the painting was kept there for a month for no correction came in!

1. The painter put his creation at a busy street to_______.
A.help him to assess his skills in painting
B.ask others to correct mistakes in the painting
C.show off his great talent and painting skills
D.make others help him finish the painting
2. When he saw the whole canvass was filled with crosses, _______.
A.he felt quite determined
B.he was very annoyed with the comments
C.he felt greatly discouraged
D.he was very grateful for their suggestions
3. After doing as the master suggested, the young painter found that people passing by the painting______.
A.had thought it was painted by a master painter
B.neglected his painting on purpose
C.didn't want to take the brush to correct it
D.were satisfied with his painting
4. Which saying can best show the theme of the passage?
A.All things are difficult before they are easy.
B.Actions speak louder than words.
C.A bad workman always blames his tools.
D.It is easier said than done.
2019-05-19更新 | 80次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约330词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】In April, Jackline Oyamo, 31, was laid off from her job as an electronic sales assistant at a shop in Kibera, one of the world’s largest slums (贫民窟) of Nairobi, Kenya. The measures to control the COVID-19 pandemic meant fewer customers and staff cutbacks. “After losing my job, it was extremely difficult to keep feeding myself after I exhausted my small savings,” she says.

But Oyamo is able to get fresh produce for free from Victor Edalia, a 30-year-old urban farmer in her neighborhood. Last November, Edalia, who works.as a driver by day, changed a trash dump site in the slum into an urban garden. He signed an agreement with a local chief to use the land. Now, the plot, about a quarter of an acre, grows vegetables such as tomatoes, onions and spinach.

Edalia originally started the farm to increase his income. The idea was to sell vegetables to hotels. But once the pandemic hit, he changed the plan. He wanted to find a way to “give back,” he says.

So throughout the pandemic, Edalia has been providing free supplies of vegetables to 10 needy families and individuals in Kibera. They include young people who lost their jobs in the pandemic, like Oyamo, as well as single mothers and families with households of more than seven people. They can drop by the farm up to three times a week to pick up a supply of vegetables.

Moses Omondi, team leader of Adopt a Family, a local nonprofit that’s been providing dry food donations like maize flour to 500 families in Kibera, thinks Edalia’s program is promising. “I think it’s a pretty smart approach,” he says. “In addition to supporting struggling families during these tough times that face starvation while at home, it helps to reduce anxiety and helplessness of a Kibera family.”

1. What happened to Oyamo in April?
A.She had a very hard time after losing her job.
B.She sold electronic products to get enough food.
C.She quit her job to protect herself from COVID-19.
D.She spent her savings to help control the pandemic.
2. Why did Edali Change his original plan for running the farm?
A.To find a way to pay off his debt.
B.To offer free vegetables to people in need.
C.To sell vegetables to the needy families and individuals.
D.To make more money by selling vegetables to hotels.
3. What’s Omondi’s attitude to Edalias program?
4. Which of the following can be the best title for the text?
A.How Can We Help the Poor?
B.What Can People Do in the Pandemic?
C.Job Losers Help Grow Vegetables
D.Urban Farmer Gives Greens to the Poor
2020-11-03更新 | 178次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约310词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】Colorado' s grays peak(山顶)rises 14,278 feet above sea level, high enough that trees can't grow toward the top, though there are plenty of bushes and rocks. It was in this unforgiving area that Bev Wedelstedt was unlucky enough to have her left knee broken.

It was August 2018, and Wedelstedt, 56, was on her way back down the path with three friends. A storm was coming, and they were anxious to get off the mountain. When they approached a rocky drop of a couple of feet, Wedelstedt decided to jump over it. She landed on her left leg. Then she heard the snap (咔嚓声).

Every step after that was great pain. Before long, she had to stop. As one friend ran down to get help, a number of other hikers, all strangers, attempted to help Wedelstedt down the narrow path by walking on either side of her to support her weight, but that proved slow and dangerous.

Finally, one hiker, Matt, asked her, “How do you feel about a fireman's carry?” Before she knew it, he had lifted her over his shoulder. “Now, I' m not tiny,” says Wedelstedt, a former college basketball star. Matt clearly couldn't carry her all the way down by himself. So six hikers and one of her friends took turns carrying her while she tried to make light of a difficult situation. Three hours and two rock –strewn (遍布) miles later, this human conveyor belt finally met the doctors, who took Wedelstedt to the hospital.

She has mostly recovered from her hike, but Wedelstedt knows she'll I never shake one thing from that day: the memory of the band of strangers who came to her rescue. “I'm still in awe.” says Wedelstedt.

1. What happened to Wedelstedt while climbing down the mountain?
A.She was caught in a heavy storm.B.She injured her left knee.
C.She was blocked by rocks and bushes.D.She got lost in the mountain.
2. How did Matt help Wedelstedt?
A.By taking her directly to the hospital.B.By calling in firemen.
C.By carrying her down the mountain.D.By giving her first aid.
3. What is Wedelstedt ’s attitude towards the band of strangers?
4. What is the best title for the text?
A.Narrow PathsB.Lifelong friendship
C.Dangerous HikesD.Peak Performance
2020-09-03更新 | 32次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般