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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:71 题号:5164337

Two of the hardest things to accomplish in this world are to acquire wealth by honest effort and,having gained it,to learn how to use it properly.Recently I walked into the locker room of a rather well known golf club after finishing a round.It was in the late afternoon and most of the members had left for their homes.But a half-dozen or so men past middle age were still seated at tables talking aimlessly and drinking more than was good for them.These same men can be found there day after day,and,strangely enough,each one of these men had been a man of affairs and wealth, successful in business and respected in the community.If material prosperity were the chief necessity for happiness, then each one should have been happy.Yet,it seemed to me,something very important was missing,else(否则)there would not have been the constant effort to escape the realities of life through scotch and soda.They knew,each one of them,that their productivity had ceased(停止).When a fruit tree ceases to bear its fruit,it is dying.And it is even so with man.

What is the answer to a long and happy existence in this world of ours?I think I found it long ago in a passage from the book of Genesis which caught my eye while I was looking through my Bible.The words were few,but they became memorably impressed on my mind.“In the sweat of the face shall you eat the bread.”

To me,that has been a challenge from my earliest recollections(memories).In fact,the battle of life,of existence,is a challenge to everyone.The immortal words of St.Paul,too,have been and always will be a great inspiration to me.At the end of the road I want to be able to feel that I have fought a good fight,I have finished the course,I have kept the faith.

1. The underlined sentence “In the sweat of the face shall you eat the bread” means “       ”.
A.Bread tastes delicious when sweat pours off your face
B.Bread comes from the sweat on your face
C.Failure is the mother of success
D.No pains,no gains
2. We learn from the passage that the author       .
A.was a wealthy person in the community
B.was fond of associating with celebrities(名人)
C.held a positive attitude towards an active life
D.kept a secret of the reason why he was so impressed
3. What is implied in the passage by the writer?
A.To use wealth properly,eat,drink and be merry.
B.If you cease to struggle,you cease to live.
C.As life is but like a dream,a man is like a fruit tree.
D.Where there is a will,there is a way.
【知识点】 社会关系


阅读理解-七选五(约270词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】An apology can achieve great things for both the givers and the receivers although nobody likes to admit that they were wrong.

An apology is crucial to our physical health. When we acknowledge that we are wrongdoers and express our guilt to others, we will free ourselves from the uncomfortable state. This act feels like a weight on us has been lifted.     1     Research showed that heart rate, sweat levels and facial tension decreased in victims of wrongs even when they simply imagined receiving an apology.

Apologizing affects us not just physically, but also mentally.     2     When presented with an apology, the victims may view us as imperfect human beings and find it easier to give forgiveness. In a powerful piece in Psychology Today, writer Beverly Engel described how a simple “I’m sorry” from her mother, after being estranged from each other for three years, made her relieved emotionally. But let’s be real, apologizing can be difficult.

    3     We should recognize our action did hurt someone even if our intention may not have been so. Instead of making excuses for what we did, try to bear responsibility and offer a promise to take action so that we will not repeat the behavior in future.     4    

Of course, the most effective apologies often bring a cost to our dignity, since we have to admit that we are wrong in front of others or many people.     5     As is known, it is one of the most positive actions we can take when we do something wrong—for ourselves, the others, and the relationship. So, go ahead, apologize a little more often for the things worth apologizing for.

A.There are agreed-upon ways to express our apology to others.
B.It’s a way of showing the price we paid for the wronged action.
C.A good apology affects the health of those on the receiving end, too.
D.But this can often be minor compared to the benefits of a proper apology.
E.This means we should take the blame and not try to justify it or explain it away.
F.Apologize for what you did rather than what other people might have thought about it.
G.It has the ability to disarm others of their anger and to prevent further misunderstandings.
2023-01-05更新 | 250次组卷
阅读理解-七选五(约310词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】For nearly ten years, I have spent my Monday evenings attending rehearsals for my amateur choir (合唱队). By the end of the rehearsal, I usually feel energized. The singing does me good. So do the people.     1     We exchange brief chats, smiles and jokes — but that is enough for me to come away feeling a little better about the world.

There is no choir practice now. I miss it. In lockdown, I do not feel short on emotional support, but I do feel short of friendly faces and casual conversations.     2    

In 1973, Mark Granovetter, a sociology professor at Stanford University, published a paper entitled “The Strength of Weak Ties.” Until then, scholars had assumed that an individual’s well-being depended mainly on the quality of their relationships with their close friends and family. Granovetter showed that quantity mattered, too.     3     His central insight was that weak ties are more important to us than strong ones. As Granovetter pointed out, we depend on acquaintances (相识的人) whom we see infrequently to bring us news of opportunities.

This was the idea behind Jobs’s building. It has a large central hall through which employees from different departments have to pass several times a day. Jobs wanted colleagues to bump into each other and chat. He believed in the power of these seemingly random conversations to fire up creativity.

    4     Gillian Sandstrom, a senior lecturer in psychology at the University of Essex, investigated the extent to which people get happiness from weak-tie relationships. She found that on days when a person had a greater number of casual interactions with weak ties — say, a neighbor, a member of yoga class — they experienced more happiness and a greater sense of belonging.

For these reasons, we should continue to find ways to cultivate weak-tie relationships, during lockdown and beyond.     5     The goal is to let others know that you are thinking of them without asking for a great deal of time, energy or attention.

A.Another way of putting this is that I miss my “weak ties”.
B.“Strong ties” and “weak ties” play different roles in people life.
C.Encounters with weak ties can be good for our mental well-being, too.
D.I consider them as my close friends to talk with and share my feelings.
E.He categorized a person’s social world as “strong ties” and “weak ties”.
F.With a few exceptions, I would not describe my fellow choir members as close friends.
G.Sandstrom adds that we can also engage in more weak-tie-style interactions with our strong ties.
2022-07-25更新 | 111次组卷
阅读理解-七选五(约230词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】We usually interpret someone looking us straight in the eye during an interaction as a sign of trustworthiness.     1    This is at least the case in the Western world.

But research is increasingly challenging this standard view.     2     In a competitive environment where a negotiation is taking place, looking at another person directly in the eye can be a sign of competition and unkindness, rather than kindness.

While folk wisdom tells us eye contact is a sign of honesty and trustworthiness, these findings were not a surprise. Animals have direct eye contact not before engaging in kind behaviors but rather immediately before an attack.     3     We humans seem to be carrying on this tradition by looking our opponent directly in the eye before we "attack".

What does this mean for the work place? In a competitive business environment, when taking part in negotiations or a business deal, for example, be aware that people who look you directly in the eye may not be as friendly as you think.     4     In many Asian cultures, for example, looking a person of higher status in the eye is a sign of disrespect, while looking away signals respect.

    5     And this must be fully understood. This means they most likely don't apply to social environments, such as spending time with friends, family or loved ones. In these cases, direct eye contact, often referred to as a "gaze", can still be a sign of intimacy(亲密)and kindness.

A.This may help you understand eye contact much better.
B.Eye contact is a sign of challenge and threat from another.
C.The study led by Jennifer Jordan shows quite the opposite.
D.All the experiments took place in a competitive environment.
E.We use eye contact as a marker of intimacy and straightforwardness.
F.Actually it can be rather upsetting when someone avoids eye contact.
G.If you want to express honesty and reliability, direct eye contact may indicate the opposite.
2020-07-05更新 | 89次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般