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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:83 题号:5372127

It’s been a hard time for rhinos (犀牛) lately. Recently the International Union for Conservation announced the western black rhinos had died out in the wild. It was last seen in western Africa in 2006. Now, those who work to protect the animals are trying to make sure that won’t happen to other rhinos.

19 south-central black rhinos in South Africa were driven to an area nearly 1,000 miles away, which was said to be the gentlest and quickest way to transport the animals. They were taken to a new home that would keep them safe from hunters.

Though it is not allowed to hunt rhinos, many are still killed for their horns, which can sell for as much as $30,000 each. Most of them are used to make drugs as traditional medicines in Asian countries. Some people believe that the horns work well in treating pain, fever and even cancer. However, there is no medical evidence yet.

Black rhino population began falling rapidly in the second half of the 1900s because of poaching. In fact, some people still hunt the animals at the risk of being put into prison. And many of the places where the animals used to live in were destroyed when people started building farms on the grasslands. Until the 1960s, about 65,000 black rhinos lived throughout most of Africa. Today, fewer than 5,000 are left — most of them in zoos and wildlife reserves.

South Africa has the largest population of rhinos in the world. Poaching is an especially big problem in that country. So far, more than 340 rhinos have been killed there. Since 2003, the Black Rhino Expansion Project has been helping the south-central black rhinos in South Africa. The group works with landowners to find areas where rhinos can live safely away from hunters.

So far, the group has successfully saved about 120 rhinos. Leaders of the project say the south-central black rhinos have seen a rise in numbers. It is hoped that, with continued support, these rhinos can escape the unfortunate result of the western black rhinos.

1. According to the text, the western black rhinos       .
A.cannot be seen in the wild at present
B.once lived in most parts of Africa
C.were killed in a natural disaster
D.disappeared in the early 1990s
2. Rhinos are hunted mainly because       .
A.they often come to attack people
B.they take up too much farmland
C.their horns can be made into drugs
D.their blood helps people prevent disease
3. The underlined word “poaching” in Paragraph 4 refers to the fact that black rhinos       .
A.lost the places where they lived
B.were hunted without permission
C.were killed without control
D.died of a strange disease
4. What would be the best title of the text?
A.The rhinos in South Africa
B.The habits of black rhinos
C.The death of rhinos
D.Saving black rhinos
【知识点】 动物 环境保护 说明文


阅读理解-阅读单选(约450词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】Which are the better pets, cats or dogs? Staff from New Horizon network team have carried out a study which lasted a fortnight and they published their conclusion on their home page last Friday — dogs are better pets than cats by a whisker.

Staff from New Horizon first listed the areas where cats fared better. These included having bigger brains compared to their body size, which is said to make them do better in complex functions such as memory and attention than dogs. Cats’second point was given for being more popular, with 204 million living in the top ten cat-owning nations compared to 173 million dogs in the ten countries where dogs are favored. Cats also get more attention from humans, with purrs (呼噜声) and miaows easily to be noticed. Although dogs can vary their barks, they cannot match the attention-seeking of cats. Additionally, cats can see in lower light than dogs and have a far wider hearing range and a sharper sense of smell. They are also said to be “greener” pets because their smaller appetites mean less area of land required to farm the food.

But in the other six categories examined — many of which related to getting on with humans — dogs had the edge.

Dogs have a longer shared history with humans, maybe as long as 135,000 years. Cats are relative newcomers to our homes. Similarly, dogs have a greater ability to bond with the 订masters. Even four-month-old puppies choose a human companion over another dog. Dogs scored a third point for their better powers of understanding and following human gestures. One study found that a dog called Rico had mastered the meaning of more than 200 words. The ab 山 ty to perform roles such as being a guide dog for the blind meant dogs were rated better than cats when it came to their problem-solving abilities. And they are easier to train.

With the scores tied at five-all, the deciding point fell on usefulness — with dogs coming out on top.

Dogs, studies show, help cut human stress, while taking them for walks keeps their owners fit and helps them meet new people. New Horizon says: “Dogs can hunt and guard. They can sniff out drugs and bombs; they guide blind and deaf people, find someone buried in ruins, and possibly even predict earthquakes.”

The study conducted by the staff and their conclusion went viral the moment it was released and has caused a heated discussion among pet owners. Some frowned at it, arguing that it had only involved character, intelligence and usefulness.

1. Which of the following is cats’advantage?
A.They are better at grasping their owners’ instructions.
B.They have larger brains than dogs.
C.They have a sharper sense of taste.
D.They affect the environment less.
2. The underlined phrase “by a whisker” in paragraph 1 probably means ______.
A.considerablyB.in some aspects
C.a little bitD.exactly the same
3. We can know from the passage that ________.
A.the study lasted a week
B.four-month-old puppies are more capable of picking a human companion
C.all the pet owners didn’t agree with the conclusion
D.people pet dogs to predict earthquakes
4. Which would be the best title of the passage?
A.Cats beat dogsB.Fight like cat and dog
C.Befriend with cats and dogsD.Cats versus dogs
2023-12-12更新 | 41次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约340词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】Animals have developed a circadian clock—an internal body clock that runs in 24-hour cycles. It is regulated by cues (提示) from their environment. But they may suffer from a “jet lag (时差反应)” when the cues animals are exposed to do not match the ones of their natural environment.

Kristine Gandia, a PhD student at the University of Stirling in Scotland, and a team of observers set out to understand how the “jet lag” of living in latitudes (纬度) that animals were not used to can affect them. Giant pandas were chosen as the focus for the study partly because they live highly seasonal lives.”

“Giant pandas are very good animals to focus on,” Gandia said. “They are very popular in zoos and there are a lot that have cameras so we can see how their behavior changes across different latitudes. These cameras enabled us to monitor the giant pandas’ behavior across a 24-hour period.”

Gandia explained that the latitudinal range for giant pandas is between 26 and 42 degrees north. Matching latitudes could also be considered between 26 and 42 degrees south, as these mirror the temperature and lighting conditions.

The team monitored 11 giant pandas in six different zoos. Some zoos were within the animals’ natural latitudes but in other countries and the others were outside that range.

Gandia explained, “We recorded giant panda behavior, trying to account for behaviors that are positive, neutral (中性的) and negative indicators for welfare. So, this would include behaviors like play and grooming as positive behaviors, drinking and defecating as neutral maintenance behaviors, and several abnormal behaviors as negative behaviors, with pacing being the most common.”

Those living in zoos outside of their home latitude were found to be less active and display more negative behaviors.

“Giant pandas living in zoos could be suffering from a ‘jet lag’ if their body clocks don’t match their environments,” Gandia said.

1. What does Gandia and her team’s study focus on?
A.Animal behavior.B.Animal body clock.C.Animal popularity.D.Animal distribution.
2. What is a reason why pandas were chosen for the study?
A.Wide latitude of their natural habitat.B.Their strong adaptability.
C.The existing findings about them.D.The convenience of observation.
3. How was the study carried out?
A.By analyzing reasons.B.By comparing recordings.
C.By conducting interviews.D.By listing examples.
4. What can be a suitable title for the text?
A.Will “Jet Lag” Be Able to Be Avoided?
B.Could Animals Suffer from a “Jet Lag”?
C.Is Panda a Proper Subject to Study “Jet Lag”?
D.Does Season Have Anything to Do with “Jet Lag”?
2024-04-19更新 | 69次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约330词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】Scientists recently conducted a study that involved giving pet parrots (鹦鹉) a tablet. They could use the tablets to make video calls to other parrots. It turned out that the birds showed signs of feeling less isolated (孤独的). They also began to engage in more social behaviors, including cleaning their feathers, as well as singing and playing.

Ilyena Hirskyj-Douglas, a co-author of the study, works at the University of Glasgow, Scotland. She said that video calls had helped many people feel less isolated. “There are 20 million parrots living in people’s homes in the U. S., and we wanted to explore whether those birds might benefit from video calling, too,” Hirskyj-Douglas saíd. “If we gave them the opportunity to call other parrots, would they choose to do so, and would the experience benefit the parrots?”

In order for the parrots to use their tablets, the birds first had to learn to ring a bell. They could then touch a photo of another bird on the screen to call that bird. The birds were also given a choice of which “friend” to call. In total the birds made 147 deliberate calls to each other during the study. Scientists took detailed notes on the birds’ behavior and later reviewed the video footage (片段).

Their analysis suggested that there were, indeed, benefits for the birds. In the wild, many parrots live in large groups. As pets, they tend to be kept alone or in a small group. Isolation and boredom can cause birds to develop psychological problems. These are problems related to the mind and behavior. These problems can look like rocking, pacing back and forth, or self-harming behaviors such as feather-plucking.

Rébecca Kleinberger, who works at Northeastern University in Massachusetts, also helped with the study. She said video calling could reproduce some of the social benefits of living in a larger group.

1. Why did scientists conduct the research?
A.To see if parrots can use tablets.
B.To see if video calls benefit parrots.
C.To evaluate the mental health of parrots.
D.To study the living conditions of parrots.
2. Which aspect of the research is paragraph 3 mainly about?
A.Its process.B.Its findings.C.Its application.D.Its influences.
3. What does video calling mean to the parrots?
A.It helps with their reproduction.B.It contributes to their misbehavior.
C.It improves their physical health.D.It widens their social circle.
4. What is the text mainly about?
A.Parrots living in the wild tend to be socially active.
B.Parrots living alone may develop mental problems.
C.Parrots taught to make video calls become less lonely.
D.Parrots learn to behave properly by calling each other.
2023-09-16更新 | 131次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般