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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:104 题号:5831204

Greetings - Ways to Say Hello

People greet each other in every country and culture. But they say and do many different things to greet each other. Greetings seem simple, but they are often a complex part of language. In English, people greet each other in different ways depending on the situation. People also use different greetings depending on how well they know the other person.

Greetings may also be different in different countries that speak English, in Australia people often say ‘G’day.’ In parts of the United States people may greet each other with ‘Howdy!’ or How you doing? In the United Kingdom people more commonly say ‘Hiya.’

But there is more to greeting than words. Some greetings also include particular movements. For example, in many places it is common for people to shake each other’s hands when they meet In some cultures, such as Latin America, the Middle East, Southern Europe, people kiss each other on the side of the face, the cheek. Some people give hugs by putting their arms around each other and squeezing.

So how do people know what to do, especially when traveling between countries and cultures? Jamie Bowlby-Whiting told about a difficult greeting experience on his blog:

“I thought they were going for the kiss. But it was the hug. Now I just wet their face. And then hit them in the nose with my head. It was so embarrassing (窘迫的)!”

People can avoid these embarrassing experiences. They can research how to greet correctly before connecting with people of other cultures. It is especially important to learn if there are any forms of greeting that may not be used in a particular country. For example, in some countries, like Japan, kissing is not considered a good way to greet someone. Sometimes cultures also have different greetings for women and for men.

A person may not always know the correct greeting. But the most important thing when greeting someone is to show respect. Try your best and apologize if you offend someone.

1. What does the author say about greetings?
A.They are simple and a part of language.
B.They include words and body gestures.
C.They are the same in English-speaking countries.
D.They won’t bring embarrassment in different countries.
2. Which of the following people may consider it improper to kiss when greeting?
A.the JapaneseB.the Mexicans
C.the ArabsD.the Italians
3. According to the author, how should people greet when travelling across cultures?
A.Do nothing at all.B.Greet as they like.
C.Do as the Romans do when in Rome.D.Greet as they do in their own country.
【知识点】 社会关系


阅读理解-阅读单选(约380词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】Have you ever caught yourself saying, “I hate small talk!” the minute you walk into a party? If so, you might be an introvert (内向的人). Introverts hate to chat about “small” subjects with people. They are fine when you talk face to face but seem to get lost in the crowd when there’s a group around.

If you’re talking to an introvert, you might find that your first few conversations go one of two ways. Either they’ll seem to get bored and not say much or they’ll seem to avoid small talk in support of more in-depth topics. What you need to know is that the introvert is not being rude. It’s just that they don’t like small talk. Here’s why.

Small talk serves as a gateway toward deeper conversation. Some introverts don’t realize that small talk will actually help them get to the bigger topics. You don’t need to stay on small talk forever. However, sometimes introverts feel that even the short amount of time it takes to get into the real conversation is a waste of time. Small talk is very fast. Someone says something and this should be followed up with a quick response. But introverts like to weigh their words before saying them aloud. Before they answer, they’ll chew on different thoughts.

Small talk by its very nature invites more people to join in. The more people who join the conversation, the more the introvert will tend to step back. As a result, they’ll be quiet. Small talk is about throwing out subjects in the hope that one or more of them can be turned into a common point of interest.

The listening involved in small talk is not in-depth. The purpose is about listening “lightly” so you can figure out the right topics to spend some time on. Introverts tend to be great listeners, but they use active listening rather than light listening. This makes them wonderful friends, but can also make it difficult for new people to understand why they’re so quiet.

1. How do introverts respond to a chat?
A.They try to avoid it.
B.They get excited about it.
C.They give it their full attention.
D.They focus on unimportant topics.
2. What do we know about small talk?
A.It goes slowly.B.It makes no sense.
C.It leads to deeper topics.D.It costs people a lot of time.
3. Which of the following can replace the underlined phrase “chew on” in paragraph 3?
A.Think over.B.Get into.
C.Write down.D.Let out.
4. How can we become a good talker in small conversations?
A.Be a quiet listener.
B.Try to find shared topics.
C.Think twice before answering questions.
D.Figure out the deep meaning of questions.
2019-06-19更新 | 61次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】A Utah man who has been in a wheelchair for more than three decades has created a pheasant hunt for people like him who need help getting into the outdoors.

Clint Robinson broke his neck after being thrown off a horse at a rodeo (竞技) 32 years ago. He’s done his best to keep getting into the outdoors to hunt and fish, the Daily Herald in Provo reports.

The event he calls “Wheelchairs in the Wild” pairs people that have physical disabilities with hunters who help them with whatever they need. Many go in off-road vehicles.

“What we’re trying to do is get new injured people back out into the field trying to get them back out, enjoying the outdoors and wildlife that’s out there and show them that there’s other things that they can do besides sitting in the house doing nothing,” Robinson said.

The youngest hunter at last year’s event was 13-year-old Missy Cowley who has spina bifida (脊柱裂). Her father loves to hunt but didn’t know how to accommodate (安排) her wheelchair. Her mother, Cindy Cowley, said it was amazing to find a program that allowed her daughter to go hunting.

“We always told her when she was little, you can do everything you want to do…but we just got to figure out a way,” Cindy Cowley said. “But we really didn’t know how we were going to get her up there to hunt.”

Missy Cowley said it was a great experience that also allowed her to meet other people who use wheelchairs. “This is wonderful. I can actually do it,” Missy said. “It was really fun. And I love being outdoors.”

Jerry Schlappi, officer from Division of Wildlife resources, who helped with the event, said Robinson is a perfect role model showing other wheelchair users with disabilities that they don’t have to give up what they love.

1. What can we know about Clint Robinson from the text?
A.He began to usea wheelchair thirty years ago.
B.He used to be interested in hunting and fishing.
C.He liked riding horses before getting disabled.
D.He is now more physically active than before.
2. What does Clint Robinson try to talk about in the fourth paragraph?
A.The benefits of his event.B.The purposes of his event.
C.The processes of his even.D.The difficulty with his event.
3. Why is much information about Missy Cowley’s family given in the text?
A.To show the effects of disabilities.
B.To explain the problem with hunters.
C.To show people’s interest in hunting.
D.To think highly of Robinson’s event.
4. What should be the best title for the text?
A.Hope Is brought back To Hunters with Disabilities.
B.Man Organizes hunting Event For Wheelchair Users.
C.Hunting Event Is Benefiting The Physically Disabled.
D.Wheelchair Users Are Supposed To Get Into Nature.
2020-01-11更新 | 162次组卷
阅读理解-七选五(约270词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】We’ve all been there: you say the wrong thing and you want the ground to swallow you up!     1    

I called someone the wrong name.

What may be worse than not remembering someone’s name is calling the person by the wrong name. For instance, you’re speaking to a friend's new husband, and you call him by the ex-husband’s name. Or you refer to your new boss by the ousted boss’s name. Try to acknowledge your mistake with a little humour. Perhaps say, “Oh, I really know you’re Mike and not Tom.”     2     If your mistake obviously insulted a person of authority, such as your boss, again apologize for the lapse.


You just mocked an acquaintance who, you discover too late, is standing nearby. Since the floor isn’t going to open up and swallow you whole, you’re going to have to deal with this. You must offer an apology, and it must be a good one. Don’t say, “I didn’t really mean it.” You probably did mean it and denying it will just worsen the error.     4     Instead, apologize for the effects of what you said.

My friend has bad breath.

How do you tell your friends they have breath that would kill the devil? Here’s an easy, roundabout way: pop a piece of gum into your own mouth and then offer one to your friend.     5     And if they accept your offer, everyone wins. If not? Well, it depends on how strong your friendship is. You either risk offending your friend with the truth or ignore the problem and excuse yourself to get a breath of fresh air.

A.I really put my foot in my mouth.
B.Apologize for your slipup and let it drop.
C.Whatever the reason, don’t make a big deal of it.
D.This way, you won’t be saying anything outright.
E.You'd think these matters would be your business alone.
F.Here are some tips on how to deal with awkward situations.
G.In other words, don’t apologize for what you think, feel, or said about the person.
昨日更新 | 1次组卷
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