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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:109 题号:6616972

Before Christmas Eve in 1870 Richard Wagner and his wife, Cosima, had agreed not to buy each other Christmas presents. They were simply too poor. But Wagner was planning a surprise gift.

For more than two months he had been crafting a piece of music to be performed outside Cosima’s bedroom door on Christmas morning. He had based it on themes later to be used in his opera Siegfried, plus a little nursery song he had written for their children two years earlier. He completed the Siegfried Idyll three weeks before Christmas and arranged for conductor Hans Richter to choose the members of the small orchestra. Richter conducted secret rehearsals, first in Zurich then at a hotel in Lucerne.

Wagner invited philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche to the final rehearsal on Christmas Eve at the Hotel du Lac and they arrived together at the Wagners’ home in the village of Trihschen. There they found Cosima decorating the Christmas tree and preparing presents for the children.

At seven o'clock on Christmas morning the musicians arrived and quietly arranged themselves on the stairs outside Cosima’s room. They began to play.

“As I awoke to the light of dawn,” Cosima said later, “my mind passed from one dream into another. Familiar sounds from Siegfried came to my ears. It was as if the house or more accurately our entire being, was rising up in music and going up to heaven. Sacred memories, birdsong and sunrise, interwoven with music from Siegfried calmed my heart and I came to realize that I was not dreaming, and yet was experiencing the most wonderful one of all dreams. Now at last I understood all of Richard’s writing in secret.”

And yet Wagner had kept his promise not to buy his wife a Christmas present. December 25th was Cosima’s birthday.

1. Why did the Wagners agree not to buy Christmas presents for each other?
A.They both didn’t like to buy presents.B.They were only too poor.
C.They were very rich.D.They didn’t have the habit.
2. What was Cosima doing when the final rehearsal was conducted on Christmas Eve at the Hotel du Lac?
A.Cosima was sleeping.
B.Cosima was playing with the children at home.
C.Cosima was busy with the preparation for Christmas.
D.Cosima was cooking in the kitchen.
3. What does the underlined word “themselves” in Paragraph 4 refer to?
A.Christmas.B.The musicians.
C.The stairs.D.The children.
4. What is the main idea of the passage?
A.A great Christmas.B.A great love.
C.A good birthday.D.A surprise gift.


阅读理解-阅读单选(约510词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】In a new look at the impact of long-time sitting behavior on health, a new study links time watching television to an increased risk of death.   One of the most surprising findings is that it isn't just couch potatoes who were affected.   Even for people who exercised regularly, the risk of death went up the longer they were in front of the TV.   The problem was the long periods of time spent sitting still.

Australian researchers who tracked 8,800 people for an average of six years found that those who said they watched TV for more than four hours a day were 46% more likely to die of any cause and 80% more likely to die of cardiovascular(心血管的)disease than people who reported spending less than two hours a day in front of TV.

Time spent in front of TVs and computers and video games has come under fire in studies in recent years for contributing to a spread of obesity in the US and around the world.   But typically the resulting public-health message urges children and adults to put down the Xbox controller and remote and get on a treadmill(跑步机)or a soccer field.

The Australian study offers a different view.   "It's not the sweaty type of exercise we're losingsays David Dunstan, a researcher at Baker IDI Heart and Diabetes Institute? Melbourne? who led the study.   "It's the incidental moving around? standing up and using muscles.   That doesn't happen when we are planted on a couch in front of a television.

Indeed? participants in the study reported getting between 30 and 45 minutes of exercise a day? on average.

The results are supported by a new field of research that shows how long periods of inactivity can affect the body's processing of fats and other substances that contribute to heart risk.   And they suggest that people can help decrease such risk simply by avoiding extended periods of sitting.

Keeping such processes working more effectively doesn't require constant intense exercise, but consciously adding more routine movement to your life might help? doctors say.   "Just standing is better than sitting," says Gerard Fletcher, a cardiologist at Mayo Clinic, Jacksonville, Fla.   , who works standing up at his computer.   "When you stand up, you wander around a little bit and use muscles not required when you are sitting or lying down. "

Simple strategies for increasing activity include combining household chores such as folding laundry with TV-watching time or getting up to change a TV channel rather than using a remote control.

The report, published Tuesday in the American Heart Association journal Circulation focuses on TV watching partly because it is the main leisure-time activity in many countries? researchers said, especially in the US.

1. One misunderstanding people might have is that___.
A.couch potatoes were affected by long-time sitting.
B.watching TV is related with increased death risk.
C.watching TV very long is a good way to kill time.
D.regular exercise can minimize the side effect of watching TV
2. What is new about the discovery of the Australian study?___
A.Remote control shouldn't be used when people watch TV.
B.People who watch TV too long should take more physical exercise.
C.Sitting too long in front of TV will lead to high risk of heart attack.
D.Long-time sitting is bad for all people including those who exercise regularly.
3. According to the study? how can people reduce the risk of death when watching TV?___
A.By increasing simple movement.
B.By totally avoiding watching TV.
C.By taking some medicine.
D.By doing sweaty type of exercise.
2020-04-03更新 | 43次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约420词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】Do Smartphones Make Us Smarter?

Should teachers allow cellphones in a classroom? Teachers worry that phones distract students during class, but phones can also be a research tool. The question is not just whether or not smartphones are useful in class. It’s also about negotiating a shift in education, where students use technology to participate in their own learning. Then again, even if phones can be used for assignments, students can be easily tempted into answering texts or checking social media instead.

A recent study on the way smartphones interfere with learning might help shed some light on the issue. In April 2017, researchers published findings showing how students were affected by their phones in the classroom. They explored the differences in student performance in four cases: open phone use allowed, phones allowed in the room but could not be used, no phones in the classroom and a non-instruction control group. After watching a 20-minute video, students took a short quiz. The result? Students in a room without any cellphones performed significantly better on the test. Scientists believe the way we attach ourselves to our phones could be the problem.

Have our phones controlled our minds?

It feels as if smartphones have been around forever. But the first iPhone only came out in 2007, just eleven years ago. In these eleven short years, phones have become a major part of our lives. They have become so entrenched (根深蒂固的) in society that many people are lost without them.

Technology developers such as Google would like us to use smartphones in all parts of daily lives. Through the ready access of information, the goal is to enlarge human intelligence. With mobile devices, we can use digital assistants like Siri to answer questions without even typing a word.

We are now in an age when many people can’t imagine life without a phone. There is even a name for the anxiety caused by not having one -nomophobia. This is the powerful feeling people get when they don’t have signal, their battery is about to die, or they are separated from their phone. This fear of missing out on important information or connections can have a controlling effect on our lives. And it can divide our attention from other important things, such as learning.

1. Why do teachers worry about smartphones’ distracting students during class according to the passage?
A.Because smartphones can be used as a research tool.
B.Because students can use smartphones to discuss.
C.Because students can’t help doing something else in class.
D.Because smartphones can do assignments for students.
2. What does the phrase "shed some light on" in Para 2 most probably mean?
A.discover accidentallyB.describe correctly
C.develop graduallyD.explain clearly
3. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
A.Smartphones have already become a part of our life.
B.Smartphones have already controlled our minds.
C.Typewriters will disappear due to smartphones.
D.People will become smarter thanks to smartphones.
4. What can be inferred from the passage?
A.People can’t live normally without a phone nowadays.
B.Some diseases are actually connected with a phone.
C.A phone will control our life completely some day.
D.A phone is greatly distracting our attention from learning.
2019-09-28更新 | 82次组卷
阅读理解-七选五(约290词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】To Start a Great Day

Some people find mornings filled with optimism, while others would just stay in bed until the clock passes the noon hour. Don’t fear that because it is possible to get the day started right, no matter what comes your way.

    1     Why start your day unorganized? If you organize your to-do list, breakfast menu and your clothes the night before, you’ll wake up feeling in control and relaxed. What a little efficiency it is! You’ll save the frustration, leaving you ready to deal with more important issues.

Try 15 minutes of meditation (沉思). Some might he afraid that a meditation session early in the morning could just put you back to sleep. But genuine meditation actually stimulates (刺激) the brain in a deep and thoughtful way.     2     Center yourself with thoughtful thought and be open to the positive energy the world brings to you.

Begin with inspiration reading.     3     Reading the news is a sad way to start a day. Buy a few books that are uplifting, inspiring, or even humorous for your first brain stimulus. This will give you positive, fun thoughts to keep you energetic throughout the day.

    4     If the first thing you see when you wake up is a dirty wall or a poor winter yard, you can certainly improve those few critical minutes with a pleasing splash of color. So pick up a pleasant bouquet every few days and set it right in your view.

Schedule a hopeful appointment. I never feel more energized getting out of bed than when I have an important meeting about an exciting opportunity. The prospect of a fun and productive encounter usually wakes me with a smile and often without an alarm clock. I purposefully schedule as many meetings like this as possible.    5    

A.Plan your day the night before.
B.Open your eyes to fresh flowers.
C.Reading newspapers can make you feel good.
D.Try a soothing cup of green tea to start with.
E.It allows you to clear distractions from your mind.
F.In that way, I get as many great days as I want.
G.In the morning, we must allow some time for reading.
2020-10-16更新 | 49次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般