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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:94 题号:6949858

I grew up with a group of pets. As a mother, I was determined to provide my daughter with the same joyful experiences. Indeed, by the time my daughter was in elementary school, our house was known as "the neighborhood zoo". Now that she is a teenager, we've reduced the number of animals in our home, but we still live with two dogs. I can't imagine life without them.

Regardless, I have become increasingly uncomfortable with the word "pet". When I came upon the conclusion by the University of Tennessee zoologist Gordon Burghardt that the best we can do for pets is a life of "controlled deprivation (剥夺)", I wished I had never bought Lizzy, our leopard gecko(豹纹守宫). I felt a pit in my stomach when I learned that Lizzy' s constant clawing at the glass wall of her tank was most likely a signal of stress. It is perhaps not surprising that she died after only two years, despite our efforts to give proper care.

The problems with the various small creatures we put into cages and tanks are relatively clear-cut. More challenging moral questions, in my view, arise in relation to our closest furry friends: dogs and cats. Unlike animals that must spend their entire life in a cage or that must struggle to adapt to a human environment, most cats and dogs have it pretty good. Yet it is likely that our dogs and cats may be suffering in ways we don't readily see, because even the most well-meaning owner doesn't always provide what an animal needs.

It may be hard to recognize the harmful aspects of pet keeping when all we hear is how beloved pets are and how happy they are to be in our company. Advertisements showing golden-haired children playing with golden-haired puppies and YouTube videos of cats doing funny things make pet keeping look ever so precious.

Yet if we really care about animals, we ought to know animals are not toys — they are living, breathing, feeling creatures.

1. What does the underlined part "the neighborhood zoo" in Paragraph 1
A.The author is a pet lover.
B.The author is a regular zoo-goer.
C.The author' s daughter is a zoo keeper.
D.The author' s neighborhood is rich in animals.
2. How did the author feel about Lizzy?
3. What is the main problem with pet dogs and cats?
A.They can' t adapt to human life.
B.Their needs are easier to ignore.
C.They suffer a lot from ill-treatment.
D.Their owners fail to accompany them.
4. Which of the following statements is True?
A.My daughter grew up with a group of pets until adulthood.
B.According to Gordon Burghardt, we should try our best to give pets a life of "controlled deprivation (剥夺)".
C.Most cats and dogs spend their entire life in a cage just like other animals.
D.What the media did makes it hard for us to recognize the harmful aspects of pet keeping.
【知识点】 人与动植物


阅读理解-阅读单选(约340词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】On a cold winter day, Don took his dogs, Milo and Duke, out for their usual morning walk at Bark Park. But this peaceful walk was interrupted by Mike, an anxious dog owner who was missing his best friend. His small gray dog, Jackson, had gotten lost somewhere in the park—and he'd already been gone for quite some time. Small dogs don't do very well in cold weather. Knowing that there was no time to waste, Don and his own dogs immediately started searching the park. Unfortunately, Jackson was nowhere to be found.

If Don hadn't had his own dogs with him, Jackson might never have been found in time. Don was about to give up on the search and was already heading back to his car. But as Don and his dogs were crossing the bridge, Milo suddenly noticed something in the water. Thinking that his dog had seen a duck or something else, Don tried to pull on the leash, but Milo wouldn't listen. Duke joined in, and the two dogs insisted that something was going on.

Don looked out across the bridge and saw a small, gray shape struggling in the icy river. The reality of the situation clicked, and Don immediately began running down to the water's edge. Don called 911, but he knew that help wouldn't arrive in time. Without even sparing a thought for himself, the brave man jumped into the water and moved straight towards the terrified dog. Jackson was trapped in ice and barely holding himself above water. Don used his arms to break the ice and quickly pulled the dog into his arms. The two swam out of the water and back onto dry land. Mike was waiting for Jackson and rushed him straight to a nearby vet clinic. It's reported that Jackson didn't suffer any harm from the incident and is as cheerful as ever.

1. What was Don doing when he met Mike?
A.Walking his dogs.B.Taking morning exercise.
2. Who first saw the missing dog, Jackson?
3. Why did Don jump into water to save Jackson?
A.Because Don was the owner of Jackson.B.Because Don wanted to be a hero.
C.Because there's no time waiting for the rescue.D.Because Milo and Duke couldn't swim.
4. Which of the following words can best describe Don?
2022-08-23更新 | 77次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约340词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】A badly-injured fox spent two weeks recovering in a garden tent after attaching itself to a family in Glasgow, Scotland.

Liz Wink said the fox followed her home before they noticed a bad wound on its side. “My son Andrew came running in and said ‘there’s a fox following me’,” Wink said. “We opened the door and it was just standing there.”

“I have three dogs and they were barking (吠叫)but it was still trying to come in —its nose was going through the letterbox. We noticed the wound. We put food in the back garden and it made the back garden its home. There was also a chair in the back.” The fox was fed food including cooked chicken. “We also bought a tent, with an old quit cover in it.”

Wink said antibiotics(抗生素)were given after contacting a vet, and the fox finally left their garden with the wound healed after a fortnight. “It was here day and night,” Wink said. “My daughter Lucy is good with animals and would pat it. It was so quiet.”

“Clearly, when foxes are injured they take a thing called a rescue nap(抢救性小睡)and I think that’s what it has done with us,” Wink said. “They nap for however long it takes , and it completely healed. Then it was up and away and we never saw that fox again. We still have foxes but that one was so friendly, the other ones do run away. Maybe it will come back with babies one day.”

Although it’s great that the fox appeared to make a full recovery, we wouldn’t advise members of the public to attempt to treat sick or injured wild animals themselves. If people find a wounded wild animal in trouble, they should call animal helpline.

1. Why did the fox follow the son Andrew to his home?
A.To make friends with Andrew.B.To feed its babies.
C.To turned to the family for help.D.To cure its injured back.
2. What can we learn about the family from paragraph 3?
A.They treated the fox carefully.B.They fed the dog with chicken.
C.They thought the fox was noisy.D.They put the fox into the letterbox.
3. What did the fox do for its own recovery?
A.It rested for as long as it would take.B.It went for a vet to have a check-up.
C.It killed animals nearby for food.D.It went into forests to heal itself.
4. What does the author suggest people do to help injured wild animals?
A.Treat them under the guidance of vets.
B.Search the wild and look for more of them.
C.Contact animal experts for advice and information.
D.Learn more about them. and offer proper treatment.
5. Which can be a suitable title for the text?
A.A Garden Tent and a Kind FoxB.An Injured Fox and a Kind Family
C.A Badly-injured Fox and Its TravelD.A Family Travel and an Injured Fox
2024-03-22更新 | 59次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约340词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】The Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards began its life modestly in 2015 as a photographic competition. And this year is no exception. The recently announced winners and finalists of the 2021 competition include a visibly uncomfortable monkey, three gossiping raccoons (浣熊), a joyful bird reunion, a fish who jumps high and an all-powerful prairie dog (土拨鼠).

A group of judges sorts through thousands of submissions from expert and inexperienced photographers alike, and determines one winner for each of the several groups- except for the peoples’ choice award, which is left up to members of the public.

This year’s top prize goes to Ken Jensen. His photo, taken in Yunnan, China, shows a golden silk monkey in a rather uncomfortable position with an appropriately surprised look on its face. The caption (图片配文) reads: “This is actually a show of aggression however in the position that the monkey is in it looks quite painful!” Another crowd favorite shows a pigeon with a flyaway yellow leaf covering its entire face, captioned: “I guess summer’s over.” The shot was taken by John Speirs when fruits and crops became ready to eat and were picked, and leaves fell.

The contest is more than just a delight to see. “The Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards was born from the need for a wildlife photography competition that was light-hearted, modest and importantly, could make a difference to animals and our natural world,” reads its website. “Its founders realised that laughter was a uniquely effective tool to engage audiences of all ages and cultures with images of creatures they may never be able to see for themselves - and that the world could lose forever.”

Organizers Tom Sullam and Michelle Wood say they also donate 10% of their total net revenue to conservation organizations that protect endangered wildlife. This year, proceeds are going in Borneo.

Nature is healing, but it still has a long way to go.

1. What is the first paragraph mainly about?
A.An announcement of awarded works.B.The birth of the competition.
C.An introduction to the event.D.A group of abnormal animals.
2. How did the pigeon “guess the summer’s over according to the text?
A.There were no leaves on the trees.B.The leaf covering its face was yellow.
C.Harvest showed the arrival of autumn.D.Summer never seemed this cold.
3. We can learn that the birth of The Awards intends to ________.
A.make viewers laugh.B.hold a photographic competition.
C.raise awareness of wildlife conservation.D.get people to see animals in a new way.
4. What is the author’s attitude towards nature?
2022-01-20更新 | 112次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般