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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:183 题号:7362381

In the home country, a common language gives you the ability to communicate easily with the people around you; and you learn something about your country’s history, people’s habits, likes and dislikes, customs and traditions. This understanding influences your own behavior, and what you expect of others.

Living abroad, it doesn’t take long to realize that many things don’t “work” the same, especially when moving from “the West” to “the East”. Besides a different language, each country has its own social system and laws and ways of solving problems. You will find some of them strange and alien. Sometimes you may feel uncomfortable because you realize that things are not the same as you think they are supposed to be. This is what has become known as “Culture Shock”.

Living in an environment with an unfamiliar(不熟悉的) culture can cause stress, anxiety or worse-mental or physical illness in some cases. Culture shock is the shock of experiencing an unknown or new culture. Cross-culture Adjustment is the period of anxiety, great pain and confusion suffered when entering a new culture. It can have effects on a person’s emotions and behavior. You should learn to accept and try to be used to different situations. One thing is certain: it is far easier to accept the new order of things than to try to change it.

Most Asian people can bear foreigners and accept their strange habits and behavior, not only because it might be to their benefit but out of natural politeness and restraint(克制) in front of others. Westerners should not make use of this. They must try to accept and obey local rules and rules of behavior.

1. What lesson can we draw from the text?
A.A friend in need is a friend indeed.
B.Where there is a will, there is a way.
C.When in Rome, do as the Romans do.
D.Good friends do not add up what they do for each other.
2. What does the underlined word “alien” in Paragraph 2 mean?
3. In which section of a website does the text probably appear?


阅读理解-七选五(约310词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】Six Things You should Never Do Before the Queen

※Don’t show up empty handed.

What do you get the woman who already has everything? Sure, the Queen has several homes full of priceless trinkets(饰品), but bringing a gift is necessary.     1     So if she’s paying a visit to your hometown or country, something which reflects local culture might go down better than W.H. smith’s vouchers(优惠券).


You may be dead on your painful feet---but you should always stand when the queen enters the room. You may only sit once she has taken the seat, so keep a close eye on when the Queen sits down herself.

※Don’t ignore the dress code.

Regardless of how late you’re running or how tempting it is to stay in your casual clothes, make sure you dress accordingly when meeting HRH.     3    

※Resist the temptation to refer to her by her first name.

While the Royal family may be extremely familiar to us, and while we may have our own nicknames for them, we common folk still aren't on a first name basis with them. So, when you meet the Queen she should be addressed as “Your Majesty” and “Ma’am” consequently after. When she leaves, however, you must address her as “Your Majesty” once again.

※Only speak if the queen speaks to you.

Remember when you were a small child and all your elders would drop wisdom such as “don’t speak unless spoken to first” and “children should be seen and not heard”?     4     This rule exists so Her Royal Highness can control every aspect of the conversation-- including exiting it swiftly.

※Don’t eat before she does.

No matter how tasty and tempting the banquet morsels spread in front of you look, you can only start eating once the Queen does. So perhaps have a quick snack beforehand, in case any speeches go on for a long time.     5    

A.Stand to attention.
B.Watch out for Queen.
C.Oh, and if she has finished eating, you’d better be full too.
D.If the event is black tie, wear black tie.
E.You are supposed to listen to them though you've grown up.
F.This gift must also be appropriate to the occasion.
G.The same applies to meeting the Queen.
2018-07-31更新 | 81次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约330词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】I grew up in Hastings, a small coastal town in East Sussex, famous for 1066 years of history and seaside charm. I have a memory as a boy, saving my pocket money by placing it in a special drawer, the golden pound coins collecting into a neat pile. When I was 14 in 2007, I saved up money for a gap year, by working at a bingo hall, and I put the money into a savings account. I remember getting £70 ($91) interest rates one year, which made me feel very rich indeed.

Skip forward to 2018 and I was living and working in Beijing, China, as a journalist. All around me Beijing residents were paying for everything using just their smart phones. They would walk up to a counter of a restaurant, shop, or convenience store, and offer up a QR code(二维码)for the cashier to scan. Once scanned, the online system would immediately deduct(扣除) the exact amount owed from the payer’s e-wallet. No reaching for cash and waiting for change. The transaction would take seconds.

But I was a stubborn holdout. My friends, both Western and Chinese, would make fun of me for being so traditional – for sticking to ―dirty cash. But there were a couple of reasons why I kept using physical money and avoided getting into e-payments and e-wallets. Firstly, it felt safer. I wasn’t really aware of how electronic money would work on my smart phone and I feared it would somehow get easily taken away. Secondly, I feared that by moving to e-payments, I would end up spending more. I would lose all sense of how much, day by day, I would be spending.

Were these fears justified? As more and more people across the world escape cash, these are essential issues for me to consider.

1. Which of the following made the writer feel very rich?
A.Saving £70 ($91) by placing it in a special drawer.
B.Collecting £70 ($91) coins into a neat pile.
C.Putting £70 ($91) into a savings account in bank.
D.Getting £70 ($91) interest rates from a bank.
2. Which’s not the advantage of e-payments?
A.No reaching for cash.B.No waiting for change.
C.Taking only few seconds.D.Spending more money.
3. Why didn’t the writer like to accept the e- payments at first?
A.Because he was too traditional to save money.
B.Because he liked the sense of paying in cash.
C.Because he thought e-payments would deduct more.
D.Because he knew how e-payments work on smartphones.
4. What can we infer about the writer from the last paragraph?
A.He accepted the idea that money is abstract.
B.He eventually turned to using e-payments.
C.He thought the pain of e-payment is delayed.
D.He insisted that having physical cash is safer.
2020-04-02更新 | 36次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约360词) | 适中 (0.65)
【推荐3】The days of elderly women doing nothing but cooking huge meals on holidays are gone. Enter the Red Hat Society -a group holding the belief that old ladies should have fun.
“My grandmothers didn’t do anything but keep house and serve everybody. They were programmed to do that,” said Emils Comette, head of a chapter of the 7-year-old Red Hat Society.
While men have long spent their time fishing and playing golf, women have sometimes seemed to become unnoticed as they age. But the generation now turning 50 is the baby boomers (生育高峰期出生的人), and the same people who refused their parents’ way of being young are now trying a new way of growing old.
If you take into consideration feminism (女权主义), a bit of spare money, and better health for most elderly, the Red Hat Society looks almost inevitable(必然的). In this society, women over 50 wear red hats and purple (紫色的) clothes, while the women under 50 wear pink hats and light purple clothing.
“The organization took the idea from a poem by Jenny Joseph that begins: “When I am an old woman, I shall wear purple. With a red hat which doesn’t go,” said Ellen Cooper, who founded the Red Hat Society in 1998. When the ladies started to wear the red hats, they attracted lots of attention.
   “The point of this is that we need a rest from always doing something for someone else,” Cooper said. “Women feel so ashamed and sorry when they do something for themselves.” This is why chapters are discouraged from raising money or doing anything useful. “We’re a ladies’ play group. It couldn’t be more simple,” added Cooper’s assistant Joe Heywood.
1. The underlined word “chapter” in paragraph 2 means __________.
A.one branch of an organizationB.a written agreement of a club
C.one part of a collection of poemsD.a period in a society’s history
2. From the text, we know that the “baby boomers” are a group of people who
A.have gradually become more noticeable
B.are worried about getting old too quickly
C.are enjoying a good life with plenty of money to spend
D.tried living a different life from their parents when they were young
3. DIt could be inferred from the text that members of the Red Hat Society are               .
A.interested in raising money for social work
B.programmers who can plan well for their future
C.believers in equality between men and women
D.good at cooking big meals and taking care of others
4. Who set up the Red Hat Society ?
A.Emily Cornette .B.Ellen Cooper .
C.Jenny Joseph .D.Joe Heywood .
5. Women join the Red Hat Society because                 .
A.they want to stay young
B.they would like to appear more attractive
C.they would like to have fun and live for themselves
D.they want to be more like their parents[来
2011-05-23更新 | 333次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般