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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:253 题号:7416974

Everybody seeks happiness in the world. We will be really happy when we get a new car or a big house or get married... The thing is, if we are continually searching for happiness in the outside world, we will be very disappointed. It seems as if we are forever chasing it and it is always just one step away.

Happiness is a short state of mind, just like the state of sadness or joy or anger. It would not be possible for us to be in a happy state 24 hours a day. If you think that sounds laughable, think about being at a funeral when everyone is mourning. Would it feel right to go about with a huge smile on your face?

What we go through in our lives helps us grow and understand the value of happiness. We need to be able to respond in all manner of ways according to what we are dealing with at any given time. All emotions and states are part of the life.

Happiness can be found in reaching out and being in relationship with people. Though time or money may be lost in helping others, these will become our happy memories. Happiness is a dance with whatever in front of you. It is a deep connection to everything around you. It does not come from expecting others to bring you joy but from how you can create joy for others.

If you want to experience happiness more often, see what you can do to put a smile on someone else’s face each day and notice how much happier you feel when you have achieved that. Happiness is not to be found in material possessions. It is freely available to everyone at any time. All that is required to experience happiness is that you place your focus on moments in your life that make you smile.

1. From the second paragraph we can infer that ________.
A.you may as well smile at a funeral
B.we should only keep happiness in mind
C.expression must be fit for the proper situation
D.we can be in a happy state 24 hours a day
2. According to the author, happiness can show up when ________.
A.you don’t have to work
B.you expect others to bring you joy
C.a good relationship is maintained
D.you are free to do anything
3. The underlined phrase “reaching out” in Paragraph 4 means ________.
A.stretching one’s hand
B.offering help to someone
C.trying to get something
D.realizing one’s dream
4. Which of the following is TRUE according to the last paragraph?
A.Smiling to others is rarely available to everyone.
B.Making others smile can create one’s own happiness.
C.Having possessions leads to one’s own satisfaction.
D.Experiencing happiness is to smile at others.


阅读理解-七选五(约250词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】Some people love setting goals each Jan.1.     1    .However, there is indeed a logic to joining the New Year’s resolution trend. If you are to increase the chances of sticking to your resolution, behavioral scientists have discovered techniques that may help.

Make it measurable

An unclear, poorly-defined target, like “get fitter”, is a reason for a failed resolution. To increase your chances of success, ask yourself what you consider “fitter”, and how you can make it. A better solution might be “run 5 km a day”.     2    . Specific goals allow you to keep track of progress, which in turn can get you motivated.

Make it fun

If you get delight form your workouts or study sessions, research has found that you will carry on longer.     3    .For instance, treating yourself with a coke during the sessions so there is an attraction to get you to the library.


Ensuring you will face some punishment if you don’t achieve your New Year’s resolution can work wonders. An effective way to do this is by telling some people about your goal so you will feel ashamed if they check back later and find out that you haven’t followed through.

Get help from your peers.

Spending time around high achievers can help promote your own performance. If you have made a resolution to run a marathon, it would be wise for you to start hanging around friends who have make it to the finish line and can show you how it is done.     5    , because you are bound to learn their patterns of behavior.

A.Make a resolution list
B.Figure out a punishment
C.You are extra motivated to set your goals
D.You will pick up a bit just by spending time together
E.You could even add deadlines for reaching certain important stages
F.Others argue it is a waste of time since most resolutions fail by mid-March
G.One way to make going for a goal more fun is to combine it with a pleasure
2023-04-05更新 | 108次组卷
阅读理解-七选五(约240词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】In an increasingly busy world, finding moments of peace is more important than ever. One way to create a peaceful area within your home is to build an indoor water fountain(喷泉).It adds beauty to your home. And it also offers a lot of calming benefits.     1    

Reducing Stress

The soft sound of flowing water has an ability to reduce stress and worry.     2     Indoor water fountains offer an easy way to bring this calming experience into your home. The sound of flowing water can bring you positive feelings. Our brains developed in nature so they’re easier to adapt to natural sounds.

Improving Air Quality

    3     As water flows and little water drops spread into the surrounding air, they can help to make the environment wet. This is particularly valuable in dry climates or during the winter months, when indoor heating systems can lead to dry, uncomfortable air. Improved air quality can lead to a sense of happiness and complete comfort.

Strengthening Focus and Concentration

The calming effect of an indoor water fountain can help improve concentration and production. By creating peace, these fountains can help reduce distractions (分心).     4     Whether you’re working from home or dealing with a challenging project, a water fountain can help in keeping your concentration and improving your performance.

Helping Sleep Better

For those who have sleep problems, an indoor water fountain can be a valuable help.     5     Many people find that having a fountain in their bedroom helps to cover background noise, creating a more peaceful sleep environment.

A.Everyone can feel stressed.
B.These can increase your happiness.
C.They also help you form a more focused mind.
D.It can bring calm and relaxing feelings.
E.Indoor water fountains can make the air in your home cleaner.
F.Indoor water fountains can also serve as good-looking decorations.
G.The peaceful sounds of flowing water can calm you into a deeper sleep.
2024-04-03更新 | 25次组卷
阅读理解-七选五(约260词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】Sleep tips​

Think about all the factors that can disturb a good night's sleep—from work stress and family responsibilities to unexpected challenges, such as illnesses. You might not be able to control the factors that affect your sleep    1    . Start with these simple tips.


Go to bed and get up at the same time every day. Try to limit the difference in your sleep schedule on weeknights and weekends to no more than one hour. Being regular is better for your body’ s sleep-wake cycle.

If you don't fall asleep within about 20 minutes, leave your bedroom and do something relaxing. Read or listen to soft music. Go back to bed when you’re tired. Repeat as needed.

Pay attention to what you eat

    3    . Both will do harm to your sleep. In particular, avoid large meals within a couple of hours before bedtime. If you are hungry, this discomfort might make you not fall asleep, too.

Create a restful environment

Create a room that 's good for sleeping. Often, this means cool, dark and quiet. Exposure to light might make it more challenging to fall asleep.     4     , For example, you can take a bath or relaxation exercise, which might help your sleep in some way.

Limit the time of naps (小睡)

Long daytime naps can affect nighttime sleep. If you choose to nap, limit it to 30 minutes and avoid doing this late in the day.

If you work at night, you might need to nap late in the day to help make up your sleep debt.

Include physical activity in your daily routine

Regular physical activity can help better sleep.    5    . Otherwise you will be too excited to sleep well.

A.Form a sleep pattern
B.Stick to a sleep schedule
C.but nothing can affect your sleep
D.Don't go to bed hungry or too full
E.Do some peaceful activities in the daytime
F.but you can form habits that encourage better sleep
G.Avoid being too active close to bedtime, however
2020-08-16更新 | 68次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般