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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.4 引用次数:160 题号:7570847

Happiness increases when we experience more positive emotions throughout the day. Fredrickson, a leader in the field of psychology, identifies 10 positive emotions, including joy, interest, hope, pride, amusement, inspiration, love and so on. How often we experience these positive emotions compared to negative emotions in a day affects not only our mood, but also our physical health. She has discovered that those who have a 3∶1 ratio of positive to negative emotions on a daily basis are happier and healthier.

Sadly, most people, even those who consider themselves positive people, are far below that ratio. The good news is that you can learn to increase your ratio of being positive, which leads to greater happiness, health and success.

Research shows that by increasing positive emotions, we become more creative, perform better at tasks, and have better relationships. The most exciting finding is that we now have proof that self­generated positive emotions can improve our physical health.

Nevertheless, we don't want to get rid of all negative feelings. Negative emotions are proper and helpful sometimes. It's appropriate to feel sad about the loss of a loved one. Anger often pushes us into action to improve a situation or correct a mistake. However, if you find yourself waiting impatiently when the driver in front of you doesn't instantly notice the light turns green, or if you find yourself scolding your kids for laughing too loud while you are on the phone, you are having negative feelings in your daily life too often. Then you should step back and analyze those feelings, and turn them around.

1. What is the most exciting finding about increasing positive emotions?
A.It improves relationships.B.It contributes to good health.
C.It helps develop creativity.D.It leads to greater success.
2. What does the author say about negative feelings?
A.People should turn every negative feeling around.
B.Negative feelings can sometimes have positive effects.
C.Negative feelings often cause people to make mistakes.
D.People should never show negative feelings in public places.
3. What is the main idea of the passage?
A.People should learn to manage their emotions.
B.People should be patient with their negative feelings.
C.People should learn to analyze the causes of unhappiness.
D.People should identify as many positive feelings as possible.
2019高三·全国·专题练习 查看更多[2]
【知识点】 方法/策略 日常生活


阅读理解-七选五(约290词) | 较难 (0.4)

【推荐1】Life is like a big swing, dangling (摇摆) between happiness and sadness. As soon as we go down the slope of sadness, we accelerate over the ever-feel-good activity of happiness. At times of suffering, one who can rise above the occasion is the architect of many wins over sorrows.

To come through tougher times you have to encourage yourself up, when you are feeling low, lost and confused. This can be done effectively by self-talk.     1     It can be effectively used for soul searching. When talking to ourselves, we hardly lie as our conscience controls our speech. Self-talk is efficient because when we speak out our thoughts, it makes a larger impact on our mind.     2     This repetition of energetic talks and thoughts fine tunes the performance of brain.

Actually many times in our life, we find others advising us to do better in studies, sports, life etc. We usually get annoyed by these people and blank our ears to their constructive suggestions.     3     And when something comes from within us, we always try our best to do justice to it. Self-talk can thus improve our status.

    4     all you need to do is talk to yourself. Tell yourself with all the sincerity and emotions that “I can be like him. I am a natural born speaker, I do like people and speaking comes naturally to me. I just have to be ready to listen and speak”. Suppose you love a person and want to tell him or her, then just say to yourselves “I love her with all my heart. She is the only one and I know it. If I don’t let her know, it would be grave injustice on my part. Every person loves to be loved Even she will”.

These are just some examples.     5     So, guys, start talking!

A.Self-talk encourages us to learn from others.
B.If you are shy and you want to be a social person like your friend next door,
C.Our brain then receives the same message from the mind as well as the ears.
D.Self-talk is a way of talking to oneself.
E.If you are highly optimistic about doing better, there is no better motivator than self-talk.
F.You’ll never know how wonderful you are.
G.It is because they don’t come from within us.
2021-06-27更新 | 120次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约370词) | 较难 (0.4)

【推荐2】“Practice makes perfect” is a very popular expression. However, can we take this saying literally? Many scientific studies have sought to either prove or disprove this idea.

One popular theory is that if a person practises for at least 10, 000 hours, they will reach “perfection”, or become an expert in their field. This theory was made famous by Malcolm Gladwell in his 2008 best-selling book, Outliers: The Story of Success. He mentioned the music group The Beatles and Microsoft co-creator Bill Gates. Although they all seemed to have lots of natural talent, they also clearly put in over 10, 000 hours of practice before they became successful.

Gladwell’s work was largely based on research done by Anders Ericsson, who argued that Gladwell misinterpreted his research. Firstly, Ericsson stated that 10, 000 hours was an average figure. Some people needed far fewer than 10, 000 hours, and others many more. More importantly, Ericsson said that just practising a lot was not enough; the type and quality of practice was also essential. He went on to explain the importance of “deliberate practice”, which is when a person practises a specific part of a skill in depth rather than practising a skill as a whole.

A more recent study from Princeton University stated that practice only accounted for up to 26% of reaching an expert level. Many people say that natural talent has a large influence on becoming an expert. Another natural factor is physical superiority, which is especially evident in sports. IQ, personality attitude, and starting age are decisive, too. But becoming an expert doesn’t equal instant success, which also relies on social and environmental factors.

In conclusion, practice may not make perfect, but deliberate practice has been shown to lead to significant improvement. Based on Ericsson’s research, here are some tips on how to practise effectively: be motivated; make specific and realistic goals; work outside your comfort zone; be consistent and persistent; and get plenty of rest! For those wanting to become an expert in something, remember that being motivated is key-enjoy what you do and follow your passions.

1. How did Gladwell support his idea?
A.By listing numbers.B.By using examples.
C.By interviewing famous people.D.By mentioning other researchers.
2. Which of the following may Ericsson disagree with?
A.Practice alone is far from enough.
B.About 10, 000 hours of practice leads to success.
C.Practice hours vary from person to person.
D.Deliberate practice is much more effective.
3. What does paragraph 4 mainly talk about?
A.The role of practice.B.Factors in creating experts.
C.The importance of natural talent.D.Warnings for experts.
4. What is the author’s attitude to the idea “Practice makes perfect”?
2023-12-08更新 | 117次组卷
阅读理解-七选五(约370词) | 较难 (0.4)

【推荐3】Just as weight training helps us build and strengthen the muscles of our body, practicing deep listening builds and strengthens our capacity to listen. Every day we are presented with opportunities to practice being truly present with others. Here are some tips for building your deep listening “muscle”:

Connect with yourself first. One of the best ways to build our capacity to listen deeply to others is to practice slowing down, turning our attention inward, and being present with our own experience—with our own thoughts, emotions, and bodily sensations.     1    

Make time. Deep listening requires our time. It may be helpful to build regular, intentional time into your schedule to truly be present with people you love. For couples, this could be a once-a-week check-in in which you give each other space to discuss what is on your mind and in your heart. For parents, the walk or drive home from school may be good opportunities to check in with your child and simply be present for whatever comes up.     2     The important thing is that we make time.

Minimize distractions. Many of us have become master multi-taskers, splitting our attention between multiple tasks and flicking between tabs on our screens.     3     Even young children can tell when adults in their lives are distracted, and research shows that parents’ increased distraction can take a toll on children’s development. Therefore, it is important to minimize distractions during the time we devote to deep listening.

    4     Mindful listening is all about paying attention and noticing, and this includes noticing when tension, anxiety, or distraction arise. Often, these signal a desire to move away from being with the person and towards doing—for example, interrupting, changing the topic, or trying to “fix” the problem. When this tendency arises, simply notice it. Name it silently, and gently return to listening.

Be gentle with yourself. Many people didn’t experience deep listening in their childhood and enter adulthood with a limited capacity for listening to and being with others’ emotions. We tend to fall back on the communication styles and habits that we experienced in our family of origin, even if these are unhelpful in our adult relationships.     5     Thankfully, deep listening does not require perfection; it requires awareness.

A.Notice the urge to move away and choose to come back.
B.Build a routine that works for you and your loved ones, whatever that looks like.
C.Deep listening is the kind of listening that can help relieve the suffering of another person.
D.Deep listening can’t be just another tab open; it requires our full mind and heart to show up.
E.Thus, for those of us who were not listened to as children, this type of listening takes practice.
F.Notice when these old tendencies are present and appreciate that it takes time to learn to communicate differently.
G.In other words, by listening deeply to ourselves and connecting with our own experience, it becomes easier to do so for others.
2023-01-11更新 | 286次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般