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Lindsay Renwick, the mayor of Deniliquin, a country town in New South Wales, misses the constant whir of the rice mill whose giant fans dried the rice. The Deniliquin mill, the largest rice mill in the Southern Hemisphere, once processed enough grain to meet the needs of 20 million people globally. But six years of drought have had a destructive effect, reducing Australia’s rice crop by 98 percent and leading to the mothballing of the mill last December.

Drought affects every agriculture industry based in Australia, not just rice – from sheep farming, the country’s other backbone, to the cultivation of grapes for wine, the fastest-growing crop there, with that expansion often coming at the expense of rice. The drought’s effect on rice has produced the greatest impact on the rest of the world, so far. It is one factor contributing to skyrocketing prices, and many scientists believe it is among the earliest signs that a warming planet is starting to affect food production.

Researchers are looking for solutions to global rice shortages – for example, rice that blooms earlier in the day, when it is cooler, to fight against global warming. Rice plants that happen to bloom on hot days are less likely to produce grains of rice, a difficulty that is already starting to emerge in inland areas of China and other Asian countries as temperatures begin to climb. “There will be problems very soon unless we have new varieties of rice in place,” said Reiner Wassmann, climate change director at the International Rice Research Institute (IRRI). The recent reports on climate change carried a warning that could make the news even worse: that existing models for the effects of climate change on agriculture did not yet include newer findings that global warming could reduce rainfall and make it more variable.

Meanwhile, changes like the use of water to grow wine grapes instead of rice carry their own costs, as the developing world is discovering. "Rice is an essential food," sail Graeme Haley, the general manager of the town of Deniliquin. "Wine is not."

Yet the effects of climate change are not uniformly bad for rice. Rising concentrations (浓度) of carbon dioxide, the main greenhouse gas, can actually help rice – although the effect reduces or disappears if the plants face unnecessary heat, inadequate water, severe pollution or other stresses. Still, the flexibility of farmers here has persuaded some climate experts that, particularly in developed countries, the effects of climate change may be relieved, if not completely avoided. “I’m not as negative as most people,” said Will Steffen, director of the Fenner School of Environment and Society at Australian National University. “Farmers are learning how to do things differently.”

PhenomenonSix years of drought has reduced Australia’s rice crop by 98%, leaving the largest rice mill     1    
    2    of climate change on agriculture◎Every Australian agriculture industry is affected, sheep farming     3    
◎The cultivation of grapes for wine may stop     4     owing to a shortage of rice.
◎Rice prices are rising     5     .
◎Food production will be reduced for a recent report reveals that global warming may reduce rainfall and cause it to     6     more often.
    7    to global rice shortages    8     old types with a new variety of rice that blooms earlier when it is cooler.
◎Use water instead of rice to grow wine.
Some good news◎Rice can actually     9     by the rising concentration of carbon dioxide and the main greenhouse gas.
◎Though the effects of climate change are     10    , farmers are flexible and can do things differently .
【知识点】 动物 人与动植物


阅读理解-七选五(约220词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】Harbor seals have spotted coats in a variety of shades from silver-gray to black or dark brown. They reach five to six feet in length and weigh up to 300 pounds.     1     They are true seals: crawling (爬) and having no outer ear. True seals have small flippers (鳍) and move on land by crawling on their stomachs.

    2     In the northeast Pacific, they range from Alaska to central Baja California, Mexico. They favor nearshore coastal waters and are often seen at sandy beaches, muds in bays, and offshore rocks.

Harbor seal pups (幼崽) are born in May and June and weigh about 30 pounds at birth. A pup can swim at birth and will sometimes ride on its mother’s back when tired. Pups make a noise that sounds like, “maaaa”.     3     Adult females usually give birth every year. They may live 25 to 30 years.

Harbor seals can dive to 1,500 feet for up to 40 minutes. They eat a variety of fishes. Natural enemies of the harbor seal include sharks and killer whales. The total harbor seal population in the eastern North Pacific is estimated to be 330,000.    4    

People often find harbor seal pups on the beach and pick them up, thinking the pups have been abandoned. Actually, they are not. The mothers are just out hunting or watching nearby. Human handling has caused many seals to be orphaned (成为孤儿).    5     If you see someone bothering a seal, call the Oregon State Police.

A.Males are slightly larger than females.
B.If you find a seal pup on the beach, leave it alone.
C.Therefore, harbor seals are not listed as endangered.
D.Harbor seals usually spend about half their time in water.
E.After about four weeks, the pups begin to live on their own.
F.Harbor seals are found in the North Atlantic and Pacific Oceans.
G.During the breeding season, males don’t leave their places, so they cannot eat.
2024-09-09更新 | 142次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约410词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】Bees and butterflies are active during the daytime. They get a lot of attention of their roles as pollinators. As these insects have become more endangered, many people have taken action to protect them. But it's a different story for moths. Moths are seen much less often, because they are active at night. They're mainly known for beating against windows when they are attracted by lights. As a result, they are often ignored by humans. But moths also play an important role in pollinating plants.

Last year, scientists studied insects around nine ponds on farmlands in the United Kingdom. They visited these ponds once a month from March to October. The researchers studied three groups of insects: moths, bees that normally work together(like honeybees or bumblebees), and flying insects which work alone, such as butterflies, wasps, hoverflies and other bees.

The bodies of bees and hoverflies are hairy(when you look close enough). Moth bodies often seem furry. All of these insects spread pollen more or less by accident, when pollen from one flower sticks to their bodies and falls off when they move to other flowers.

At the ponds, the scientists caught these flying insects and tried to collect pollen from their bodies. In all, the researchers checked 838 moths, 632 other insects which work alone, and 1548 honeybees and bumblebees. By studying the pollen they collected, the scientists were able to see which plants the moths had pollen from 47 different kinds of plants, including seven plants that bees don't normally visit. The honeybees and bumblebees had pollen from 46 different kinds of plants. The other insects that work alone had visited 45 different kinds of plants.

Richard Walton, who led the study, says that bees usually choose the plants with the most nectar and pollen. But moths are less choosy. There are many different kinds of moths and they pollinate many different plants, filling in the gaps left by the daytime pollinators.

Not only do moths pollinate plants, they also provide important food for birds and bats. But, like many other insects, the number of moths has dropped greatly in the last 50 years, mainly because of pesticides and the loss of natural lands. Just like bees and butterflies, moths are worth protecting. "Moths are not at all less important," says Dr. Walton.

1. Why is it a different story for moths?
A.Because they have very good fame.B.Because they often don't get the same respect as bees.
C.Because they are considered amazing.D.Because they are famous pollinators to humans.
2. What did the researchers mainly find after their study?
A.Moth bodies are actually furry.B.Moths are actually very good pollinators.
C.The bodies of bees and hoverflies are hairy.D.Insects are most active from March to October.
3. What can we learn about moths?
A.They land on more kinds of plants.B.They prefer plants with the most nectar.
C.They prefer very rare plants in the wild.D.They work both in the daytime and at night.
4. What does the author most probably want to show in the text?
A.Helpful insects are worth protecting.B.Humans need pollinators to survive.
C.Moths are important and worth protecting.D.Moths are important to local ecosystem.
2020-12-15更新 | 77次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约400词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】Humans have sailed the oceans’ surfaces for millennia, but their depths remain effectively uncharted. Only about a quarter of the seafloor has been mapped at high performance. Maps of most regions display only approximate depths and often miss entire underwater mountains or valleys.

So a group of researchers has selected some deep-diving experts: Elephant Seals and Weddell Seals. Scientists have been placing trackers (跟踪装置) on these marine mammals around Antarctica compared these divers’ location and depth data with some of the less detailed seafloor maps. They for years, gathering data on ocean temperature and salinity. For a new study, the researchers spotted places where the seals (海豹) dove deeper than should have been possible according to the maps — meaning the existing depth estimates were inaccurate.

In eastern Antarctica’s Vincennes Bay, the diving seals helped the scientists find a large, hidden underwater valley. An Australian research ship called the RSV Nuyina later measured the valley’s exact depth using sonar (声呐). “The seals discovered the valley, and the ship confirmed it,” says Clive McMahon, a researcher at the Integrated Marine Observing System in Australia and a co-author of the new study.

But seals can’t map the entire ocean floor. The trackers used in the study could mark a seal’s geographical location only within about 1.5 miles, which allows for useful but not exactly high-resolution data. Plus, because the seals don’t always dive to the bottom of the ocean, they can show only where the bottom is deeper than in existing maps — not shallower. McMahon notes that scientists could improve on these data by means of more precise GPS trackers and analyzing the seals’ diving patterns to determine whether they have reached the seafloor or simply stopped going down.

The current seal-dive data can still be valuable for an important task, says Anna Wahlin, an oceanographer at the University of Gothenburg in Sweden. The deep ocean around Antarctica is warmer than the icy waters at the surface, and seafloor valleys can allow that warmer water to flow to the ice along the continent’s coast, Wahlin explains. To predict how Antarctica’s ice will melt, scientists will need to know where those valleys are and how deep they go.

1. What can be inferred from the first paragraph?
A.Humans are at the mercy of the oceans.
B.The oceans are too vast to describe.
C.Humans have taken charge of the oceans.
D.The oceans call for further exploration.
2. In what way have scientists carried forward their research?
A.By equipping the seals with advanced devices.
B.By following the seals to the deeper seafloor.
C.By using sonar to measure the sea directly.
D.By checking the previous seafloor maps.
3. What does McMahon suggest scientists do for further research?
A.Train the seals’ diving ability.
B.Update the existing ocean map.
C.Turn to more exact GPS trackers.
D.Seek cooperation opportunities.
4. What does Anna Wahlin think of the research with seals?
A.It’s greatly creative.B.It’s a little incredible.
C.It’s highly significant.D.It’s a little impractical.
2024-06-16更新 | 30次组卷
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