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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:156 题号:7829502

My motivation for starting our family tradition of reading in the car was purely selfish: I could not bear listening to A Sesame Street Christmas for another 10 hours. My three children had been addicted to this cassette on our previous summer’s road trip.

As I began to prepare for our next 500-mile car trip, I came across a book Jim Trelease’s The Read Aloud Handbook. This could be the answer to my problem. I thought. So I put Roald dahl’s James and the Giant Peach into my bag. When I began to read aloud the tale of the boy who escapes the bad guys by hiding inside a giant peach, my three kids argued and wrestled in their seats. But after several lines, they were attracted into the rhythm of the words and began to listen.

We soon learned that the simple pleasure of listening to a well-written book makes the long miles pass more quickly. Sometimes the books we read became highlights of the trip. I read Wilson Rawls’s Summer of the Monkeys as we spent two days driving to the beach. We arrived just behind the power crews restoring (恢复) electricity after a tropical storm. The rain continued most of the week, and the beach was covered with oil washed up by the storm. When we returned home, I asked my son what he liked about the trip. He answered without hesitation, “The book you read in the car.”

Road trips still offer challenges, even though my children now are teenagers. But we continue to read as we roll across the country. And I'm beginning to see that reading aloud has done more than help pass the time. For at least a little while, we are not shut in our own electronic worlds. And maybe we’ve started something that will pass on to the next generation.

1. Why did the author start reading in the car?
A.She wanted to have a better journey.B.She wanted to keep a family tradition
C.Her children were addicted to music.D.She wanted to kill the time.
2. How did the children react after the author read a few lines?
A.They kept quarrelling.B.They hid themselves.
C.They soon settled down.D.They continued to fight in their seats.
3. What can we learn about the author and her family’s trip to the beach?
A.They were caught in a storm.B.They enjoyed reading on the road.
C.They had a good time on the beach.D.They thought it had passed too quickly.
4. Which can be the best title for the text?
A.Better Reading than TravelingB.Books that Changed My Children
C.Road Trips Full of ChallengesD.Reading Makes Great Road Trips
【知识点】 阅读 旅游观光


阅读理解-阅读单选(约520词) | 适中 (0.65)
文章大意:这是一篇记叙文。文中主要记叙了作者无意中阅读了Louisa May Alcott的《小妇人》一书,这本书让作者着迷,除了睡觉和吃饭等一些必要的干扰外,一直读到最后才罢休。

【推荐1】We went to the T. B. Blackstone Library, not far from Lake Michigan. You could easily miss the building if you didn’t know what you were looking for. But once you were inside, you could never mistake it for anything else. We passed through two sets of heavy brass doors to the lobby (大堂) of the library. And if we turned right then, we could see an alcove ( 壁 龛 ) with tables; this led, in turn, to a big reading room with a gigantic and ancient globe that sat in front of the largest windows. I liked to look at Africa, with the coded colors of the different countries like the Belgian Congo and Rhodesia, and try to remember which countries were fighting to be free just as we were struggling for civil rights. I had heard Daddy talking about the struggle, arguing with the television as someone discussed it on a news show.

One Saturday, as I wandered through the young adult section, I saw a title: Little Women, by Louisa May Alcott. I could tell from looking at the shelf that she’d written a lot of books, but I didn’t know anything about her. I had learned from experience that titles weren’t everything. A book that sounded great on the shelf could be dull once you got it home, and every bad book I brought home meant one less book to read until we went back in two weeks. So I sat in a chair near the shelves to skim the first paragraphs:

“Christmas won’t be Christmas without any presents,” grumbled Jo, lying on the rug. “It’s so dreadful to be poor!” sighed Meg, looking down at her old dress.

“I don’t think it’s fair for some girls to have plenty of pretty things, and other girls nothing at all,” added little Amy, with an injured sniff.

“We’ve got Father and Mother and each other,” said Beth contentedly from her corner.

It was a good thing I’d already decided on some other books to take home, because I didn’t look through the rest of the section that day. I read and read and read Little Women until it was time to walk home, and, except for a few essential interruptions like sleeping and eating, I would not put it down until the end. Even the freedom to watch weekend television held no appeal for me in the wake of Alcott’s story. It was about girls, for one thing, girls who could almost be like me, especially Jo. It seemed to me a shame that she wasn’t Black; then our similarity would be complete. She loved to read, she loved to make up plays, she hated acting ladylike, and she had a dreadful temper. I had found a kindred (亲属关系) spirit.

1. What can be learned about the author’s father according to Paragraph One?
A.He had strong feelings about the Civil Rights movement.
B.He was uncomfortable discussing politics with his children.
C.He did not approve of most news covered on TV.
D.He generally had a pessimistic world view.
2. It can be inferred from Paragraph Two that the author is most likely to agree   .
A.books seem duller when read in libraries than when read at home
B.book titles can sometimes be misleading
C.novels are usually more interesting than nonfiction works
D.interesting books are often very dull in their first few paragraphs
3. The author quotes some lines from Little Woman in an attempt to   .
A.explain a child’s misunderstanding
B.describe a young reader’s sense of history
C.illustrate the suddenness of a decision
D.convey the impact of an unexpected discovery
4. The author lists several things about Jo primarily to   .
A.challenge an interpretationB.stress a comparison
C.highlight some differencesD.develop a disapproving opinion
2022-12-20更新 | 113次组卷
阅读理解-信息匹配(约460词) | 适中 (0.65)
【推荐2】Directions: Read the following text and choose the most suitable heading from A-F for each paragraph. There is one extra heading which you do not need.
A. When a child should learn to read
B. Why it is fun to teach a child reading
C. What if a child has reading problems
D. How you prepare a young child for reading
E. What is the best way to teach a child reading
F. Whether reading early promises later achievements
1. ______________
Learning to read early has become one of those indicators — in parents' minds at least – that their child is smart. In fact, reading early has very little to do with whether a child is successful academically. Research has shown that difficulty with reading is often due not to inferior intelligence but to differences in the developmental wiring of each individual child. In some cases, there are neurological problems and developmental lags that can be overcome with proper training.
2. ______________
Traditionally, American schools teach children at age six, but many schools begin teaching informally in kindergarten and pre-kindergarten. If parents start too early to encourage reading, and a child does not immediately succeed, the parent has a hard time relaxing and letting the child go at his or her own pace.
3. ___________
Over the years, research has proved that the use of both the “whole language" method and the "phonic" method works best for a child to master reading. While the whole language approach, which includes reading to children and getting them interested in both the activity of reading and the story they are reading, is helpful, phonics must be taught. Children must be taught that one of the squiggles they see is a "p" and another a "b". Getting the print off the page requires a different ability than being able to understand the meaning of what is written.
4. _______________
You can start developing the skills needed in reading at a very young age without putting any pressure on children. Besides reading to them, parents can start "ear training" their child by playing thyme games. This develops the child's ability to recognize different sounds. In reading to children, parents also can point to words as they go, teaching the child that the funny lines on the page are the words you are saying. All this should be a fun activity.
5. _____________
Once a child is in school, the learning of reading is inevitably more serious. For children who have some kind of reading difficulty, you must get a professional diagnosis. While the teacher might say the child is merely disinterested but will get over it, disinterest or poor performance in reading can stem from a number of things, some being very specific learning disabilities that can be identified and worked on. But it is very tricky for parents to deal with their own child's learning disabilities.
2016-11-26更新 | 870次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】Reading for pleasure can be an important and enjoyable childhood activity. Unlike listening and spoken language, which develop rapidly and easily in young children, reading is a taught skill and is acquired and developed through specific learning over time. Until now it has been unclear what effect—if any—encouraging children to read from an early age will have on their brain development, cognition(认知) and mental health later in life.

To find out this, researchers from the universities of the UK and China looked at data from the Adolescent Brain and Cognitive Development (ABCD) groups in the US. Of the 10,243 participants studied, just under a half had little experience of reading for pleasure or did not begin doing so until later in their childhood. The remaining half had spent between three and ten years reading for pleasure.

The team found a strong link between reading for pleasure at an early age and a positive performance in adolescence on cognitive tests that measured such factors as verbal learning, memory and speech development, and at-school academic achievement. These children also had better mental health, when assessed using a number of clinical scores and reports from parents and teachers, showing fewer signs of stress and depression, as well as improved attention and fewer behavioral problems such as aggression and rule-breaking.

Children who began reading for pleasure earlier also tended to spend less screen time—for example, watching TV or using their smartphone or tablet—during the week and at weekends in their adolescence, and also tended to sleep longer.

The best amount of reading for pleasure as a young child was around 12 hours per week. Beyond this, there appeared to be no additional benefits. Instead, there was a gradual decrease in cognition, which the researchers say may be because they are sedentary and spend little time on other activities that could be cognitively improving, including sports and social activities.

1. What did the research focus on?
A.The state of children’s reading ability.B.The development of reading for pleasure.
C.Effects that early reading has on children.D.Difficulties in listening, speaking and reading.
2. How does children’s reading for pleasure at an early age influence them?
A.Improve their performance at school.B.Better their mental pressure.
C.Better their observation ability.D.Reduce their screen and sleeping time.
3. What does the underlined word “sedentary” in the last paragraph probably refer to?
A.Sitting still for a long time.B.Developing hobbies.
C.Taking physical exercise.D.Participating in community activities.
4. What does the text mainly talk about?
A.Benefits of early reading for pleasure.
B.Ways for children to master a taught skill.
C.Important and enjoyable childhood activities.
D.Cognitive tests measuring academic achievement.
2023-11-05更新 | 51次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般