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题型:阅读理解-七选五 难度:0.65 引用次数:18 题号:8127052

There are disadvantages and advantages to all parenting styles.There is no such thing as perfect parenting.The two main styles of parenting are tolerant (宽容的) and strict.    1    Some of those advantages are evident (明显的) during childhood or adulthood.

One of the advantages of strict parents is that they push their children to high standards.This is especially true with regard to academics.    2    As a result,the children tend to perform extremely well in their studies due to those expectations.Strict parents may even limit fun activities if their children do not succeed in doing things.

    3    This happens because they help their children learn important values such as discipline.The children learn that they must make certain choices or bear the consequences.This confidence can also lead to independent children and adults.

Children with strict parenting can learn selflessness.If a child's needs are always met in a family with tolerant parents,the child may be spoiled (被宠坏的) and selfish.Strict parents get their children to focus their attention more on the benefits of the family members and learn to share with others.    4    

    5    This is ideal for all children,but especially for those who have behavioral problems.Strict parents tend to have hardline policies regarding homework,school attendance and activities.That selfdiscipline lasts for a lifetime.

A.Strict parents demand the best grades from their children.
B.Both styles of parenting have their advantages and disadvantages.
C.While there are disadvantages,there are also advantages of strict parenting.
D.Another advantage of strict parents is that they help their children build confidence.
E.So children growing up in a family with strict parenting are more likely to be selfless.
F.One of the most beneficial things about strict parenting is that it often teaches discipline.
G.An important advantage of strict parenting is that parents set good examples to their children.
18-19高二·全国·假期作业 查看更多[1]
【知识点】 习惯养成教育


阅读理解-阅读单选(约450词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】The world climbs in population every year, meaning new parents enter the workforce daily. A wide variety of ideas change and adapt over time as people try to figure out what the “best” take on parenting is. Sadly, some parenting techniques have disastrous effects.

A common technique that leads to a difficult adult life by lowering confidence in children is negative parenting. Negative parenting tactics, such as lecturing, complaining, and yes, insulting can have a serious effect on your child’s behavior and activities later on in life. Clearly, being insulted and lectured multiple times a day by an authority figure can greatly affect a child’s confidence going into adulthood. It’s not surprising he’s hardly apt to actively seek out the companionship of others. Instead, his negative feelings toward himself cultivate a feeling of unworthiness around other children.

While negative parenting can affect a child’s mental state, helicopter parenting results in ill-prepared children in an ever growing competitive world. A helicopter parent is overly involved in the life of his or her child. Children who cannot regulate their emotions and behavior effectively are more likely to have a harder time making friends and to struggle in school. Another problem children with helicopter parents may have in the future is managing their health. Taking all of this information into account, helicopter parenting doesn’t allow the child to be independent, so once the child has grown up he or she will not be able to make a decision by himself or herself.

On the other side of the spectrum, permissive parenting leaves a child undisciplined for life. This style of parenting has a very loose structure and few rules; the parents usually show a lot of affection and love for their children. Therefore, permissive parenting is a type of parenting style characterized by low demands with high responsiveness. Because parents have low expectations of their children, and want to be friends rather than parents, kids suffer because of a lack of achievement and motivation to do well in what they do. Therefore, children have worse self-control and cannot follow rules. These are fundamental concepts that should be taught at a young age to prepare for adulthood. If done a certain way, the effects left from parenting can hurt an adolescent into adult years.

Overall, parenting really does affect how children grow and adapt to their world. Some parenting techniques lead to major problems that show in adulthood. The new parents of the world ought to be careful with how they raise their children.

1. What might be the influence on a child by negative parenting?
A.Affecting child’s mental state.
B.Improving a child’s confidence.
C.Cultivating a child’s worthiness.
D.Looking for the companionship of others actively.
2. What do helicopter parents usually do?
A.Expect too much of their child.B.Teach their child to manage health.
C.Make too many decisions for their child.D.Allow their child to do whatever he wants.
3. What does the author think of self-control and self-discipline?
4. What is the purpose of the author’s writing the passage?
A.To make comparison of parenting styles on children.
B.To highlight the importance of parenting styles on children.
C.To share the latest definitions of parenting styles on children.
D.To inform the readers of the new parenting styles on children.
2021-05-09更新 | 77次组卷
阅读理解-六选四(约340词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】How to Raise Kids with Good Spending Habits

Now more than ever, it’s important to teach good spending habits to our kids early on, and teach them the value of money throughout childhood. By modeling good behavior and making the most of teachable moments, you are more likely to raise kids who will have good spending habits now and into adulthood.

Any lesson on good money habits begins with the example you set for your children. That means making sure you have a household budget in place and having a savings plan.    1    Modeling good spending habits is a natural springboard for other important financial lessons you may want to teach:

1. Where money comes from

Some parents have done away with using the word “allowance” in favour being more direct. Their children can earn a “commission” or a “salary” based on completing age-appropriate tasks around the house. Whatever you call it, establishing the fundamental relationship between work and money is key to establishing smart spending habits.

2. The value of saving

Once they’re earning money, it’s time to help them understand the importance of saving. One approach might be to encourage your child to allocate at least 10% of his or her allowance to savings.     2    

3. How to use money to make more money

Some parents reinforce their children’s saving habits by setting up a house fund and offering to match their children’s savings contributions.

From there, you can easily begin to incorporate other good spending habits lessons, such as how to compare shop when at the grocery store or the mall.     3    These reputable, safe and engaging websites can help you teach your children good financial habits.

    4    Explore the benefits of opening an Online Savings Account from Ally Bank. Your money will earn interest at a variable rate that is among the most competitive available in the country, and you won’t have to worry about monthly maintenance fees chipping away at your hard-earned money. Even better, you can open and fund your account with any amount. Visit our website or call live, 24/7 customer care at 877-247-2559.

A.This helps establish a healthy financial routine early on.
B.There are also some kid-friendly websites that can help your children develop good spending habits.
C.That helps remind your children to spend less than they get.
D.You may be surprised at how much your children can learn just through observation.
E.Lead by example and consider your own financial health.
F.And most importantly, put these ideas into practice in real life.
2023-07-19更新 | 20次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 适中 (0.65)
【推荐3】Food for Italians isn’t a trend; it’s a way of life. Italians live to eat, and the importance of food in family life is absolutely important and deep-rooted in everyday routines.
In Italy, kids are encouraged to be part of every social occasion that revolves around food — it’s not about dividing the children from the adults, giving them separate meals or putting them to bed early. In Britain, by contrast, my sister and I often see children eating separate meals from their parents.
Letting children experience food like an Italian will develop not just their palate(味觉) but also their social skills, manners, teaching them new and mature ways to interact. Here are some food customs that are part of every Italian child’s upbringing.
One of the most celebrated Italian food customs is the morning coffee. Coffee shops and bars have customers streaming in and out of them each morning as the Italians get their daily dose–and this habit is just as much about the social setting as it is about the coffee.
While the morning is all about coffee, pre-lunch or dinner, it’s all about the local snacks. Most often, Italian city centres and squares are jam packed with locals who come out with their kids to enjoy this pre-dinner treat, and children are encouraged to enjoy snacks available. This is a brilliant way to get kids to try new tastes without the pressures of meal times. It’s important to note that “kids’ menus” do not exist in Italian restaurants—children are treated like adults and are offered plates from the main menu — in smaller amounts, if they’re young.
Post-lunch, most cities can seem quite deserted. But by 4 p.m. onwards, the crowds start to re-emerge. One by one, families spill out and the streets liven up. Everyone begins their afternoon stroll, enjoying the afternoon snacks, like ice-cream, which turns over a huge trade in Italy.
1. What will parents do at meal times in Italy?
A.Let children have their meals separately.
B.Offer children plates from kids’ menu.
C.Order some food for children but in small amounts.
D.Encourage children to eat with them.
2. What won’t children develop if they experience food like an Italian?
A.Cooking ways.B.Sense of taste.
C.Social skills.D.Interacting manners.
3. What do we know about the pre-dinner treat in Italy?
A.It is most often about coffee.
B.It can get children to experience new foods with ease.
C.It is unavailable in city centres and squares.
D.It can reduce the pressure of meal times.
4. What is the author’s purpose in writing this passage?
A.To introduce different Italian local foods.
B.To stress the importance of food for Italians.
C.To show Italians’ children education.
D.To advertise Italian food trends.
2017-03-09更新 | 184次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般